Corrupted file help!

Discussion in 'Console' started by SpeedFreak25, Feb 19, 2004.

  1. SpeedFreak25

    SpeedFreak25 Active Member

    when i went to a friends house yesterday, while the game was autosaving after some vs battles (vf4 evolution) my firend accidendentally restted the ps2. now when i try to load the file it says its is corrupt. please tell me there is something i can do to restore the data. (beacuse the player files are on one system file) on my browser menu it doesnt say anything about the file being corrupt. plz help me!
  2. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    Sorry to say this, but you my friend are screwed. You have start over again. Forgive me if I am proven wrong, but thats it.
  3. SpeedFreak25

    SpeedFreak25 Active Member

    nooooooooooooooooooo /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif ive literally lost the will to play the game ever again. (not that i was as far as most people here but still) thankyou for replying but i will be happy if ne 1 can prove u wrong. ne one no wen vf5 might be out? ( i dont mean cyber generation)
  4. SpeedFreak25

    SpeedFreak25 Active Member

    just wondering is there any cheat or quick way of getting items for people again or to unlock the battle mode for vs?
  5. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

  6. SpeedFreak25

    SpeedFreak25 Active Member

    Thanx for that. although i dont have a gameshark thingy. not sure whether its worth getting one. how much are they? (its more losing my personal records that upsets me) call me sad if u want but right now im really depresed.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Losing your personal records isn't that big of a deal. Improving your game is what's important. 10 th Dan, Hunter, Slayer with X amount of wins and losses and all that good stuff doesn't really mean much if you don't live in Japan. As for the items, most of them aren't that hard to get anyway so just start over. No need to get all bent out of shape for that. Not being able to EDTEG or mdbplm, messing up your combos and stuff like that should frustrate you more than losing your personal records. If you stop playing Evo because of that then you're totally missing out on the big picture which is : improving your game.
  8. SpeedFreak25

    SpeedFreak25 Active Member

    yeah, i know your right. only problem is it will be boring at start to do the first set of arcades and the quest orders and mission stuff but i guess a game as good as this isnt worth missing out for anything. Thanx for that ONISTOMPA.
  9. ValeStyle_Gove

    ValeStyle_Gove Well-Known Member

    Ha, same thing happened to me bout 5 months or so ago, but my new Data is better than ever. I suggest not pulling out the memory card while saving like I did. /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif
  10. Devil7om

    Devil7om Well-Known Member

    funny that isnt it Valestyle. By pulling out your memory card and not accepting one loss you ended up losing your entire data. All because Lau wasnt my actual character. PURE SKILL
  11. ValeStyle_Gove

    ValeStyle_Gove Well-Known Member

    Nothing better to post Tom? The fact that I went thru an unbreakable gate with my new profile was quite bad, but not worth the loss of save.
  12. Devil7om

    Devil7om Well-Known Member

    Through? How about watching it again. I think you went OVER.
  13. Devil7om

    Devil7om Well-Known Member

    Okay fine. OVER and then THROUGH. So a bit of both really.

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