Colin Leong in Toronto (from the okizeme thread)

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by Yupa, Oct 24, 2001.

  1. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    <risking the continuation of a flame war which I loathe>

    Alucard wrote:
    "Potential bullshit"? Bwahaha...Sorry to burst your bubble
    but I PERSONALLY KNOW 3 players(from Singapore, of course)
    who can senbon punch flawlessly, I'm sure there are others
    who are capable of doing that but my VF2 social circle is
    small, hope you understand. Heh...
    Anyway, one of them(Colin Leong) actually entered a
    tournament in Canada during his vacation a couple of years
    back. Guess what? He won, in fact, it was a rout.

    I ran that tournament. It was not a rout. There were about 5 other players on par with Colin's expertise.

    Toronto locals: No4(Taiwan's fourth ranked VFer), Jo Shun, Robertson, Lan Bui
    and from Detroit: Big Jacky aka Motor City Jacky

    Colin won, but he did not dominate against the above players.

    IMO, if you are an expert pianist you can perform senbon nokku. It's an impressive skill to display, but in my mind does not mean that you're the best of the best. You also need a dexterous left hand to win at VF.

    "VF is the resonance AND the wonder." GodEater
  2. Dashwolf

    Dashwolf Well-Known Member

    um.... I'm a newbie (serious!)

    whats a senbon nokku?
  3. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    In VF2 only you could do PKG so that you got a punch followed by a G-canceled (fake) kick. If the timing was right, the punch had zero recovery time, therefore you could immediately do another attack w/out any lag time. Basically, you could then add an obnoxious number of single punches (anywhere from 6 to 12 or more) to any float combo doing a ton of extra damage and usually pushing your opponent out of the ring once you had them airbourne. The really cheap way to use senbon nokku was to not even bother with a float combo... simply hit your opponent with a single punch and PKGPKGPKGPKGPKGPKGPKGPKGPKG until ring out.

    Adding 2 or 3 PKG's to a float combo is stylish in VF2, but anymore may be considered cheap.

    Try searching for the Akira Kid VF2 combo vids. (I don't know where they might be on the web.) That's probably the easiest place to see what it looks like along with iaigeri (a high kick that hits but has zero recovery time) If you G-cancel Jacky's or Akira's high kick (F+K) by tapping G exactly 12 frames after hitting K the kick will hit and have zero recovery time.

    "VF is the resonance AND the wonder." GodEater
  4. chingdude

    chingdude Well-Known Member

  5. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    Ok, "rout" is an overstatement, but its a fact that he won.

    Quoting You:
    "IMO, if you are an expert pianist you can perform senbon nokku. It's an impressive skill to display, but in my mind does not mean that you're the best of the best. You also need a dexterous left hand to win at VF."

    I fully agree, dexterity is the most important element in VF2.
    Most people(discount Mr.Bungle cause he thinks its "potential bullshit") can do the senbon punch will sufficient practice. For the fact that so many people can do it, its certainly not "potential bullshit" or impossible.

    I think the fact that combos, CDs and other stuff are getting easier to execute in VF3/4 proofs that SEGA is moving towards a more strategy based platform. Good reflexes and dextrous hands will still be rewarded, but its not that important any more.
  6. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: Colin Leong in Toronto (from the okizeme threa

    **Most people(discount Mr.Bungle cause he thinks its "potential bullshit") can do the senbon punch will sufficient**

    You might want to know what you're talking about before you speak on something, asshole, and stop misquoting me, you stupid fuck - I said "senbon nokku", which is hitting a *standing opponent with repeated PKG's till KO or RO*. For people who don't know how this worked (especially you, alucard, you fucking reprobate - listen up), perfectly timed PKG's, one repeated after another, would keep hitting w/o the opponent being able to block or avoid the continuous onslaught of punches, because the PKG's would recover sooner than the opponents hitstun or blockstun rigour time.

    True senbon nokku is extremely difficult to do, IMO you deserved to win if you could land this on someone, and you obviously don't know what the fuck you're talking about when you say "so many people" could do it, because that's just flat out not true. Even at the end of the Akira Kid combo tape, where so many insane combos with insanely good PKG's are seen, you see Akira Kid and his opponents try senbon nokku once in a while, and they only get a few off before missing the timing on one.

    Non-Japanese players took the term "senbon nokku" and bastardized it - "senbon" in normal rgva lingo wound up meaning simply a good PKG. Yes, "many people" could add one or a few well timed PKG's in their float to make their float better, but "many people" couldn't do ST - SJK - PKGx6 - iai - dbpm with Akira or knee - PKGx4 - knee with Jeff or knee - PKGx3 - PPP with Wolf etc etc etc.

    "I know I say the word 'fuck' a lot, and I'd apologize, but; I don't give a shit." - Lewis Black
  7. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    Re: Colin Leong in Toronto (from the okizeme threa

    I have to agree with Bungle.

    NOBODY I know in Singapore can do a perfect senbon nokku, ie KO the opponent with senbons, and I KNOW a lot of VF players. Well, maybe a few but not a lot. Definately not enough to make it life threatening.
  8. Dashwolf

    Dashwolf Well-Known Member

    Re: Colin Leong in Toronto (from the okizeme threa

    hmmm...can a sebon nokku still be done in vf4?
  9. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Re: Colin Leong in Toronto (from the okizeme threa

    No. It was removed, I believe, with the incarnation of VF2.1. You cannot do it in VF3 or VF4. And this is *Nokku* that we're talking about here. PKG can still be done in all VF3, VF4.

    Just to further append to the discussion. There are indeed very very few people who can/could do this. Not to plug myself or anything, but I can/could do extremely fast PKGs in VF2. I cannot do nokku. It is not a trivial thing to do by any means. GLC is also talented with ridiculous fast fingers - GLC, can you nokku?

    Alucard, I ask you this: Have you personally seen senbon-nokku performed? If not, then I would be leaning towards reforming your statement about knowing 3 people who can do it - it's much more likely that they could do very fast PKGs, but not nokku.


    <font color=white>Llanfair</font color=white>
    <A target="_blank" HREF=>virtuaproject</A>
  10. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    Re: Colin Leong in Toronto (from the okizeme threa

    Its your own fault for misquoting me in the first place.

    I wrote in reply to CreeD:
    "...not to mention the ridiculous senbon punch, and Kage and Akira can senbon punch. Still think that your Sarah or Pai is as powerful as them? Heh..."

    And you wrote in reply:
    "And jesus dude, if someone had the dexterity to do Senbon Nokku to KO, they fucking DESERVED to win. If they were good at in combos, well good for them; more reward for their dexterity."

    I was talking about senbon punches, not nokku-whatever dimwit. Its a joke to say that if you've got the dexterity to do senbon nokku, you deserve to win. It only proofs that you're probably a pianist whos got plenty of time and patience to perfect a BUG. No brains required, suits Mr.FatEgo perfectly. No wonder you keep insisting that VF2 rules.
  11. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: Colin Leong in Toronto (from the okizeme threa

    >Its your own fault for misquoting me in the first place.... "If they were good at in combos, well good for them; more reward for their dexterity."


    Didn't I address what you said in this sentence right there (which you just pointed out yourself), you lackwitted spermwich? You were not being clear, you did not specifically say which one (because, as you've pretty much shown everyone, you're not quite sure what you're talking about), so I brought up both uses of PKG'ing and commented on them.

    > It only proofs that you're probably a pianist whos got plenty of time and patience to perfect a BUG.

    *I* can't even come close to doing it, I NEVER even inferred that I could, you mentally incapacitated toad. Take some fucking reading comprehension classes, already.

    "I know I say the word 'fuck' a lot, and I'd apologize, but; I don't give a shit." - Lewis Black
  12. kbcat

    kbcat Well-Known Member

    Re: Colin Leong in Toronto (from the okizeme threa

    Just a quick note: I don't think I've ever seen Mr. Bungle perform Senbon Nokku in a match -- it's definitely not his shtick.

  13. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: Colin Leong in Toronto (from the okizeme threa

    In a (likely vain) attempt to keep this thread on-topic, I've slapped together the moat2.1 reports and uploaded them <A target="_blank" HREF=> here </A>, for anyone that might care to learn or to reminisce.

    "I know I say the word 'fuck' a lot, and I'd apologize, but; I don't give a shit." - Lewis Black
  14. kbcat

    kbcat Well-Known Member

    Re: Colin Leong in Toronto (from the okizeme threa

    Thanks for posting that link to the report Mr. Bungle. Certainly was nice to read it again -- sure brought back memories! Llany and I really hope that we can get that kind of tournament atmosphere again with VF in TO.

    kbcat -- note: Colin's little brother was unstopable on Fighting Vipers :p
  15. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Re: Colin Leong in Toronto (from the okizeme threa

    I was talking about senbon punches, not nokku-whatever dimwit. Its a joke to say that if you've got the dexterity to do senbon nokku, you deserve to win. It only proofs that you're probably a pianist whos got plenty of time and patience to perfect a BUG.

    His comment about no brains has nothing to do with the subject which is "...joke to say that if you've got the dexterity to do senbon nokku, you deserve to win"

    Boy you have to take reading comprehension rich, its as plain as day he was speaking third person.


  16. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    Re: Colin Leong in Toronto (from the okizeme threa

    When was I not clear, I said "SENBON PUNCHES", not "SENBON NOKKU".

    I wouldn't over-estimate your ability, I did not even remotely mention that you can do it. I said:
    "...Its a joke to say that if you've got the dexterity to do senbon nokku, you deserve to win. It only proofs that you're probably a pianist whos got plenty of time and patience to perfect a BUG. No brains required, suits Mr.FatEgo perfectly. No wonder you keep insisting that VF2 rules."

    The "you" was referring to players in general, not you - Mr.FatEgo. Don't over-estimate your abililty.
  17. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    Re: Colin Leong in Toronto (from the okizeme threa

  18. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: Colin Leong in Toronto (from the okizeme threa

    Hmmm. I guess idiots speak their own language. I wasn't the only one who didn't quite see what he was saying (like kbcat), but it's not hard to mistake, coming from someone who can't put together sentences for shit (much like you, Andy - nice quoting and editing job you do there).

    "I know I say the word 'fuck' a lot, and I'd apologize, but; I don't give a shit." - Lewis Black
  19. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    Re: Colin Leong in Toronto (from the okizeme threa

    FYI, I speak 5 languages. English is not even my primary language, why don't we try conversing in Jap or Mandarin you pathetic monolingual maggot.
  20. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: Colin Leong in Toronto (from the okizeme threa

    Why yes, that approach makes sense, because we all know that people who know more languages than another are automatically better than the other. Rock on!

    I have all the patience in the world for anyone who doesn't speak English well, but the instant someone blames me for their own lack of skill is when they've deemed themselves mindless gutter filth.


    "I know I say the word 'fuck' a lot, and I'd apologize, but; I don't give a shit." - Lewis Black

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