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Brad and Goh in High Level Evo play?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by replicant, Mar 14, 2003.

  1. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    Ok, we have seen some pretty good movies in the past months of tournament and other high level VF4E gameplay. Out of those games very few have had Brad and Goh in them. I know most people who are in tourneys or high level events are their to play their best character, but it seems like we would have more early adopters of these two.

    Have many of the pros dismissed them as not top tier enough or is it still just too early for someone to have gotten to a very competitive level with one of them?

    Goh seems very powerful, but requires mad spacing skills. His moves also seem a bit sluggish.

    Brad is awesome, but I could see him falling into very predictable patterns.

    Still both do very respectable damage and have high potential IMO. Just wondering what people may have heard.
  2. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Well, there were a lot of Goh videos out a while ago when Evo first came out. In Japan, there's an excellent Goh player: Arashi. In the Greenbook DVD tournament (an invitational best of the best event) he comes second, if I remember correctly, with Goh. Quite impressive and definitely shows Goh's competitiveness at very high levels.

    I havent' a clue about Brad resutls in tourneys. But to be perfectly honest, I don't see why he couldn't be competitive at a high level of play. Look at ShinZ - he plays Brad and does *very* well.

    High level play competitiveness, imo, comes more from the individual and not from the character. Many people would say that Lion is weaker than so-and-so, but Chibita defies that all the time. Furthermore, Aoi is considered to be weak at high levels, but there have been Aoi players winning large scale tournaments with her in Japan. So, there's no clear cut division of characters and their ability to compete - it's all about the person.

  3. RagingSilver

    RagingSilver Well-Known Member

    well like ppl say, "The character is only has good as the person controlling him" Which is true IMO

    I guess more ppl will slowly grow onto the two new characters when the game comes out on the PS2 since then they'll have some more practise with them.

    I for one will be training with Brad, but of course I'll still have lion as my main guy. I'm doing abit of Kage now and he seems good to play with. SO maybe when evo comes out, I'll try and concentrate with those 3 guyz.

  4. _Jab_King_

    _Jab_King_ Member

    I`d like to see Arashi-Goh Matches, but i cant find them.
    Does anyone know where to find them.
  5. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    Go look at the "Team Tabara" thread in the Media section of Versus City here for some great Goh (Arashi) vids.
  6. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Llanfair said:

    High level play competitiveness, imo, comes more from the individual and not from the character. Many people would say that Lion is weaker than so-and-so, but Chibita defies that all the time. Furthermore, Aoi is considered to be weak at high levels, but there have been Aoi players winning large scale tournaments with her in Japan. So, there's no clear cut division of characters and their ability to compete - it's all about the person.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I agree with your point.

    Second to that, In last Kakutou Shinseiki tourney, there

    was no Brad quilifier. The reason for this was a lot of

    high level players in Japan have played with a certain

    character since VF1 or VF2 and developed their own

    styles. Since Brad and Goh just added in the game,

    there has not been many high level players picking

    Goh or Brad yet. Furthermore, even though some

    players, such as Osu Akira, plays Brad as well as his

    main character, when he is in the tourney, he uses

    Akira, not Brad. In Arasi's case, he swiches to Goh

    from Jacky compelety and is having success.

    But, I still think that in order to see many Brad or Goh

    players in major tourneys, it needs more time for

    high level players to develop Brad or Goh as their

    main character.

  7. Jacky_San

    Jacky_San Well-Known Member

    Your write
    your post
    like its a haiku
  8. sixtwo

    sixtwo Well-Known Member

    I think Mask do Hijetsu (sp?) was playing Brad for a while, but then went back to Jacky. There was a ton of vids with him a while ago, but in general Brad is pretty darn rare. Of course, Shun, Pai, Vanessa, and Jeffry vids aren't all that common either. You just have to be on the lookout in the media section at all times.

    On average, I think Goh vids are significantly more common than Brad, but even then, both are hard to find. I think the stats from the Kakutou Shinseiki 2 showed that Brad and Goh were statistically the least used in the tourney; I'd just give them time.
  9. ColinDru

    ColinDru Member

    I think we'll see lots of people flocking to Brad or Goh soon once a few pioneers show everyone their capabilities with a good combo vid, a major tournament win, or a lot of good videos. I think someone will do this with Brad soon, as I see him do well in most videos he's in (with plenty of shut outs and rushdowns).
  10. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    <font color="#ff3366">Since Brad and Goh just added in the game,

    there has not been many high level players picking

    Goh or Brad yet.</font>

    <font color="#ff3366">But, I still think that in order to see many Brad or Goh

    players in major tourneys, it needs more time for

    high level players to develop Brad or Goh as their

    main character.</font>

    I disagree. Since VF4 was released, there have been tons of Lei Fei players, as well as a lot of Vanessa players. There have also been a number of decent Gohs, other than Arashi (H. S. U for example). The opinion that people need time to develop the new characters just doesn't make sense to me. Just because the characters haven't been around since VF1 doesn't mean that the process involved in learning and developing them to a high level is that different.

    And besides, the typical Japanese VFer probably plays thousands of games, against good competition, facing different playing styles. Don't you think that would be enough to get a basic understanding of how any character works?
  11. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    How many Lei Fei and Vanessa players were in the national tournament held for VF4 (the one Napoleon won)? Not very many.

    I'd have to agree with Madagascar on this one...time must be given for people to make Brad and Goh their primary character. I'm sure there are many high level Brads and Gohs at or near their full potential, but many of those Brads and Gohs are secondary characters and thus not used in major tournaments.

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