Brad Online

Discussion in 'Brad' started by Mackfactor, Aug 22, 2010.

  1. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    Sorry if this has been answered before, im only at page 6 on the brad forum and its alot to cover..
    ) :

    neways. There are always factors online that may alter the performance of a character... what are they with brad.

    neways, so far from messing around with Brad ive noticed.

    -6P hard to crouch fuzzy due to G cancel... but in general crouch fuzzy is hard online without a good 2 bar or 3.
    -After a blocked elbow or any entry to stance, ( not always the best thing to do.. acually i hardly see ppl use it) doing phase turn to avoid either 2p or elbow. Perhaps im going into PT to quick?? should wait a bit... i dunoo, neone else have problems with this online?

    1 more question.
    pp into entry stance, or elbow into stance entry on NH (normal hit), even on hit ill get hit by a 2p or 6p..even on hit... but i use 4Pk into entry and it appears that i can go into stance entry and beat out elbows?? but perhaps it was lag?? so im assuming on hit 4k, or 4pk (maybe 4K+G, k) stanced enrty are the only ones on NH that can beat elbow?

    oh. anyone care to share some phase turn setups, ex okizeme?
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    PT after a blocked elbow is conditional on a number of factors in order to succeed, so it's very risky. A long time ago I put this table together in the wiki as reference. It shows how Brad can use PT after a guarded elbow to beat nitaku:

    Phasing Turn - Beating Nitaku

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">pp into entry stance, or elbow into stance entry on NH (normal hit), even on hit ill get hit by a 2p or 6p..even on hit... but i use 4Pk into entry and it appears that i can go into stance entry and beat out elbows?? but perhaps it was lag?? so im assuming on hit 4k, or 4pk (maybe 4K+G, k) stanced enrty are the only ones on NH that can beat elbow?</div></div>
    Firstly, never conclude anything to do with frames based on online play [​IMG]

    Secondly, read this old post by bigjohnson54 who kindly posted results of what beats what after various stance entries:

    Entering Ducking, Slipping

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">oh. anyone care to share some phase turn setups, ex okizeme?</div></div>

    Brad's [P][+][G] and [4][P][+][G] throws allow for some good setups. [P][+][G] knocks the opponent down face down feet towards, so any non-delayed rising mid kick they perform will be evadable meaning you can PT around this rather easily. [4][P][+][G] puts them face down again but they're sideways. A quick OM to their feet will put them in a similar situation as the [P][+][G] throw, so you'll want to OM into PT as quickly as possible.

    However, both "setups" are conditional on what your opponent does, and their timing. This loses out to low rising kicks and delayed mid rising kicks, however 1% of the time you may find you've magically PT'd full around their circular mid/low rising kick. Still, it's quite risky.
  3. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    ya i read the Phasing turn section, seems mostly all to back.. shun/akira none.. pai is wierd.. from memory. neways, is this strat hard to do online? it appears doing it slow helps

    thanks for the entering ducking, slipping thread,
    that helped lots
    ( :
  4. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    moves that are hitcheckable and not hitcheckable into STANCE entry what are they?

    examples. 4k, 4pK, 4P, kp, 4K+G K, etc, 6p.

    When i watch say high level brads play, i dont know whether they are actually hitchecking then going into stance, or they are anticipating what they are gonna do.

    the moves that i am able to are..
    4PK into stance seems like u can do it, 4K+G K.. but only because these are natural combos and im hit checking only the first part. 6p stagger, into K or 6p CH K, or 6p STAGGER into SL P/SR P. stuff like say, 6p CH into SL/SR seems harder.

    the reason i ask is because going into stance entry varies depending on whether it was a NH, CH, GRD.

    an example would be something like:
    4K. in dojo mode, it is possible to hitcheck then do the coresponding Stance entry SL/SP but it is extremely hard. So i assume 4K is more of anticipation than hitchecking.

    the reason i wanna know what moves high level brads are hitchecking is because...
    say if i do 4K and without hitchecking i do (4k gets guarded), SL R P will be beaten by a 2p. if im not able to hitcheck, ill be eatting 2p's and elbows, and p's all day. if i was able to hitcheck then go into stance entry i would have taken different actions according to NH, GRD, CH; whether it be SL/SR

    from me playing i think, the 4K is something that u anticipate but i may be wrong. Its possible, but during a competative match, i duno how often ur able to... extremely difficult and timing is fast. 4p by itself seems like anticipation more than hitchecking.

    neways, short and sweet. moves that are hit checkable and moves that ppl just anticipate using yomi at a high level thnks
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I think you've answered your own question.

    Some moves require an instant transition to stance in order to beat the opponent's (possible) followup because the slightest delay would sacrifice some of your advantage. For these moves, such as [4][K], it's difficult to hit check consistently because you have little time to do so, but I still believe it's possible. Alternatively, relying on anticipation/reading your opponent is another strategy you can employ.

    As an example, for me personally, I prefer to slip to Brad's stomach after [4][K] because I know at the right distance the Body Break (mid punch) it can beat the opponent's low punch on guard. This is Brad's fastest mid from Slipping.

    The other moves you listed either naturally combo, or, like [6][6][P][+][K] allow you a lot more time to actually hit check and choose which stance, if any, you want to enter. So hit checking with these is much easier by comparison.
  6. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    For the record, Brad's [6] [P] (-6) requires crouch DASH fuzzy guard.
  7. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    learn sumthing new
    ( :
  8. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    You didn't realize his [6][P][2] slip was disturbing the standard fuzzy procedures?
  9. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    lol manj, how did i know... nvm
    merry christmas

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