Brad: Ask a Question, Get an Answer

Discussion in 'Brad' started by Libertine, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    This thread is meant for people who want to ask questions of any kind when it comes to Brad. In particular, I would appreciate it if all questions pertaining to online experiences were asked here. Of course, questions dealing with offline experiences may also be asked in this thread. I think that having a thread with little to no formal structure may lead to many questions being asked that normally aren't. Does your question not fit the criteria of any other thread? Is it a simple question not deserving of its own thread? Ask away here!
    ExzetyXat1 and BeastEG like this.
  2. Killarcanz

    Killarcanz New Member

    Hey Libertine, New to vf this month, Really enjoying Brad. Im not understanding why p+k p 4p works on the AI but not on real people, When I use it in a player match I normally give the opponent a free counter hit instead.
  3. Jay David

    Jay David Well-Known Member

    Hey Lib, I'm having a hard time landing slipping p+k & slipping k in matches. Do you know of any set-ups that may increase my chances of landing it more often?
    ExzetyXat1 likes this.
  4. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    How do you deal with ying-yang happy (and not stupid) Aoi? Do you need to relly on lows/throws mainly?

    Do you know any "basic" flowcharts good for beginners in order to get into Brad?
  5. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    [P][+][K][P][4][P] should only connect against the heavyweights. Try delaying the last two hits, since on the third hit the last will combo.

    This is also a good tool against Wolf's RAW, and I think that Taka has a RAW type of move as well.
    ExzetyXat1, BeastEG and btrm like this.
  6. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    It's all relative to your opponent. Are they trying to attack through certain moves leading into Slipping? One of the setups I use for Slipping [K] is as an oki option. For instance, I'll use it after [6][6][K] and [3][P][K]. Time it right, and you may even cause them to side guard. Mix it up though. Sometimes use a throw out of Slipping, which may cause them to crouch.
    ExzetyXat1 and BeastEG like this.
  7. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Aoi's Ying Yang has improved a lot. It's not simply a matter of just throwing or sweeping now, since she can move out of it and launch you with that mid kick. Throws and sweeps still work, but it's riskier now. You can also use moves that will get parried, but will hit her if she tries to move. You need to commit to a guess. There's not much more that I can say about that. If you think that she'll exit Ying Yang to set up for an attack, try using a long range move like [6][6][K].

    Flowcharts? I would check the thread I made on stance entry data. That will give you a good idea of what to mix up. Out of stance, I think that players should learn ways to set up damage from [6][P]. On a hit, you can use moves like throws, another [6][P], [6_][K], [4][P][K], and so forth. On a counter hit, [6_][K] will beat an evade towards Brad's stomach and low punches. While Brad has a canned followup to his elbow ([6][P][K]), I think that giving up guaranteed damage in situations for the possibility of greater damage is a viable strategy. Kind of like giving up guaranteed damage in combos for oki. Most of these options can be beaten if the opponent does a crouching back dash, though, in which case I'd use the canned followup.

    Using [P] -> [6][P] and [P] -> Throw is another bread and butter setup.
    ExzetyXat1, BeastEG and btrm like this.
  8. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Taka's raw is different from wolf's one, since he can endure more than 1 hit while doing the tecnique.
  9. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Hey Libertine, have you noticed how certain moves' frame data changes depending on distance?
    What's that about?

    For example [4][K] is -6 but at the farthest distance that Brad can connect with it, it becomes -5.

    Well, at least that's what shows on the data display in Dojo mode.

    Myke, is this fake/false data too?
  10. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    In the section where it talks about Brad's old [4][6][K], your answer can be found.

    The only time where this doesn't apply in Final Showdown, as far as I can tell, is when jabs are considered. Land them on the second active frame, and your advantage is the same.
    ExzetyXat1 and BeastEG like this.
  11. deathsushi

    deathsushi Well-Known Member

    Hey guys,

    Long time no see. I just picked up VF5FS the other day and I'm trying to get my chops back up on Brad. Most of the old tricks and combos that I remember have changed and I'm having trouble putting together decent strings.

    Would anyone be able to post some of Brad's bread and butter combos and things to learn? I'm having a hard time finding this info amidst all of the older VF5 stuff (which is no longer valid).

    Much thanks. Big ups the VF massif!
  12. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    You should study this thread for information on Brad's stance options. As far as combos are concerned, [3][P][P] [9][K] works after a lot of things in the game. I guess that I should post some general combos later. I've been too <span style="text-decoration: line-through">lazy</span> busy to finish the max damage combo thread that I made.
    ExzetyXat1 and BeastEG like this.
  13. deathsushi

    deathsushi Well-Known Member

    Thanks Libertine - you never disappoint.

    Some more questions:

    1. What should I be using 1P+K for (I think I've got the input right - the Bruce-like move)?

    2. Should I be using Brad's new easier hunting kick for anything in particular? It seems appropriate after 4K into slipping, as you get some range and can allow the opponent to move in just in time to take the hit.

    3. At first brush, it feels like Brad has less of an ability to chain together long strings - is this just me?
  14. Deps

    Deps New Member

    Which of Brads moves can be hitconfirmed? I've been learning 6P hitconfirm K, but a lot of his other moves seem really hard or impossible (like duck P+K,P or is that actually possible to hitconfirm?). Trying to figure out which of his moves are actually hitconfirmable so I don't practice something that's impossible.
  15. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    In addition to [6][P]...

    [2][P][+][K] (hit check) [6][P] : combo starter guaranteed on Stagger or CH. If guard or normal hit, then can be ducked and leave you vulnerable.

    [P][+][K][P] (hit check) [P] : knockdown guaranteed on NH or CH. If guarded, leaves you at -16f and that's bad.

    [P][+][K][P] (hit check) [2] or [8][P] : Side turns on NH or CH. If guarded, then the last hit can be ducked leaving you vulnerable. If entire string guarded, crouch dash fuzzy guard possible.

    Also, hit checking your stance entries are critical. Refer to the Quantitative Frame Data for Stance Entry thread, nicely put together by Libertine, to see what-beats-what depending on whether you're entering stance from Guard, NH or CH.
  16. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    How hard is Brad to learn actually?

    Now, to make you understand why I am asking such thing... I am not the youngest here (nor the oldest, that is true), and a lot of my out-of-work time is filled with my family and childrens. I am long-time VF player (I did not play VF for 4 years, but before that, I play it a lot since like 2002 till early 2008). Problem is, I spend most of that time playing Jeffry. I am used to his simple and pretty straightforward style a lot, even after all this years.
    In FS, I switched for Wolf (as for some reason, Jeff seems to not be that much funny anymore) and again, this big slow bloke suits me pretty decently.
    Problem is I fall in love with Brad. I liked him a lot in Evo and in vanilla 5, but I find him awesome in FS. At least if played by any decent player. I simply love to watch replays with decent Brad players involved and I will like to be one of them [​IMG]
    Problem is that learning Brad properly will require to completely change my style, I am afraid. And, as I already wrote, I am a liiitle short of time [​IMG] So, basically, what is my point? I am trying to find if it is "doable" for me, or if it will be better to stay with Wolf.
    Just to add a little more - I was playing VF competitively back there and while I do not aspire as high as 4 years ago in FS, I am still looking forward to play on some tourneys and such competitions. So I will need to learn my character somehow decently, so to speak, no matter if it will be Wolf, Brad or anyone else.

    Sorry for a long post and I am looking forward to your answer!

  17. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    The Brad Show is great fun for the entire family, regardless of age.

    I think that Brad is easier to use than ever now. He has simple solutions for many situations. Also, he is strong at forcing the nitaku situation. You may find him initially hard to learn, but after that the payoff is that he is strong and fairly straightforward to utilize.

    Many people have experienced this. It is completely normal. What would be problematic is if you didn't think that Brad was awesome.

    I have no idea what is "doable" for you. I'd take Brad for a test run online to get a feel of what is required of him to be decent. You need to be aware of what you can do from stance entries, and he might be the most intensive character in terms of stance checking. However, Brad has lot of powerful staples that will work from either stance, and some are max damage. What kind of character suits your style? The characters you mentioned are very different from Brad. He's a string character, and his throws aren't as good. I have no idea how well you'd be able to adapt to this. How much do tiers matter to you? He's generally considered better than the characters you mentioned, too. Is this enough of an incentive to start using him? Above all, I'd say stick to the character(s) you find most fun to play. When trying him out, drop him if he isn't enjoyable to use.
    ExzetyXat1 and BeastEG like this.
  18. deathsushi

    deathsushi Well-Known Member

    Any answers for my questions (quoted below)? I've started to get a bit more of a feel for his changes and how he plays but am finding a few of his new moves confusing as to when they should be used.

    I noticed last night that 9P+K can stuff rising mid-kicks (as well as jumping over the low kicks). Is this a good choice on oki, or does Brad have better options?


  19. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    1) 1p+k is used mostly to bounce people in combos. It's also -2 only on guard (with pushback) and +11 on ch(false adv you get nothing guaranteed the opponent recovers crouching). On normal hit it's +5.

    So normalhit you can do 6_k after which is pretty much the shit. On guard preferably boxstep (448 or 442) or just backdash and look for the whiffpunish or something similar.

    2) Huntingkick is semicircular and with FS new system mechanics will give you a free PK if you hit someone in evade as it will count as a counter. It will also change the direction it tracks according to your footposition. You can use it when the opponent freezes up and also sometimes in Okizeme after certain combos to keep momentum. Imo don't make it to much of your gameplan when playing Brad but it's +5 on guard after all. 4pk, 6p+k (sometimes delayed), 4k are good options after.

    3) I'm not sure what you mean with chaining strings. I feel he is great at keeping pressure personally. P+K gives uninteruptable ducking p+k on guard, 4k into slip p+k beats elbows etc. Then you have 46p+k +2 on guard and slip K+G +5. A new guardbreak that gives a free 6p+k with slipback p+k etc.
  20. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Libertine, thank you a lot for great answer [​IMG]
    Basically, my game revolves around forcing basic nitaku with moves, which will ideally lead to another nitaku situation (knockdowns or so). Also, I am using 2- or 3-hit (unifinished) strings, against to force nitaku in form of last hit / something else.
    My game is basically very simple [​IMG]

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