Do you still believe in VF5R for consoles?

Discussion in 'Console' started by Leonard_McCoy, Jan 28, 2009.

  1. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    A thread to express your doubts and fears whether Revolution will ever hit the consoles. Share your pain with us, your fellow VFDCers, for we understand you.

    You know, a problem shared is a problem halved, ain't it?!
  2. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    Lau of America
    As much as I hate to say it, I really don't care anymore. Chances are when SF4 drops I'll rarely ever play VF online again. (Unless SF4 has some serious online issues) I'll still hit up events / gatherings and stuff but without VF5R, SF4 is just going to trample all over the remaining VF community.
  3. DarkVincent

    DarkVincent Well-Known Member

    VF5R is my chance to get into VF Online, as I'm not picking up a 360 just for that. I want to believe, and with all these fighting games coming out lately, I have a reason to! For now..
  4. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    Either way it will be a long time I wouldn't be shocked to hear of a potential console release until November or December of this year. The best things comes to those who wait and if there is home version of R it will be awhile. Sega may be screwing themselves over by doing it but that is what they do, as a die hard Nintendo fan I have developed a thick skin for waiting for the next great nintendo game, waiting for about a year or 2 for R is nothing compared to waiting for something like the next great zelda game as 1 example.
  5. HokutoNoCat

    HokutoNoCat Well-Known Member

    I want to, at least.
    Between those who'll quit and Street IV, we'll see how the VF community goes...
  6. nikolasbelmont

    nikolasbelmont Well-Known Member

    No. I don't. Pray to Allah that I'm wrong.
  7. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    I believe R will come out on consoles, and I am looking forward to it a lot.

    All the talk about SF4 is irrelevant, I will keep playing VF and get stronger, all the better if other go to SF4, I will get even stronger with my constant training lol.

    I await with bated breath instantoverhead post about how he is a sega hardcore but sega screwed him over.
  8. scytherage

    scytherage Well-Known Member

    This might temper our expectations; a sales thread posted on NEOGAF which demonstrates how many copies VF5 sold in Japan (note: this is only for the Xbox 360 version)

    From Famitsu in Japan.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    Top 50 software to date:
    1. Blue Dragon 203,740
    2. Tales of Vesperia 161,070
    3. The Last Remnant 134,611
    4. Infinite Undiscovery 112,444
    5. Lost Odyssey 109,517
    6. Dead or Alive 4 108,618
    7. Viva Pinata (Platinum) 101,552
    8. Forza 2 (Platinum) 100,591
    9. Ace Combat 6 95,002
    10. Halo 3 83,696


    48. Beautiful Katamari 24,959
    49. Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom 23,936
    50. Virtua Fighter 5 Live Arena 23,776

    (Note: for the full Top 50 list, check the neogaf thread I posted above)

    Depending on your perspective, VF5 making it to number 50 can be a good thing or a bad thing. Actually I was looking for some other games on that list but they weren't I suppose VF5 squeaking in at the very end is somewhat of a good thing....

    If anyone has numbers for the PS3 version, that might give us a better perspective on things.
  9. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    And what about PS3 sales of VF5 then how do they compare?
  10. scytherage

    scytherage Well-Known Member

    The only figures I know of are those from vgchartz:

    PS3 version : sold about ~90,000+ copies in Japan (hmm...not bad!)

    Perhaps Famitsu will release official Japan figures for PS3 game sales soon enough.


    Now that I think about it, maybe there is some bit of hope for VF5R. It didn't seem to do that terribly in Japan. I think the 360 version only suffered because it already came out after the PS3 version, and a lot of people already bought it for the PS3 earlier.

    I've read some articles in the past about the expectations of Japanese game developers. They don't really expect a game to sell a million copies to be successful. 100,000 or more is usually satisfactory.
  11. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I think VF5R is coming but I have no idea when it'll be. The lack of news about VF5R for console only hurts my desire for the game though. Sega isn't really treating their fans very well ( I can't remember recently when they have actually) compared to what capcom is doing right now.

    I'm probably going to migrate over to SFIV once it drops and play VF once in a while until they tell us VF5R is coming.

    It's hard to play a game that's a worse version of the same game. C'mon sega at least give us the arcade machines. I don't get their marketing plans, but really sega's been shitting the bed for a long time now.

    . . . and they wonder why vf isn't as popular
  12. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    this, I'm optimistic that it could get released, i'm hoping a break from vf will allow me to come back with a fresh perspective, and a clear head and learn/stick with one character.
  13. focusflute

    focusflute Well-Known Member

    I want it to happen but with no information (not even a mention anywhere!) all I have is hope. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    We may be waiting until VF6.............
  14. djtortilla

    djtortilla Well-Known Member

    sega is stupid

    they should sell it as a download, they shouldn't bother
    selling it on disc

    yeah, and they should give a demo that allows some online play
  15. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    If you believe Sega won't port this game then your nuts.
    Just like Nintendo did with the Wii during the holiday season.
    Make the People Demand it before you put it out. that way its not a complete waste of time and Funds.Sega can only profit from this game because it not like there's over 100(Shit or probably 50) VF5:R Machines in existance.

    Evo was 19.99 if i remember correctly along with the 2K sports games when sega had the rights. This will be a 40$ dollar game and i will gladly pay for it.
  16. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I think we would have heard something by now and like Joho said hardly anyone will care when SF4 drops anyway.
  17. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    If it's announced that VF5R will not come out, we riot /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif
  18. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I can envision myself playing a shit-load of SFIV on my Mad Catz Super-Mega-Tournament-Edition-Sanwa-shit-having-master-stick!

    I'm REALLY excited for the stick AND the game together <- that's a true fighting gamers treat. I'm sure that first game is gonna be SWEET! The amount of video games I play per day, I can completely rationalize spending $150 on a stick; that's what I do with my free time basically (or read about games on the net or in mags). EVERYTHING I have heard about the SFIV TE stick has be a rave review.

    I'm marking off the seconds until February 17th; I took that week off of work to just play SFIV. I hope all here will indulge as well... Looks like it's going to be a really fun and enjoyable game. I think the graphics alone will have me mesmerized for at least a month or two. There seems to be enough depth to the game, from what I've seen, for many more months of enjoyment. The ONLINE BETTER BE GOOD THOUGH!

    If VF5R ever does come out, I think the Mad Catz TE will still be the best stick for that game (or VF5 ONLINE) as well. I'm almost positive they kept the square gate, to exactly replicate the arcade machine's controls. Can anyone confirm the gate is square?
  19. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Gernburgs I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not. If you are being sarcastic then well done man, lv 9000 sarcasm is hard to reach.
  20. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    No, that's a legit fanboi rant right there... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/blush.gif

    I truly cannot wait till Feb 17th... I'm THAT sick in the head, trust me.

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