Can I get Xbox 360 Arcade to connect to Live?

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by s050399b, Dec 16, 2009.

  1. s050399b

    s050399b Active Member

    Can I get Xbox 360 Arcade to connect to Live?
  2. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Yes, all Xbox 360's are capable on connecting to live, you need a 12 month gold membership card and of course a internet connection then your set to play some online VF. [​IMG]
  3. s050399b

    s050399b Active Member

    I read it from some post that with a Xbox 360 Arcade, you need to purchase a HDD in order to go Live? I wonder if it's true.

    Also, is it possible to use wireless internet connection for xbox? Does the game lag?
  4. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    No, the memory card your arcade came with is capable of live, hard drive is not mandatory.

    Yes, it is possible to use a wireless internet connection for live but you need a wireless 360 adapter; does it lag is questionable, it's hit and miss in my opinion. However, I think Ethernet is your best bet just to be safe.
  5. s050399b

    s050399b Active Member

    Thanks for the info; I'm trying to buy one thru ebay. How do I know if it's banned?

    The seller has provided the serial number. Can I use this to check it online somewhere?
  6. s050399b

    s050399b Active Member

    One more question, I am assuming that the Xbox 360 Arcade comes with an Ethernet port? Or do I need to purchase ethernet port adaptor?

  7. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    I can't help you there, I don't recommend buying from ebay though. Don't you have a store near you that you can purchase it from?

    People from Ebay can scam you as you know, there will be none of that nonsense from a store.
  8. s050399b

    s050399b Active Member

    icic, the ebay seller was saying no modifications, and I'm planning to pay by paypal, if it's banned, I probably can get my money back?

  9. s050399b

    s050399b Active Member

    One more question, I am assuming that the Xbox 360 Arcade comes with an Ethernet port? Or do I need to purchase ethernet port adaptor?
  10. s050399b

    s050399b Active Member

    For the VF5 CD, is there only one version or multiple releases?
  11. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    All 360's have ethernet ports.

    There is only one version of VF for 360, it's called Virtua Fighter 5. [​IMG]

    EDIT: I'm glad that I could help. [​IMG]
  12. s050399b

    s050399b Active Member

    Okay, I promised this should be the last question? Am I able to plug in my USB wifi dongle from my PC to the Xbox for it to go wifi?
  13. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    I was about to sleep [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Plug one end of the ethernet into the back of the 360, the other end goes into one of the router ethernet slots. Depending on how many slots you have, you might only be able to use one at a time, thats only if you have 1 slot.

    I'm off to sleep if you got more questions feel free to PM me.
  14. s050399b

    s050399b Active Member

    Am I able to plug in my USB wireless dongle from my PC to the Xbox for it to go wireless?

    EDIT: after some google, it seemed like it will not accept.

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