Crap... game isn't starting.

Discussion in 'Console' started by Tekken_Sux, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. Tekken_Sux

    Tekken_Sux Member

    So I just bought a PS3 used, is having blu-ray troubles but that doesn't matter because right now I just want to play VF5FS.

    Everything seemed to be working fine until I press X to start VF5. The XMB screen disappears like the game is starting soon, but nothing happens, blank screen.

    I tried deleting the game and reinstalling it (this time I left out the DLC, and the same thing happens... darkness.

    I've tried to play in 480p and 1080i (the only modes my display will do) and both don't work.

    Anybody else have a problem like this?
  2. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    If the game did boot, you'll be stuck at 480p. The PS3 won't go to 1080i. Even if you have it checked. Did you try downloading a demo of the store to see if it's a resolution issue?
  3. SicilianVizzini

    SicilianVizzini Well-Known Member

    Your TV sounds quite old if it won't do 720p. So the most likely reason I can think of, is caused by the TV not supporting the latest video encryption that the PS3 will be using to talk to the tell when playing encrypted content.

    I would suggest either trying with a different tv or try to find a firmware software update for the TV from the manufacturer(if available), or using composite or component with your PS3 to check it will work using analogue video.
  4. Tekken_Sux

    Tekken_Sux Member

    I was hoping one of you would try 480p or 1080i on your ps3 to see if it's the issue. I know it's not just my display, because I'm not getting any audio either. The game isn't booting. I am using component by the way.

    I can look at the HDD light an it's not doing anything after the first few seconds. And when I hold the power button, the HDD light flashes quickly while the ps3 beeps quickly three times.
  5. Burning_Typhoon

    Burning_Typhoon Active Member

    Maybe because Virtua Fighter sux, and you should try a Tekken game.

    I dunno, I suppose I could try 480p and see if that works. I can't do 1080 anything, because my tv is only a 720.

    Why don't you try taking the PS3 to another TV, and using that instead?

    I'll get to trying that sometime tomorrow, and get back to you, if no one else has helped you by then. I would have tried earlier, but, didn't because of your username.
  6. SicilianVizzini

    SicilianVizzini Well-Known Member

    I wasn't able to check the game at 480p on component as that is a US/Canada/Japan SD resolution of NTSC/NSTC-J if I remember correctly, but I did try it at 576p(the UK 480p equivalent) on hdmi and it worked fine.

    Based on the way the game checks the trophies before loading the game, I would recommend you try syncing your Playstation trophies with the server before loading, and even try creating another user profile on the system to try the game, in case it is a problem with your profile on your system.

    It might be worth deactivating and reactivating your system through the PS3 account management in case your console hasn't been properly deactivated by the previous owner, and causing a problem with your PSN account being able to activate downloaded game content on that system.
  7. Tekken_Sux

    Tekken_Sux Member

    Thanks Vizzini, I'll try the profile and trophy thing later. I don't think the deactivation thing is an issue, as I've been able to download and install the games just fine, but I'll look into that too.

    I ended up downloading the demo for wipeout just to try it out, and that didn't work either. So I'm really stumped. If my HDD was faulty, I think I would have trouble downloading and installing before I even have a chance to launch the game.
  8. Tekken_Sux

    Tekken_Sux Member

    Ok guys, got my BR drive working (somewhat), and for some reason downloadable games work now. Maybe the PS3 needs some confirmation that the BR drive works before it will do anything? I'll do more research later.

    Important thing, I can play VF5 now! See y'all tonight!

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