Disappearing Data on 360?

Discussion in 'Console' started by Beakmanticore, Nov 2, 2007.

  1. Beakmanticore

    Beakmanticore New Member

    Hey everyone,

    New member, first post here.

    I picked up VF5 yesterday and played it quite a bit, I went through about 100 quest matches, and played through the arcade a couple of times. During this, I saved my data many times, and turned off the console a couple of times, and everything worked fine.

    However, one of my roommates used his gamertag to create a save file. After this, I logged into my profile, from the dashboard, and it said there was no existing data for VF5. Instinctively, I hit create new data. After this, my profile data was nowhere to be found.

    I didn't have much time put into that save, so it's not really a problem getting that stuff back, but I just want to make sure this doesn't happen again.

    Any clue on what happened here, or how to prevent it from happening again?
  2. SegaZoom

    SegaZoom New Member

    You didnt sign in to your gamertag properly, then you created new data and probably went back into your profile. Make sure you're logged in properly before the game starts, I had the same problem and lost a rare item /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif Got it back now though.

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