=[Big Bad Book of Okizeme]= (Brad First)

Discussion in 'Brad' started by KiwE, May 20, 2004.

  1. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member


    One of the things I find is important to learn when attempting a new character is how to pressure someone who's rising from a knockdown, that is okizeme - a pretty general term in fightinggames.

    It's also one of the things you constantly learn and improve and you can still go "whoha!" at something you see after playing the game for very long. Tricks of the trade if you like amongst abit more advanced players...

    So this is a pretty big undertaking; listing okizeme options for all characters but I'm pretty confident it can be done (these things are very hard to find and a search wont really help you) - as long as everybody uses their brain, helps out, are respectful and doesn't clutter it up with, basicly, shit or really lenghty things that require a ton of correct guesses (that's not Okizeme - that's mindreading for magicians!).

    Please only post if you're pretty confident in your character and keep the debate / flaming of what's being posted to a minimum.

    Now that I'm done with the document; it took a hell of alot of time to write but would be totally ace if someone filled out with something similar for another character after my post ^__^


    <font color="yellow">BRAD </font>

    SLR(Slipright)[K]: Learn to time it. Advantage on block so you keep the pressure and on MC (+12 frames) it gives you, besides the catchthrow, garanteed [P][K]. Is also semicircular as a bonus. Also abit hard to time for reversal characters and so on who like ro rise towards that - specially if you mix it up. A staple move.

    Ducking [P][P]: The usual Ducking [P][P] guessing game, MC first P gives you +4, but with the added advantage that if you're opponent is prone to duck after techrolling you get the garanteed staggercombo which is great payoff. You can even just duck (as you can't be [2][P] MC while he is rising) and simply throw at once.

    [1][K][K]: Can be used against Characters who will try such a technique as RTE (Reversal Throw Escape) or a Sabaki (and then MC and hence knockdown) against Brad after rising as he's pretty midbased. Nice that it's low and semi circular. Will cause a wallbreak so good to use at levels with breakable walls if they're close - if you do use this at that situation immidiatly do [3][P]+[K],[P] after to do a wallbreak and then hit them out of the level in one clean combo (thanks to Myke for this so much ^__^ ).

    [4][P][K]: Can be nice - vary the amount of delay you do before starting your move (if you want the spinning punch to connect as it's semi circular, if you want to go for the knee that's safe on block to get a CH, if you want to whiff the spinning punch to make them block > slip / throw).

    [4][6][K]+[G]: I tend not to use this much in Oki as you're TC but can understand those who might. Produces a stagger after which you should followup differently depending on how good your opponent is at stagger recovery.

    1) Really bad stagger recoverer: [6][6][K]>Combo of choice (Hella dmg) or for fancy points try short dash in towards [K][P]>ducking[K]>[6][6][K].

    2) So so recoverer: [6]+[P][K] knockdown.

    3) A pretty good stagger recoverer: [P][K], [P]>Throw or just Throw. Learn the timing in order to get the [P] to hit.

    It seems like alot of Brads have a tendency to mixup [4][6][K]+[G]>[6][6]Throw with [4][6][K]+[G]>[6][6][4][6][K]+[G]; this is not so good imo. You really don't need to dash in order to be able to threathen with the throw (unlike the stagger from after say Goh's shldrm) and the [4][6][K]+[G] is after all 17frames (same as [6][6][K]) so it would mostly just hit someone who tries to [2][P] your throw attempt if you don't hit them during the stagger. In that case you're much better of with the [6][6][K] but when you get someone trying to [2][P] you in fear of the throw you're also better of with other tools as the mentioned above [6]+[P][K] which is at 14 frames speed (every frame counts during a stagger). If they really are bad recoverers; whenever you get the [6]+[P] against someone trying to [2][P] you - SR[P] after the [6]+[P] part for massive dmg. A standard situation to catch a [2][P]'er this way would be after you connect a normal [P][K]. Now back on topic!

    Against QR

    Many of the things listed above will work in a QR situation aswell, specially ducking ([P][P]) imo is great if you mix it up with a throw. Always mix up all you okizeme with throws (specially in a QR situation) btw as otherwise the oppoent will just gaurd everything and walk away scratchless every time.

    Some things that are pretty nice to use in the QR situation are:

    [2][P]+[K][6][P]: Against someone who wants to QR>[2][P] for example.

    [6][K]([G]): If you get a counterhit with the knee, great; go combo. If you get blocked evade>[6][K]+[P]>combo or ETEG etc.

    Ducking [K]: If you get the MC, go for the catch. If the opponent tries to duck, you get the stagger, if you're blocked you're safe at -3.

    [P][K][G] > Throw. Works pretty nicely in a TR situation aswell ofc. P is fast and this can fuck up for someone who likes to do ETEG when rising probably aswell as looking fancy.

    Against risingattacks.

    [9][K](hold)>Backturned [2]+[K]: Jump over the opponents risingattack and Sweep him from the otherside, remember to go for the [3][K] after to bring the dmg up and then keep pressuring. Jumping over an opponent works better after certain combos (like those who end with [6][6][K]'s or slams. You can avoid both the mid and lowkick in the same fashion.

    [P]+[K]: Simply beat down the risingattack and then do the [2][P]+[K][6][P] combo on him. Huge dmg for something that's safe on block. Although winning against risingattacks is (normally) pretty hard timing this beatdown is easier in some situations as after the mentioned [3][K] if you opponent tries a risingattack (Brad has a pretty long recovery on himself after doing the [3][K]). Do a combo like [6][P]+[K]>[P]>[P]+[K](slam)>[3][K] and then see how easy it is to kill of the risingattack (if you set the comp to do it) with [P]+[K].

    SL[P]: You can actually kill of risingattacks with this but it's very strict timing. It's hella fancy to do though /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
    If you condition the opponent to gaurd after rising (you can do it ofc against those who don't rise with a risingattack either) you can do a fakeslip > throw (although ofc not garanteed it can work prettywell against someone defensive).

    [6][6][K]: The huge payoff, high risk move. Timing at killing risingattacks is abit easier then SL[P] though. A MC [6][6][K] gives great dmg but you're [P] counterable if it's gaurded.

    [1][P]+[K]: Midkick reversal.

    [2][K]+[G]: Can be done outside of reach. Low payoff, highrisk. [2][K]+[G] can be used basicly everywhere (QR/TR'ers) with the same results.

    Against delayed rising attacks.

    Against a delayed risingattack:
    Low: [6]+[P][K] becomes garanteed.
    High: [6]+[P]+[K] combo knockdown becomes garanteed.

    Against failed risingattacks :

    Slipback[K]: Get just outside of the risingattack as it's being made and punish it.

    [6][6][K]: If you can make your opponent miss you entirely with his rising attack you can rush in and launch him with [6][6][K] after. This is great.

    [3][P]+[K],[P]: Same, make the opponent miss and then punish. Very hard to get the first punch to connect aswell as the second which is a knockdown.

    Slipback(out of range)>[6](ducking)[K]+[G]: Unavoidable when low risingattack misses entirely aswell. Remember that you can threathen with a second Ducking[K]+[G] after your first connects against for example a techroller if you first dash shortly (dash>ducking [K]+[G]). Don't stop pressuring cause you hit with one cause you don't have to.

    Although Ducking[K]+[G] is, theoreticly pretty hard counterable at [P] or over it's really not if you do it from the right range as it pushes back. You will be able to evade punches when it's gaurded and use reverse nitaku like [6][P]+[K] in most cases against throwattempts. Ducking>[3][3][P]+[G] mixed up with the fullspinning move works suprisingly well in Oki as nobody wants to be sitting down when Brad comes in ducking (all ducking forward moves are mid and ducking[P][P] is a huge payoff). Remember that ducking [K]+[G] is fully circular aswell. All in all try mixing up ducking / slipping with throws prettymuch but that's not really Oki... /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    Specific Situations:

    In specific situations, as for example after the [4][P]+[G] throw or ducking[K]+[G] your opponent will be lying in such a position on the ground that it's able for you to slip a mid risingkick if you go the right way. To get in a slipright[P] this way is enormous payoff...
    You can, ofc, also evade the risingkick in the position - if you do so you can do evade>[6][6][K] garanteed which also is very nice payoff. A [4][6][K] will win easily against both a low and a mid rising attack in this pos and MC for a high float. Or you can do teh <font color="blue">KiwE Special </font> and do a [4][6][K]+[G] against a midrisingattack for that 3d effect /versus/images/graemlins/blush.gif


    A garanteed backstagger / hit is only possible when someone TR's against you from the face down headtowards position. Most ppl use the Brad [4][6][K]+[G] but if you're looking for something abit easier to hit with you could also do ducking [K]+[G] at 25dmg normalhit (they won't be able to block it so it's garanteed).In some situations you can even do Brads [6][6][K] actually. Brads setups for TR attacks are:

    [4][6][P]+[G]: The classic one. If this was a pizza it would be the Vesuvius.

    Backturned [P]+[K]>[P][K]: Remember to hunt and try a backstagger if you ever get this! It's pretty easy to do actually and most ppl will do a TR after they get hit by the [P]+[K]>[P][K].

    SL[P] and SR[P]: Most ppl don't think about that these aswell produce a TR hit situation. Considering the following would be intresting for reference;

    SL[P]>[6][6][K]>[6][6][4][6][K]+[G]>Backstagger Combo: If they don't want to TR well great, hit them with the knee anyways (similar to with the [4][6][P]+[G]).

    SL[P]>[6][6][K]>[6][6][6][K](backstagger launcher): It's pretty fancy pants to do the backhit with the [6][6][K] and abit hard but it's definatly doable. The most dmging thing to do would probably be:
    SL[P]>[6][6][K]>(Opponent TR's)[6][6][6][K](Backhit)>[P]>[6][6][K] (Look ma'! 3 knees! I told you Billie shouldn't be drinking out of the river!).

    SR[P]: You can backstagger from this aswell although many Brads seem to ignore it (nani?) although it's enormous damage :cry:

    SR[P]>[K][P]>ducking[K]>[6][6][4][6][K]+[G]>Backstagger combos are doable but it's pretty hard timing. Don't forget your ducking [K]+[G] is garanteed if you find the backstagger to hard to do if the opponent TR's so don't let them techroll unpunished!

    SR[P]>[K][P]>ducking[K] can be backstaggered from but SR[P]>[K][P][K] can definatly not as it pushes them away so it's weight specific (SR[P]>[K][P]>ducking[K] is the maxcombo from SR[P] against lighter opponents so you want to do it anyways).

    When hitting someone in the back with the [4][6][K]+[G] your staplemove should be [6][P]+[K] after which you can do a heavydown attack. You can however also end with the likes of [6][6][K] or [3][P]+[K],[P] for abit of a better Oki situation then after the heavydown.

    If the opponent is a bad struggler you could go for the [K][P]>ducking[K] in their back jackpot. Myke has done a fine compilation of backstagger combos here:


    [4][6][K]: This move is not TC if done immediately after the [4][6][P]+[G] throw and against someone with only so-so knowledge of Brad use this to your advantage for reverse nitaku and for example do [4][6][K](gaurded)>[6][6][K] against their throwattempt. It's use after the [4][6][P]+[G] throw is however arguable and perhaps not used as much as Sega intended it to be.
    I've found that it can be a good tool to use against TR'ers sometimes and hope for a MC if you're comfortable with ETE and so on. It is, after all, Brads highest floater and less counterable then the [6][6][K] as it's "only" TC although it's slower.

    If found it somehow seems easier to connect with this after a specific situation: Opponents TR'ing and trying to attack after a [3][P]+[K],[P] hit (no I don't know why).

    Those are all the things I can think about right now, if something important is missed ffs do tell /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif


    Over and Out - I am a trout. Watch your mouth! >--^)

    /KiwE (Remember to play nice and someone please followup after me with another character! ^__^)

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