Dealing With Vanessa's Sabaki's and Shun

Discussion in 'Goh' started by Mackfactor, Aug 22, 2009.

  1. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    I do know that Vanessa can be played like a wall.. at disadvantage she can bust out many differnet sabaki's. If i predict she will be using those sabaki's at disadvantage what are goh's best options against each sabaki she has?? Seems the best way to fight her is to understand the properties of her sabaki's and doing moves that will go past them.
    If there are any other tips regarding fighting vanessa much appreciated.

    Also I was playing a Shun player.
    players was using 2p, DM PK, 2K, and mule kick.. how do i get around this...2p, i imagine i can do a 14 frame mid on block..
    but with the 2k and mule kick it seems like he can do this at disadvantage alot. Does anybody know the math on the mule kick or the 2K ( When he can or when he cannot mule kick his way out?.. like when shun is able to 2K or mule kick at disadvantage?? At what disadvantage can I overcome the mule kick.)?
  2. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    Sounds like you were playing VULCAN. [​IMG] good luck. As far as Nessa, if you anticipate Sabaki, just evade to neutral, and retake advantage.
  3. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Shoulder ram beats all sabakis.

    [3][K] and [6][K] will force her to use the [4][6][P]+[K] which most Vanessas are reluctant to use for good reasons.

    Remember that [4][6][P]+[K] and [4][6][K][P] are both high. Ducking at advantage is not a bad thing. Generally, if you eat too many sabakis it's a good indication that you're playing too much in a "my turn-your turn-my turn-your turn" manner of attacking, try to break up your timing, you don't HAVE to do something just because you have frame advantage.
  4. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    The last part of this is also good advice when your fighting against Shun, cause of the evasive properties of his moves I find it's often best to backdash or defend when I get the advantage.

    It also seems like a good idea to keep him at a distance from you, maybe it's cause I don't know his moveset well enough but I find him really hard to deal with at close range. So I try to keep him at a distance but close enough for me to get an attack in if he starts drinking.
  5. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    KOF.. how did u know i was talking about that shun he's cool though, hes on my friends list. to me nothing is cheap in the game, if i cant deal with his style of play its only my fault, noone to blame but myself for not knowing shun very well. BUT its very annoying 2p, 2k, dm pk constantly..mule kick.. But ya, ill take the advice of backdashing on adv or evading as u mentioned KOF.
    feck, i studied a little of shuns frame.. doesnt seem like he has a great close game, on disadvantage.. on paper. NO really good punishers until around 15 16 frame execution... however he has the magic 2k and mule kick.. so i will try to back away when im i have disadvantage see how that works.
    Jeneric, i will try busting out knees and df K a lil more if i can predict her elbow sabaki thing and adjust according when i see vanessa use different sabaki's. knee would seem very devasting on a CH if i can anticipate her elbow sabaki when shes at disadv.

    BTW, with dm PK. why do ppl find it cheap online? i can see why ppl complain if u 2p alot since its hard to punish with a elbow or any other 14 mid or up to even 17 frame knee because of the lag and u lose frames online and u might do a 18 frame mid instead of a 14 mid... but DM PK, seems basically the same offline or online.. since they are going to be both punishable if u anticipate it and just block.
  6. Sharp7

    Sharp7 Well-Known Member

    Sharp J7
    i believe dmpk is cheap online because apparently offline a throw beats out a dmpk but with lag dmpk wins out... atleast i think thats why not sure..

    also if dmpk lands on CH ur at a redic "Apparent" disadvantage (Apparent because the lag makes it much worse)

    offline/when the lag is rele small regular evade is better than dmpk usually, on success u can usually do much more damage then what a dmpk does, and if he guards sometimes u can 2p or p before he can react to the failed evade (Or just evade again)
  7. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    Well mack. offline DMPK is a guaranteed hit on block. I youre using Goh, Akira, or Lau, 46 [P] is a guaranteed smack down and combo. You can [P] throw, Its endless. Anything at 14 frames or under is at your disposal. Evade IMO is always better because of damage potential.
  8. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    I cant tell what type of player Vulcan is. After I block his 2p or 2k his jab always beats my dash elbo.
  9. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Imho in order to be able to face shun a player should know what is their character's move that beats his [2][K]. This is an absolute must. This also applies for Lion and Eileen who also have attacks that go under mids but trying to play shun without that knowledge is pointless. Unfortunately i am not familiar with goh so i don't know what floor scraping moves he has at his disposal although i suspect shoulder ram does. A goh player could make a short list. Maybe [K] too?. Really can't go wrong with K [​IMG]
  10. Jargen88

    Jargen88 Well-Known Member

    [4] [K] scrapes the ground but is very slow...

    [6] [6] [K] also scrapes floor but is also slow... and shuns [2] [K] is rather fast..
  11. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    Against Shun [2] [K] isn't even a threat you should worry too much about unless you are low on health. Just take the +10 on normal hit and use it too your advantage. The risk/reward on that move isn't really worth it because of how much damage Goh's knee takes off. Something that comes in handy to know is that Goh's backturned [2] [P] scrapes the ground. So don't let Shun mess up your [P] [K] because of [2] [K].
  12. Fu_unji_kun

    Fu_unji_kun Well-Known Member

    None Other
    Fu-unji isnt Vulcan, is that correct?

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