Compilation of vf 4 Akira combos

Discussion in 'Akira' started by LM_Akira, Apr 22, 2003.

  1. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    I realise this is old news to most as evo's just round the corner but if there's any players who'd like a fully comprehensive list of Akira combos written here as a reference then let me know and I'll get right on it.
  2. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    OK there's been some interest so I'll carry on with what I was going to do.This list is basically aimed at new players /people just looking for combo information for Akira.Nothing new here is covered / listed and I can take no credit for the lists that appear.I'm doing this for the simple reason that when I was first new to the site a few months back and I searched for combo info I generally only found abbreviated lists like shrm p DLC which to be honest didn't mean anyhthing to me.I realise careful looking will solve nearly all problems on this site but what I propose to do is list as many feasible combos as possible in the [4][2][6][8][G][K] notation.This will be old news to lots at this site but as I stated above this is aimed at starting players/info seekers.
    Thanks must go to re_charred_sigh for his amazing guide,Creed,Myke,Sanjuro,Slimadey and anyone else who contributed to re_charred_sigh's guide for information/inspiration in compiling combos.
    First I'll go through some basic terms, commands and ideas then get onto the combos.Apologies if I list anything that's TR/QR'able as I'm only human and any source of feedback is welcome.Where possible I'll add info with regards to evo combos.

    MC stands for Major Counter and this is where your attacking move interupts an opponents animation as they go to attack you.Damage is increased but other important things happen as well for example a [6][6][P] MC will knock your opponent back in the air and a [6][6][6][P] MC will force a stomach crumble animation on your opponent.
    In float combos weight plays an important role and there are three weight classes:HW ( heavy ) MW ( mid ) and LW ( light ) and some combos are only possible up to a certain weight range wheras some combos work for all weights.

    You'll often see a shorthand of writing moves instead of writing commands for combos so here are the most common abbreviations;
    DJK ( double jump kick ) [6][6][K][K]
    LBF ( low back fist ) [3][P]+[K]
    Stpm ( standing palm ) [4][6][P]
    Sgpm ( single palm ) [2_][6][P] or [3][3][6][P] or [1][1][6][P]
    Dbpm ( double palm ) [2_][4][6][P] ( see sgpm motions )
    Stdbpm ( standing double palm ) [2][1][4][P]
    DFS ( double fisted strike ) [4][6][P]+[K]
    Shrm ( shoulder ram ) [2_][6][P]+[K]
    Yoho [3][3][P]
    DE ( dashing elbow ) [6][6][P]
    SDE ( super dashing elbow ) [6][6][6][P]
    Knee [K]+[G] release [G] after 1 frame
    SPoD ( Stun palm of doom ) [P]+[K]+[G],[4][3][P]+[G],[4][P] is probably the easiest way to do it.
    DLC ( Dragon lance combo ) [3][K]+[G],[6][P],[4][6][6][P]+[K]
    ABC/AS3 ( Axe blade combo/Akira special 3 ) [2][K]+[G],[6][K],[4][6][P]
    DBC ( deep body check ) [4][6][6][P]+[K]
    Using [3][3] or [1][1] to do a shrm,sgpm,dbpm called modiying the move and is quicker to do then simply crouching and executing the move.All information is vf4 verc specific.
    I'll start by listing combos that are relatively straight forward to pull-off and ideal for starting players to use.

    [6][6][6][P] ( MC ) [6][6][K][K] or [4][6][6][P]+[K] or [2][P][2_][4][6][P]
    [6][6][6][P] ( MC ) [3][3][P] ( [4][6][6][P]+[K] can be added if opponent doesn't roll out the way ( TR ) or quick recover ( QR ) )
    [2][1][4][P],[3][3][P] ( possible [4][6][6][P]+[K] follow up )
    [3][P]+[K] ( MC ) [6][6][K][K]
    [3][3][P],[4][6][6][P]+[K] ( both useful for ring out purposes )
    [4][6][P],[6][6][K][K] ( this is open stance only.Open stance is where both characters have the same foot forward, closed is opposite feet forward ).
    [3][3][P],[P],[3][3][P] ( against a wall or ideally a MC against a LW )
    [2][1][4][P] ( evade [2] ) [4][6][6][P]+[K]
    [3][3][P],[P],[2][P],[2_][6][P] or [2_][6][P]+[K] or [2_][4][6][P] ( LW preferable )
    against a wall:
    [3][3][P] or [2_][6][P]+[K] to
    [P][K] or [P][P], [4][6][6][P]+[K]

    [4][6][P],[4][6][P] ( ground punch )
    [4][6][P],[6][6][P] or [6][6][6][P]
    Sorry these don't appear to be in any sensible order.Now are the more advanced combos which make use of DLC,SPoD and ABC.DLC and ABC are generally used to finish combos as they hit so low to the ground and as such some combos that end with DLC or ABC won't work against HW charcters or opponents who QR/TR but I'll try and point that out.

    [4][6][P],[2][P],[2_][4][6][P] ( this WILL work on all weight types but the [2][P] must be well timed to hit your opponents feet after they bounce )
    [4][6][P],[P],[3][3][4][6][P] ( again all weights I think though the timing on the modified double palm is tough )
    [4][6][P],ABC ( ground punch ) ( All weights I think though somr moves of ABC may miss depending on timing )
    [4][6][P],DLC ( againg not all hits guaranteed )
    [4][6][P],[6][6][K][K],[4][6][6][P]+[K] ( open stance near a wall )
    [4][6][P],[4][6][P],[4][6][6][P]+[K] ( near a wall )

    [2][1][4][P],ABC ( ground punch )
    [2][1][4][P],[3][3][P],[4][6][6][P]+[K] (near a wall )

    [6][6][6][P] (MC) DLC or ABC( ground punch )
    [6][6][6][P],[6][6][P] or [6][6][6][P] or [3][3][4][6][P]
    [6][6][6][P] (MC) [4][6][P]+[K],[4][6][6][P]+[K]
    [6][6][6][P] (MC) knee
    [6][6][6][P] (MC) [3][3][P],DLC or ABC ( not all hits guaranteed )
    [6][6][6][P] (MC) [3][3][6][P]+[K],ABC ( ground punch ) ( LW only )

    [3][3][P],[P],DLC or ABC
    [3][3][P],[P],[6][6][K][K] ( open stance I think )
    [3][3][P],[P],[4][6][P],[6][6][6][P] ( LW )
    [3][3][P],[4][6][P],[6][6][6][P] ( closed stance for HW I think )
    [3][3][P],[P],[P] or [P],[P],[P] ( into wall ) [3][3][4][6][P] or [6][6][K][K] ( LW )
    Generally as yoho combos go so do shoulder rams ( and similary some DE /SDE are exchangable )

    [2_][6][P]+[K] ( MC) [P],[3][3][6][P]+[K],[3][3][4][6][P]
    [2_][6][P]+[K],[P],[3][3][6][P]+[K] [4][6][6][P]+[K] ( into wall )
    These are decent examples of how to get modified shoulder rams into your combos for large damage.

    Knee,[P],knee ( up to MW I think )
    knee , DLC or ABC ( ground punch ..see general notes on most floats )
    knee, [P][P],[3][3][4][6][P] ( LW I think )
    The general rule of thumb is that float combos can be mixed up so it pays to experiment.

    Sabaki counter:

    [4][P]+[K]+[G],[6][P],[6][6][P],[4][6][6][P]+[K] into wall

    [6][4][P]+[G],[8]or[2],[P]+[K],[4][4][4][P],[1][1][6][4][P] ( note change of direction )
    It's also possible to follow up this pull in throw with SDE to DLC against LW or SDE DBC into wall.

    Wall combos:
    This often involves using SPoD and if you manage to stagger you opponent onto a wall with a single palm then you should aim to take at least half their life bar away!

    [2_][6][P] SPoD
    [2_][6][P] (wall in corner ) SPoD, [4][6][6][P]+[K]
    [2_][6][P],[3][3][P],[4][6][P]+[K] or [4][6][6][P]+[K]
    [3][K],( wall in corner )SPoD,[4][6][6][P]+[K]

    Note that SPoD throws your opponent out at a 90 degree angle to yourself soany time you in line with a wall you could try SPoD,[4][6][6][P]+[K].

    Combos in evo ( from what I can see ) involve the use of
    [K]+[G],[P] mid float
    and [3][K]+[G],[6][P],[8]or[2] against a wall to roll away and do more damage.Also the knee move hits low now so combos like SPoD ( into wall ) knee can be done.
    This list of combos is by no means complete and there are many not here that are around this site but this is just a rough guide I've laid out for any one wishing to start using Akira.Hope people find it useful. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  3. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the prop's, and I just have to quote pulp fiction:

    Jules to Jimmy: 'We expected some freeze dried taster's choice, and you spring this gourmet shit on us!'

    (Explanation: Amazing Akira combos)

    Can't wait to play you and your mate next Friday.

    I'm gonna try these out tonight!!! /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
  4. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Yeah it should be good.There's plenty more I could post and probably will do in the future considering the name of this post but I'm just too busy right now. /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  5. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    There's a lot of stuff here, and I'm sure it'll be useful to anyone looking to pick up akira. Some suggestions -

    group the combos by combo starter... all SDE combos in one section, all shrm combos in the next, all yoho combos in the next... etc.

    Get rid of the tech rollable combos. There's a lot of room for creativity if the opponent is going to just stay down, and it'd be a lot of work to list all the useful/damaging TR-able hits... bodycheck...AS3...evo knee... m-shrm... etc.

    If you're going to list the slang/abbreviations for each move, you could use those instead of move commands. That's sort of a tossup... strict commands are impossible to screw up but listing it by abbreviation can make the combo easier to visualize/understand.

    This is completely minor and nitpicky, but you may want to try separating moves with something other than a comma... it's easier to read imo. But you're consistent in the way you notate so that's a good thing.
  6. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the feedback.I did realise when I was writing down some of them that they weren't grouped together in a logical order but I've a load more I'll put on soon and I'll sort them out before I start typing.I agree seeing commands is easier to visualise but when I was new all I wanted to see was what command to press and when.I'll try and incorporate your ideas though as I'd like to turn this thread solely into a huge ' database ' of Akira combos that especially new players to the game can instantly look up instead of trawling through many many threads as I found myself doing sometimes. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  7. hikarutilmitt

    hikarutilmitt Well-Known Member

    I was going to ask (and I guess suggest, as well) about doing the ABC rather than a double palm at the end of a [6][4][P]+[G] -> [4][4][4][P]. Shouldn't that work?

    At least during actual play, lately, it'll hit against what seems to be everyone (yeah, even Jeff and other HWs). These DO prevent TR if you're fast in doing them, since I play against people that TR whenever given a chance. Of course, I also tested it in training before doing it on players.

    This is on VF4, btw, not Evo.
  8. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    yah man as3 is the best choice vs jeff and wolf in 4, in this case after the fff+p.
  9. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Yeah as Shang said it's definately usable in vf 4 but as I was trying to point out above this is not a " be all and end all " of combos you can do.I'm going to list as many variations as I can find or come up with but the trick is not to write down every single one and it's uses it's to show as many varying examples as possible I guess.
    Taking a cue from Creed I'll try and space moves with > as opposed to commas.
    Before I continue with vf4 combos I'd like to transcribe Netrom's excellent evo Akira video.I can take no credit for these and to see them yourself in action just look around for EVO Akira vid and you'll see it.It comes highly recomended.Below is pretty much what Netrom has recorded in the video and after are a few ideas I've seen jap./kor. players use in videos around the forum.Some will be repeats of what is written before but this simply means the combo is transferrable between versions.All combos were done against LW's and presumably TR's were switched off so if there's any doubt on hits I'll comment on it.

    EVO specific combos:

    [3][3][P]>[P]>[P]>DLC ( looks like it goes up it MW.Each punch must be done quickly and separetly so's NOT to perform [P][P] which is a general rule for Akira combos )
    [3][3][P]>[P]>[3][3][4][6][P] ( probably up to HW due to dbpm ender )
    [3][3][P]>[P]>[P]>[P]>[3][3][6][P][P] ( I've already seen LOT'S of posts about Akira's new sgpmto DE type combo.Basiocally from what I understand you have about 2-3 frames to press [P] after the sgpm has connected either blocked or hit.If the sgpm whiffs the DE won't come out.In case anyones's unsure of whiffing this is wherby you put yourself at a disadvantage by performing a move that completely misses . This combo is LW strictly I think into a wall)
    [3][3][P]>[P][K]>[3][3][4][6][P] ( Looks ok to HW )
    [3][3][P]>[P]>[P]>[P]>[3][3][4][6][P] ( LW into a wall )
    [3][3][P]>[3][3][6][P]+[K]>DLC ( Seems ok to MW as yoho float has been improved I hear )
    [3][3][P]>knee>[3][3][4][6][P] ( timing looks pretty tough )
    knee>>knee>knee ( think this only hits 3 times on LW and third hit may be TR'ble )
    knee>[P]>[3][3][P]>[3][3][4][6][P] ( LW only looks like )
    ( presumably [4][6][P]>[2][P]>[2_][4][6][P] will still work )
    [4][6][P]>[P]>[3][3][P]>[3][3][4][6][P] ( looks like LW into wall or something )
    [2_][6][P]+[K]>[P]>DLC ( staple shrm combo )
    [2_][6][P]+[K]>[K]+[G]>[P] ( from what I know [K]+[G]>[P] will work mid float after any float )
    SPoD ( into wall )>knee

    The last two examples from Netrom's excellent video aren't true combos I think but rely on your opponent TR'ing after the shrm hit:
    [6][6][6][P]( MC)>[3][3][6][P]+[K]>(TR)>[3][K]>[6][6][6][P]>[3][3][4][6][P]

    [2_][6][P][P] seems a deadly tool now in Akira's new arsenal since if the sgpm hots mid combo then the DE will also hit if timed right meaning getting a MC on the SDE is now probably bigger in the high risk/high reward stakes.
    Combos like
    or any float to [6][6][K][K] are still useful meaning it's possible for a newcomer to play Akira well in evo with relatively little training.If there's anything dubious about what I've posted don't hesitate to let me know.
  10. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    A few more:

    Open stance: [2_][6][P]+[K](MC), [P], [P], [6][6][K][K] Works on all characters. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif

    Either stance: [3][3][P](MC), [P], [4][6][P], [3][3][4][6][P]. (all characters except Wolf and Jeffry)

    Closed stance: [3][3][P](MC), [P], [3][3][6][P]+[K], DLC. This works on Aoi and Pai in closed stance. Against Sarah and Vanessa, I've had mixed results. You can also end with the new [K]+[G], [P] move.

    Open stance: [3][3][P](MC), [P], [3][3][6][P]+[K], [6][6][K][K]. Everyone except Wolf, Jeffry, Akira, Jacky and Lau.

    Either stance: Knee(MC), [P], [3][3][6][P]+[K], [3][3][4][6][P]. This works on all characters except Wolf and Jeffry. Against Akira it works in closed stance.

    I've messed around with the new [2_][6][P]~[P] during floats, but I haven't tested it extensively enough against all characters. It seems to work fairly well.

    Float, [P], [3][3][6][P]~[P] seems to work against mid and lightweight characters consistently, but the timing is tricky against the heavier midweights. Damage is roughly 83 points, so it's not bad.
  11. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the input Dre it's much appreciated /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif.
    I'm sorry to jump around with the versions like this but I'm now going to try and fill in some of the gaps I left in the vf 4 verc list.I won't try and list every combo possible as that would take forever and mean I'd be writing stuff like
    [3][3][P]>[P][K] .... which isn't much use to any body really.
    First I'll cover some DE combos.IMO these are less useful than SDE as the MC animation knocks your opponent back instead of forcing a crumble which means you typically MUST finish a DE series with a move that has good range:

    [6][6][P](MC)>[2][P]>[2_][4][6][P] ( similar to the SDE one )
    [6][6][P](MC)>[3][3][4][6][P] ( these three are probably the most useful DE series but when in a match and using them recognition of how your DE hits must be quick and in general you must have in mind what you want to follow up with so's that you do as much damage as possible and don't just let them land and TR )
    [6][6][P](MC)>[3][3][6][P]+[K]>[3][3][4][6][P] ( nailing the m-shrm to m-dbpm is a staple Akira ender>Incidentally the m in m-dbpm means the move has been modified with [3][3]/[1][1] or similar notation as opposed to doing the move from a crouch [2_] )

    The following are some more stpm series.Though they may not be the highest damage combos they all have their uses:

    [4][6][P]>[4][6][P] ( simple but deadly when used against a drunken shun as it'll deduct two drinks from him and reduce the " drunken " moves he has )
    [4][6][P]>knee>[3][3][4][6][P] ( LW in open stance I think )

    LBF combos are useful on MC since they " collapse " your opponent but the follow up you do must be inputted quickly:

    Against the majority of LW characters using [3][P]+[K]+[G]>[P] mid float is a good way to do damage but the floater is prefferably a MC and the final [P] ( looks like an elbow ) may not connect.
    Guard break combos are extremely useful for opponents who like to turtle.The commands for guard breaks are [6] or [2] [P]+[G] in vf 4 but have been changed to [6] or [2] [P]+[K]+[G] which is a good change imo as this stops any whiffing of throws if the [2]/[6] command isn't entered correctly.The following apply to a guarding opponent:

    [6][P]+[G]>[4][6][P]>[6][6][K][K] ( open stance only )
    [6][P]+[G]>[3][3][6][P]>[3][3][4][6][P] ( timing from m-sgpm to m-dbpm is tough )
    If your opponent's back is near a wall then a good series to use is [6][P]+[G] >[3][3][6][P]> to any wall combo list higher up on this thread.Wall combos are a genuine way to cause real high damage if you get a sgpm wall stagger.
    The stumble throw [4][2][P]+[G] is also a very useful tool in Akira's arsenal as three important moves are guaranteed from it.
    [4][2][P]+[G]>[2][3][6][4][P] ( I've written the actual comands you perform but what happens is you get a dbpm come straight out.Useful in it's own right near a wall as if hit into the wall you've a guaranteed down attack on your opponent )
    [4][2][P]+[G]>[4][4][4][P]<DLC ( LW only )
    [4][2][P]+[G]>[2][1][4][P]>[1][1][6][4][P] ( favoured a lot by eastern players this is a variation on the m-sgpm to m-dbpm )
    Again if the chance should arise ( Akira's back to wall ) using the ST or the Suprise exchange ( [1][P]+[G] ) to wall stagger your opponent with a sgpm thus resulting in a high damage wall combo.
    A good variation on the staple PIT ( pull in throw ) combo is to evade ,break guard and then follow up with a SPoD.Commands look like this:
    Since a good player will guard immediately after the evade breaking their guard will present you with a window to SPoD which is always good!

    Charging up th DFS [4][6][P]+[K] is always good to play mind games with.If your opponent goes to attack you can let it go instantly and it's irreversible and if they block the fully charged attack you've a guarnateed stpm follow up meaning all the listed stpm combos are useful here.
    Though not really a true combo use of
    [4][6][P]+[K]+[G] will give you an almost guaranteed down attack ( I think ) and it's possible to use this after any float ( I think...maybe MC required )against LW charcters to knock them a long way back.More stuff will follow shortly hopefully...
  12. FOB

    FOB Member

    quick combos involving m-dblpm, will they connect regardless which way you 'm'? Like I have this probelm that d/b,d/b just feels hella weird to me (on the first player side). So on the second player side, I can never d/f d/f very well for 'm' versions...since dblpm covers a bit of ground, I thought it might still work. Don't have time to test ti myself since I've been prety busy.

  13. hikarutilmitt

    hikarutilmitt Well-Known Member

    It should work either way so long as you do the dbl palm fast. If you use a crouch back dash you run the risk of possibly going a tad too far back, but with most of the combos the distance is negligible given the distance the move travels.
  14. Akira_Zero

    Akira_Zero Well-Known Member

    It shouldn't matter which way. If the double palm can hit then it will hit as long as it's perfectly executed.
  15. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    I realise it's been a while since I've posted some stuff on here but more is soon to follow.Watch this space....
  16. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Well I've finally got my copy of evo and been playing it non stop for the last week ago so hopefully now I can add some evo combos to this long since dead thread.Whilst many useful combos are transferrable between versions some new ones in evo have arisen due to the new knee move and modified Dragon Lance etc...Another useful thing is the combo list in the training area which will give "definitive" combos for the char your playing against either stance , counter hit or normal hit.It could be debateable as to whether these really are the best combos for the situations you choose but hey its a start!
    I'll begin this first post proper with some SDE combos which are as useful as ever.All the following require the [6][6][6][P] to be a MC and you'll know whether you got it right or not as your opponent will suffer a "gut collapse " as the tutorial explains.

    [6][6][6][P]>[6][6][P] 50 ( repeated I know but still useful.If your opponent is lazy on TR/QR hit them with another [6][6][6][P] as they land.Think its stance independent)
    [6][6][6][P]>[6][P][4] 49 ( little less damage but the new step in-out move takes you out the danger zone for some breathing space)
    [6][6][6][P]>[K]+[G]>[P] 64 ( nice damage and all hits guaranteed I think.Easy for beginners to use.)
    [6][6][6][P]>[6][6][K][K] 67 ( a classic, three of these and you opponents dead however the MC must be anticpated to be ready to follow up with [6][6][K][K])
    [6][6][6][P]>knee 60 ( tricky for beginners I'll admit but looks quite nice.If theres no QR/TR involved go for another knee that'll scrape the ground since the hit level is low now instead of mid!)
    [6][6][6][P]>[3][3][6][P]>[P] varying damage ( awkward one to get down with timing at first but probably now an Akira staple )
    [6][6][6][P]>[6][6][P] or [6][6][6][P] 50
    [6][6][6][P]>[4][6][P]+[K] or [4][6][6][P]+[K] 50/53 ( useful for ring outs if nothing else )
    [6][6][6][P]>[2][P]>[2_][4][6][P] 63 ( not sure of the constraints for this, some chars it works on and some it misses and not too sure about stance atm)
    [6][6][6][P]>[3][3][P] or [3][3][6][P]+[K] 54/52
    [6][6][6][P]>ABC ( not too sure on damage as not all hits are guaranteed)
    [6][6][6][P]>[3][K]+[G]>[6][P]>evade[2]>[P]+[K] 55 up to the body check ( not sure about this at all.The computer gave me this one and I only sometimes get the body check to connect and when it does it goes to about 70 damage.If doing a full DLC I don't think the "straight" body check is guaranteed either I'll look into this.)
    Well that's all I've done for now.Apologies if I've repeated myself loads or omitted some combos and repeated others but these are the ideas I've been messing around with so far.More will soon follow /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif...
  17. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    [6][6][6][P]>[2][P]>[2_][4][6][P] 63 ( not sure of the constraints for this, some chars it works on and some it misses and not too sure about stance atm)

    It works on either stance and every character if [2][P] is

    input fast enough. You almost have to do it right away

    after SDE hits.

    [6][6][6][P]>[3][K]+[G]>[6][P]>evade[2]>[P]+[K] 55 up to the body check ( not sure about this at all.The computer gave me this one and I only sometimes get the body check to connect and when it does it goes to about 70 damage.If doing a full DLC I don't think the "straight" body check is guaranteed either I'll look into this.)

    I use [6][6][6][P](MC)-> [2][P]-> DLC against characters

    lighter than Akira. It works regardless of stance and

    does about the same damage as [6][6][K] follow up.
  18. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    which would probably make [6][6][K][K] the easier / less hassle option with it being guarenteed on all weights.... /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    in reply to csnape regarding MC fff+p ~ d+p ~ dblpm: - why not just delay the low P and make the opp bounce like goh's crumble ~ d+p ~ K?, that way, i'm pretty sure it will work on all weights as well as d+p ~ DLC.

    gun me down if i'm wrong?
  19. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    You are right. I agree.

    I just like the combo since it is more flash and also

    useful for a ring-out combo.( DLC is involved)
  20. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Yeah the staple follow up is the DJK [6][6][K][K] but I'm starting to notice [K]+[G]>[P] is a nice easy follow up for beginners to use in almost all cases of using DJK in combos.Of course as you say the DLC is the flashiest follow up and definately good for ring out purposes.Feel free to add any more combos if you like I'm planning on posting some more soon, just trying to drag myself away from quest mode! /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

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