Character Mastery Difficulty and Tier List.....plz.......

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by ChilledFlame, Jun 9, 2005.

  1. ChilledFlame

    ChilledFlame Member

    Hey. I played VF4 when it first came out but I wasnt nearly into fighting games and tryin to learn them as I am now. I just purchased Evolution and wanna start trying to master a character. But since Im kinda new I dont wanna choose a very difficult character. Could someone kinda breakdown who is kinda noob/rookie friendly and who is strictly for the pros.

    And could I also have a tier list becuz I dont usually play wit high tiers if I can prevent it.

    One more question. Can u play as Vanesa in her default VF4 costume?

    Thanx in advance.
  2. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Not to open up a can of worms........

    If you want someone "easy" to start out with then someone like Jacky would be a good choice due to his all-round "goodness" and easy commands.

    Jacky, Pai, Lau, Sarah are good characters for beginners since their moves are fairly easy to implement and the commands aren't too tough. Kage would be another good choice too I guess.

    Having said that you can really start out with anyone as long as you put the time into learning them (and the basics of the game system) properly.

    The only thing I would say is if you have trouble with difficult commands then avoid using Akira.

    As for a tier list, VF isn't like a lot of games where there are ridiculously strong and weak characters that make the game unbalanced. I think most people put Akira, Lau, Jacky and Kage at the top with Pai and Sarah somewhere up there too. Goh, Brad, Jeff and Wolf are usually near the bottom and everyone else fills the middle.

    But like I said, even the "worst" character can beat the "best". It's more to do with player skill than character selection.

    Oh and there's like a million threads on these subjects so you probably should use the search feature before you ask anymore questions.
  3. vanity

    vanity Well-Known Member

    i think the best characters to start off with are probably wolf, jeffrey, and lion. they emphasize individual commands, rather than stupid strings - and this is how you need to learn to play. if you just play lau and pai you're going to pick up these "do as many attacks as possible tendencies" and just throw out PPP combos and get your socks rocked.

    so really, i'd suggest to learn how to play jeffrey. learn to utilize throws, and his big damage combos.

    and please don't use the word master, please.
  4. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    I would personally start with Sarah. Mainly due to her + + + + + + on blocked moves and easy beginner juggles. Also has load's of throw direction's, catch throw's, sabaki's. She was the character that effectively got me back into VF a few year's back, so I still use her out of respect for VF. Nowaday's she's more of a fun character for me (behind Kage) but is still a great character IMHO. IF Sarah's flamingo put's you off, Jacky is the next obvious choice and is also great. His simple flowcharts/great throws (although limited direction wise) and punch parry are great for beginer's (and decent player's alike cough...EV2... /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif)
  5. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    ChilledFlame said:

    Can u play as Vanesa in her default VF4 costume?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Unfortunately, no. I really missed it too.
  6. Maximus

    Maximus Well-Known Member

    One type of advice I would give is to ask yourself what kind of character do you want to play with, i.e. puncher, grappler, power, speed, technique. In my view the vf characters are as follows:

    Akira: power & technique
    Kage: technique
    Jacky: puncher
    Lion: all-rounder
    Sarah: all-rounder
    Shun: puncher & technique
    Pai: speed
    Lau: speed
    Lei: technique
    Vannessa: puncher
    Aoi: speed & grappler
    Wolf: power & grappler
    Jeffry: power & grappler
    Goh: grappler
    Brad: puncher & speed

    Find what style suits you and get good with that character.
  7. vanity

    vanity Well-Known Member

    See, the problem with your list Akira, is that someone who doesn't know how to play VF, doesn't know what he/she likes.

    So, instead, try to play as many people as possible, and pick someone who you feel most comfortable dealing damage with.
  8. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Exactly. I started to play mainly as Lion. After a while, I started to try out the other characters and narrowed it to 5: Lion, Kage, Akira, Jeffry, and Aoi.

    Now, I've finally decided that Kage will be my main as he fits my style really well: flashy offense (lots of ninja tricks). Playing other characters will also help overall as you'll get a feel of their flowcharts.
  9. ChilledFlame

    ChilledFlame Member

    Well I jus started Quest mode and Im playin Lei-Fei. What do yall think about him?
  10. Robio_kun

    Robio_kun Well-Known Member


    I think the reason nobody mentioned lei fei is because he is unique and doesn't play by the same rules that most of the other characters do. It is possible to be very effective with lei, however there are some nasty traps for beginners to fall into as well. If you are familiar with lei's stances it should be possible to keep up a fairly constant offence, however the trick is in not becoming predictable. At the early stages you will probably find things work for you quite nicely but eventually you will find people (or cpu) are figuring out what you are doing. Somewhere on this site is a translation of an article by Heruru (I think it's Heruru, it might be Hanabi Lei...) who goes into quite a bit of detail on how not to become predictable. The other thing with Lei is that the skills you learn with him are not easily transferable to the other characters. Things such as evading and throw escaping rarely come into the picture with lei whereas with other characters they are basic moves. Just remember that while he is a good character he does have the downsides that I have mentioned.
  11. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    You'll probably have a lot of success with Lei, but starting of on him will really hinder your ability to learn the core VF4 system. He has a lot of wierd and unique stuff (like moves that beat almost anything because of sabakis, and moves that are + on block) that other (more traditional) characters don't have.

    The list Elite gave is the best. I would reccomend Jacky, Sarah, or Kage above others.

    But it's up to you, use whoever you find the most fun.
  12. ChilledFlame

    ChilledFlame Member

    Thanx. Ill keep dat in mind. I kno that Lei will be one of my chracters. Now i have to find someone else.....

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