Brad's Combos.

Discussion in 'Brad' started by Ealsen, Oct 13, 2002.

  1. Ealsen

    Ealsen Well-Known Member

    For the past week, I've been experiment alot with Brad.
    I found several combos to be interesting tho I need some more experienced player to fill me in so I could improve myself.
    Nevertheless, I'd like to share what I've found so far Which are easier to do.

    [3][3]+[P] (MC) -> [P] -> [3]+[P],[P]
    [3][3]+[P] -> [P] -> [4][6]+[K]+[G]
    [3][3]+[P] -> [P] -> [3]+[P]+[K],[P]
    [6][6]+[K] -> [P] -> [4][6]+[K]+[G]
    [4][6]+[K] (MC?) -> [P] -> [3]+[P],[P]
    [4][6]+[K] -> [P] -> [4][6]+[K]+[G]

    [6]+[P]+[K] -> [P] -> [4]+[P][K] (Close stance only)
    [6]+[P]+[K] -> [P] -> [4][6]+[K]+[G]

    [2]+[P]+[K],[6]+[P] -> [P] -> [4][6]+[K]+[G]
    [2]+[P]+[K],[P],[6]+[P] -> [P] -> [4][6]+[K]+[G]
    [2]+[P]+[K],[P],[P],[6]+[P] -> [P] -> [4][6]+[K]+[G]

    [3]+[P],[P] (The last [P] MC) -> [P] -> [4][6]+[K]+[G]

    [Sway Left/Right] [P] (Head Crumble) -> [P] -> [4][6]+[K]+[G]
    [Sway Left/Right] [P] (Stomach Crumble) -> [4][6]+[K]+[G]
    [Sway Left/Right] [P] (Stomach Crumble) -> [2]+[P] + [4][6]+[K]+[G] (Not too sure about this).

    [Sway forward] [P],[P] (MC) -> [P] -> [4][6]+[K]+[G].

    Throw Combo - very damaging (Only if opponent doesn't techroll or quickrise)
    [4][6]+[P]+[G] -> [4][6]+[K]+[G] -> [3]+[K] (Nearly half a bar)

    Bread and butter moves and a few of flowcharts I use:
    1. All combo starter mentioned above.
    2. [3]+[K] - Very good, decent range. Will catch throw if you press [6]+[P]+[G] (Interruptible with [P] or [2]+[P], unfortunately).
    3. [6]+[K] - You can play abit of mind games after you execute this move.
    Case 1:[6]+[K] (MC) -> Throw.
    Case 2:[6]+[K] (Guarded) -> Sway any direction you want -> Attack. I like to use [P] because it allows you to do follow up combo if it hits.
    3. [K]+[G], [2]+[K]+[G].
    4. [2]+[K]+[G].
    5. [6]+[P], <Sway>.
    6. [6]+[P],[K].
    7. [P],[P],[K].
    8. [P],[P], <Sway>.
    9. [4]+[P],[K], [4]+[P]+[K]+[G].
    10. [4]+[P],[K], <Sway>.
    11. [4]+[P],<Sway>.
    12. [1]+[K],[K].
    13. [2]+[P]+[K], Mix up and delay the follow up [P] or [6]+[P].
    14. [P]+[K]. This, I'm not too sure. It looks like a good move. Fast execution, dodge high and high priority on low punch ???.
    15. [4]+[P]+[K]+[G],[K].
    16. [4]+[P]+[K]+[G],[P], [2]or[8]+[P]+[K]+[G], [P].

    That's all for now. The game has only been out for a week for me in Melbourne. I will post more when I found more interesting stuff /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  2. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    so u actually knew what u were doing all the time?
    that's more mercy round! LOL
  3. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Thanx for the combos Ealson, Brad will be my secondary character as soon as we actually get Evo... hopefully next week we'll see it. later guys, enjoy EVO.
  4. andy

    andy Well-Known Member

    Nice sfuff on Brad.

    Another combo I wanted to add, that works on everybody, at least up to Akira is

    [6][K][6] (MC), <Ducking>[P][P], [4][6][K]+[G].

    If I remember correctly
    [6][P]+[K], [P], [6][P][K] is supposed to work in open stance

    Some things I like to do are, (and the elbow can be replaced with any command that allows you to sway):
    [6][P][6], <Ducking> [P][P] and delay the second [P], though this is somewhat dangerous, as the second [P] is very counterable. You can also try <Ducking>[K] instead of [P][P].
    Mix the above up with:
    [6][P][6], [3][3][P]+[G] or any other throw. If you do the [4][P]+[G] throw, or the [4][6][P]+[G] throw, then you might have to push [G] before you input the throw, otherwise, you'll go to <Sway Back>.

    I like [3][P][P] also. It functions almost exactly like Lau's [6][P][P], in that it's mid high, and if the second part is and MC, it causes a leg flop, which should allow for [6][P]+[K] combos, though so far, I'm a little surprised by getting this MC and usually just pounce. Only difference is that both will not hit unless [3][P] is MC. Also, I don't think Brad has the advantage when both hit, like Lau. But you can maybe try [3][P], throw since the delay is so long before the lightning elbow.

    After [4][6][K]+[G] hits and you get the stumble, I haven't found anything guaranteed. One thing I should try to see if it is guaranteed is [6][P]+[K], but I usually try to throw or go for another [4][6][K]+[G].

    A problem I have troubling dealing with is when people expect a sway ([8],[2] or [6]), and I do one, they often [2][P], which beats everything out of any sway except maybe <Sway Back>[K], and only then because it might whiff. Not sure what to do about this, except maybe start evading after swayable moves.

  5. Ealsen

    Ealsen Well-Known Member

    I think there's one move that is guaranteed after [4][6]+[K]+[G] which is [P], Although I wasn't so sure about it but if you like to play a bit of mind games, there are a few things you can go for:
    1. Dash in - Throw,
    2. [P] (Fast enough unless your opponent struggle like hell),
    3. [6]+[P]+[K] (Good choice, but rather risky),
    4. Sway forward - [K]+[G],
    5. [2]+[K]+[G].

    About [3]+[P],[P] I think the first [3]+[P] doesnt need to be an MC. If the first one hit, the second one will always hit. I'm pretty sure about it. It's true that it doesn't really give you huge advantage but there are a couple of flowcharts i like to use when they both hit:
    1. sway back - [K] or [P],
    2. Dash backward - [4]+[P],[K] - sway
    They are pretty decent against human opponent.

    Okay yet another combo I'd like to add,

    [3][3]+[P] - [P][6][P][K]
    [4][6]+[K] - [P][6][P][K]
    [6][6]+[K] - [P][6][P][K]

    That's all for now /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
  6. DanniBoySmith

    DanniBoySmith Well-Known Member

    sorry i know this is probably common knowledge to the people who have already played brad but i thought i'd add it in here for the peeps who are going to be playing EVO soon. after you go into one of brads sways (u,f,d or b+pkg or after one of his moves) you don't need to constantly press pkg to switch from one sway to another; you just need to put in the appropriate directional input (e.g so after you pressed b+pkg to sway back, you just need to tap forward to go into ducking or u,d to sway to either side). however it seems you can't do two of the same sways this way (e.g you can't go into ducking stance and then tap forward to go into ducking again, you have to go into a different sway everytime if you want to just keep switching with directional inputs).

    i just played the game yesterday for the first time and was playing brad throughout. i like the guy a lot and he seemed somewhat easy to pick up (since i use steve as one of my mains in T4, lol).

    btw. one question, aside from the obvious ducking advantage, do brads left and right sways have any SS ability to them (i.e have any of you actually side-dodged a move with brads left and right sways)??

    i'll have to try all these cool combos next time i play brad. great information people /versus/images/icons/smile.gif.
  7. FetZ

    FetZ Member

    I would be a scrub.

    On brads movelist 2 small questions.

    1) Are the moves that link directly to ducking and slipping also link to back sway? The movelist doesn't mention it.

    2) Which moves of his leave him directly in back turned? I didn't notice a mention of it in the movelist anywhere.

    Thnx all in advance.
  8. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    1) Are the moves that link directly to ducking and slipping also link to back sway? The movelist doesn't mention it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nope, you cannot shift directly to a back sway after any move.

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    2) Which moves of his leave him directly in back turned? I didn't notice a mention of it in the movelist anywhere.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The Flare Kick [2_][4][K] recovers Back Turned. I've updated the list to reflect this.
  9. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    Brad has a pretty strong BT game. Im not a huge fan of his [2_][4]+[K] but its workable. my favorite BT combo is [P]+[K]->[2]+[P]->[3]+[K].
  10. FetZ

    FetZ Member


    Only one move that leaves him in BT... interesting. Its too much fun to go into BT over and over again. I thought it was an elite VF tactic or something. Is brad going to be considered scrubbed out because he lacks elite BT setups?
  11. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    Re: Thanks.

    Very few characters have a strong BT game. So no he wont be considered poor for lack of BT setups. I tend to just jump over rising attacks to get into BT. Thats a little too risky for most people though.
  12. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: Thanks.

    Who has the best BT game?
  13. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    Re: Thanks.

    i would prolly say shun with his BT p+g, k+g and pkg,p,p hit throw strings. Jacky's seems retarded strong as well. I dont have enough info about him to decide if his is supererior to shun's. I wouldnt be surprised at all if it was though.
  14. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Re: Thanks.

    My vote goes to Kage. He's got BT d+K which "seems" to avoid quite a few mids, and can be followed up with df+K+G. BT P+G, P breaks guard, and can be confused with BT uf+K, which hits mid. His BT u+K also hits mid and looks very similar to his BT catch throw. The opponent can be fooled into guarding or evading and then falling victim to the throw. f f+K (G-cancel) leaves Kage in a crouching backturned position after the sweep cancel. This can be used (from a certain distance) to avoid mid rising kicks. I usually use it after a TFT combo that ends in a kickflip because this places him in the perfect position. Right after I land from the kickflip (and they don't TR or side-roll), I do f f+K (G-cancel). If they use a mid rising kick, I immediately counter with BT P+K, K. This causes a flop, which you can combo with BT kickflip.....very stylish and insane to look at. /versus/images/icons/wink.gif If I'm anticipating a low rising kick, I counter with BT u+K or maybe BT ub+K. And let's not forget his lightning-fast BT jab. /versus/images/icons/cool.gif

    Edit: Getting back on the subject, I don't see Brad having a very versatile BT game. He seems like more of an "in-your-face" kind of fighter. His sways are pretty tricky though. Anyway, Goh rules. /versus/images/icons/grin.gif /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  15. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Thanks.

    I'll agree with Dre, I think Kage has one of the better BT games. The only short falls of his BT game is that all the attacks are linear and the BT throw is the only option against someone escaping, but is pretty risky if you guess wrong.

    The only character I really fear when they have their back turned is Lei Fei (stance or not).

    Brad's BT game isn't the best, but it ain't too shabby either. [P]+[K] nets you a head crumble on normal hit, [2][K] is a full circular sweep, [2][P] and [K] both hit mid. While he's got the essentials for a good BT mixup, it's not a major part of his game IMO.

    Here's a bug for Brad when BT: [8][P] will perform his big down attack even though the opponent isn't down. It's pretty much treated as a mid attack and is highly counterable if your opponent guards it.

    Anyway, I'm preparing a Brad dojo which should be ready sometime soon. I have some good stuff from various japanese sites and a few arcadia issues, along with my own experiences and what I've noted in various movies. Of course I'll use what people have contributed in the various Brad threads and credit accordingly.
  16. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    Re: Thanks.

    i forgot about the ninja i apologize for this stupidity. I agree its not a huge part of brads game buts it pretty nice option to have.
  17. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Yo! Fetzy.

    Brad BT moves that leave him backturned are few. FC_b+k is a high backturned move that I wouldn't use to often. Also, when brad is BT'd myke's discription on his BT'd moves is good, but I still would like to confirm whether or not d+p has sabaki properties. Anyone??

    PS-Fetzy hit me up for Brad strats next time you see me. I might be able to help. =)
  18. FetZ

    FetZ Member

    Yes, I must do that Blondie. I really need help with combos/setups/move sets and flowcharts. Such a foreign engine. I mean, combos hit when they do NOT look like anything would. Namco makes it all pretty with launching.

    I am sure that brad can be a force.
  19. FetZ

    FetZ Member


    You can sway after [6][K]. Not noted in the movelist, but still powerful. Also, I don't think the sway after [4][P] was mentioned either, but it should be looked at as well.

    It seems that you would need decent reflexes to play brad. His sway moves allow for pressure if strings connect but only then. Once more is learned about his guaranteed 2hits and such, strat for him could actually go somewhere.

    Sways into throws are good...
  20. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    stuff from the green book,

    of all the sway starters, b+p,k gives you the most initiative. Of all the sway moves, the sway U/D P are the fastest and of the two the high P is faster than the mid P. Green book has this table which shows what each sway move can interrupt after each starter. For one, b+p,k (hit or counter hit) sway U/D, P should interrupt low P, according to the book.

    In the DVD, the brad player uses a LOT of b,f+k+G which gives a backside fall on normal hit.

    Oh the sway U/D, k recovers VERY fast when block. For the knee you are at slight disadvantage but your low P can interrupt elbow counter. For the sidekick, you are at advantage when blocked. Which is very good and considering the sidekick can chain into catch throw... + semi circular, it is pretty good.

    p,k gives you mid initiative on hit so it is a VERY good 12 frame counter which does like 30 damage with initiative.

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