Does Seiji Aoki Even Play Virtua Fighter?

Discussion in 'General' started by masterpo, Jun 1, 2022.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Does Seiji Aoki , even play VF :confused: Does anybody know his PSN name :cautious: Does he have one:eek:

    What's Seiji's rank online:whistle: Does anyone know if he's ever showed up in a VF5US room:holla:

    I'd be very curious to see video of him seriously playing the game.:meh:

    For someone who has brought us

    • Tekken Style Hit Sparks
    • Virtua Fighter x Tekken
    • Tekken Skins
    • Tekken UI
    • Tekken Music

    I'm really starting to wonder whether Seiji Aoki is a VF player at all:unsure: Or some kind of Tekken wannabeo_O

    When the Tekken community see these Bull$#it skins and Tekken UI, the VF community will become an even bigger laughing stock than it is among many of the Tekken fans. This makes me wonder what team Seiji is actually playing on.:sneaky:

    Can anybody actually confirm that Seiji Aoki actually plays VF regularly (either casually or at e-sports level)? Is he even a fan of the game:ninja:

    OR does Seiji Aoki and RGG only see VF as some kind of money grab in the future that can be milked using character customization as NFTs and endless micro transactions:mad:
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2022
    SUGATA likes this.
  2. GreatDeceiver

    GreatDeceiver Well-Known Member

    I think you might be hyperventilating
  3. WolfKing

    WolfKing Well-Known Member

    Ha ha exactly what I thought o dear brother
    Shinobi, ToyDingo, Mister and 2 others like this.
  4. RobHimself

    RobHimself Member Gold Supporter

  5. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    Of course the video that we do have of Seiji pretending to play VF would be
    him playing against Tekken's very own Harada:love:

    Seiji clearly worships Tekken. It was probably Seiji's wet dream fantasy to be seen playing Harada:confused: So that explains why Virtua Fighter now has

    • Tekken Hit Sparks
    • Virtua Fighter x Tekken
    • Tekken Skins
    • Tekken UI
    • Tekken Music

    If this is the only existing footage of Seiji Aoki playing VF, then my suspicions are correct:cool:

    You damn straight I'm hyperventilating:mad:

    I played Tekken long before I played Virtua Fighter. When I was introduced to Virtua Fighter I was immediately drawn to the fighting engine, the balance, the character design, the stage design, the music, roster and the superior visuals. So I dropped Tekken as my main and I've mained VF ever since. But now to see this
    Virtua Fighter x Tekken Bull$#it, Seiji Aoki systematically transforming VF into a cheap, low budget $2 Ho version of Tekken. Yea you damn skippy, I'm hyperventilating:holla:

    F#ck Seiji Aoki and his Tekken Fetish:meh:
  6. Shinobi

    Shinobi Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Yu Suzuki is not a VF player. So, what's your point? You do understand that developing a game and being a pro player are two completely different things, right?

    My God, another episode of the "I Hate Aoki" series.
  7. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    The query was not whether Aoki is a pro player. The query was can anybody actually confirm that he plays VF (either casually or at e-sports level) . The query was Is he even a fan of the game.

    Yu Suzuki did play VF casually.:cool: Yu Suzuki is a fan of the game because he created the game. Yu Suzuki had a vision, and a passion for VF he created the game with great deliberation, care, and fastidious attention to detail.

    Clearly Seiji Aoki is no Yu Suzuki

    In the years after the introduction of both Virtua Fighter and Tekken Yu Suzuki had plenty of opportunities to copy cat off of Tekken, or follow Tekken's lead, or Kow Tow to Tekken's hit sparks and zany pytro-technic approach to fighting game presentation, and Yu Suzuki wisely chose not to do so.

    At the very first opportunity that Aoki got control of the game, he immediately strips down Arcade Mode. He drops Sparring Mode. He drops License Mode. He dramatically strips down and takes out much of the customization. He then adds:

    We know what Yu Suzuki "The Creator" of the game felt about the game. It is well documented. On the other hand Seiji Aoki imo has done far more harm than good, and its not clear whether he is a fan of the game or not.

    Its not another epsiode of the "I Hate Aoki series" :cool: (I don't know the man...) However it is another episode of I question Aoki's motives. I question his ultimate direction for the game. I question his general philosophy about 3D arcade fighting games. I question whether he's ever played 50 rounds of Virtua Fighter:whistle:

    @Shinobi I'm not so thirsty for new VF content that I would take this weak, watered down, Tekken hopeful, please-Tekken-fans-give-us-another-chance Bull$h#t.:mad:

    And I'm extremely suspect of any VF fan that likes everything about VF except:
    • VF's Music
    • VF's UI
    • VF's Roster
    • VF's Character Design
    • VF's Clean Visual Presentation
    • VF's Lack of Meters and Power up moves
    • VF's Stages

    And some of the sell out streamers(I won't mention any names) have declared on their Virtua Fighter x Tekken streams that with this new Suck-up Tekken DLC we finally have good character designs, we finally have good music, we finally have a good UI:cautious: They all should just switch to Tekken and be done with it....:holla:

    But at the end-of-day this is just my opinion. If others enjoy this follow-the-tekken-leader kind of content and this general direction for Virtua Fighter and if they make up the majority, then that's the way the game will go, and I wish them well. And players that agree with me will have to restrict themselves to older versions of VF.:whistle:
  8. Shinobi

    Shinobi Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    What direction? RGG ported the FS, the same game we love and play, to Dragon Engine not messing with the fighting engine nor the balance of the roster. Basically, it's the same old game, with new graphics and that's all. Just because they add DLC items from other game series, that doesn't mean Aoki and his team destroyed the game.

    Also, when Yu Suzuki put Akira against the Hornet Car from Daytona, it didn't bother you, right?

    Master, if you like the game, play the game. If you don't like the DLC, don't buy them.

    PS. Over the years, fighting games borrowed ideas from other fighting games. It's not a bad thing and certainly not the end of the world.
    masterpo likes this.
  9. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    @Shinobi with very much respect.

    Game presentation is part of the game. A fighting game is more than just the roster, the balance and the move list. I'm aware that many hardcore players reduce a fighting game to that. But its more and I think you know that :cool: The stages, the music, the UI, the aesthetic all go to make the game what it is. You know, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts theory.

    You've been playing this game long enough, and you've been on this forum long enough to know that not only is there a basic fighting engine rivalry between Tekken and Virtua Fighter , but there is a long standing rivalry with respect to the Stylistic Visual Presentation of both games. Many, many players play VF precisely because its not Tekken, and many many Tekken players play Tekken precisely because its not Virtua Fighter:meh: C'mon man to suggest that VF5US is just a clean port to the Dragon engine with insignificant changes is just a wee bit disingenuous.:sneaky: You know for many VF players, Tekken has been a nemesis and vice versa. So for VF to now get the short end of the stick of a Virtua Fighter x Tekken cross over is an epic insult (at least for some of us). From Hit Sparks to Tekken Music:eek:

    Why did RGG pick Tekken & Bamco to copy from in the first place? Why not DOA, MK, or Shenmue:ROTFL:.

    @Shinobi your advice is dead on. I wouldn't download that Tekken DLC even if it were free. I would never spend my hard earned money on it. And I primarily play VF5FS or older versions back to VF4.

    Yu Suzuki is entitled to a mistake here or there:LOL:

    The Virtua Fighter series has typically been the leader and the innovator in 3D Arcade hand-to-hand fighting games and to my knowledge has not borrowed innovation from other 3D arcade hand-to-hand fighting games. To my knowledge VF5US is the first instance of VF explicitly playing follow the leader with Tekken skins, Tekken music, Tekken UI, Tekken styled Hits sparks.

    I dunno, this whole suck-up-to-Tekken-super-stupid-plot could mark the beginning of the end of the esteemed Virtua Fighter series.:sick:
  10. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC

    As posted by RobHimself, their is video footage of Aoki playing against Harada and also Tokido. For obvious reasons, you just seem to ignore the part about Tokido to drive your narrow point that Aoki has a Tekken fetish.

    Aoki has also participated in a Kumite in a bonus legends live stream.

    You are curious to see video of him "seriously playing the game." I'm not even sure what the actual criteria would be to meet your requirement.

    There was a time on VFDC (maybe it still is) on whether you, Masterpo, was a real person. Do you still remember those days, Masterpo? It was not just questioning if you are a serious player. That can be another topic. Remember how it was proven that you were actually a real person and not just some secondary account troll or robot? Me and Maddy actually made a long distance trip to where you lived and played against you. You can do the same with Aoki, if you are really that serious. Its strange to see you accusing of others not being a "serious VF player."
  11. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    @akai your word is good enough(y) If you say that he actually played in a Kumite that's good enough for me. I started this thread with the request, can anyone confirm....
    There was no requirement for him to be a serious player. I asked if anyone saw him seriously playing the game (rather than playing the game for a photo op or simply for publicity) If you look at my post:

    @RobHimself posted two links. If you look at those links and watch the video, you'll see there's not much there. Not enough to draw any conclusions. It looked like just a show thing. But if you say he played in a Kumite, I trust you and take you at your word, and that answers my original query! So thanx Akai.

    I do remember the days :ROTFL: But I have since played a lot of folks and I do pop into rooms from time to time and play matches for 1/2 hour to an hour.

    And to be clear , I don't think anyone can doubt my love for this game and the community in general those that I agree with as well as those I disagree with.

    I'm just very captious about Seiji Aoki's e-sports only direction for VF. I wonder whether VF is just a money grab or business opportunity for him:(

    I like what he did with online rooms
    I like the online tournament stuff
    I like the titles and match making (for the most part)
    I think he and RGG did an awesome job in the conversion to the Dragon Engine


    He scaled back Arcade mode options (e.g high score)
    He butchered single player options
    He stripped down character customization options
    Offline VS mode received absolutely no love
    IMO he defaced the Visual Presentation with immutable colored hit effects
    He brought us Tekken customization before giving us complete VF5FS customization
    He removed the ability to save online replay
    The customization we do get, we can't modify in anyway
    The Official English Virtua Fighter Website compared to the Japanese Site sux.
    His road map and vision for what VF will become seems to be up for grabs :oops:

    So from my perspective I couldn't help but wonder does this dude even play the game:whistle:

    And from my extremely narrow perspective all the evidence does in fact point to Aoki having a
    Tekken fetish :LOL::LOL::ROTFL::ROTFL::sneaky:
  12. ICHIBANin10000

    ICHIBANin10000 Well-Known Member

    Do *you* even play Virtua Fighter? I was supposed to bust that ass like a year ago in a first to 10! Stop dodging, Po! Don't run from me, you're just making it worse on yourself.
    masterpo likes this.
  13. ICHIBANin10000

    ICHIBANin10000 Well-Known Member

    It's gonna be even worse now for Po , because he's gonna get his ass whipped by Vanessa in a Master Raven costume. To add insult to injury...
    You will be teabagged by Tekken.
    RobHimself and masterpo like this.
  14. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Yu Suzuki doesn't play videogames, let alone VF. Seiji Aoki > Your Face.
    Shinobi and masterpo like this.
  15. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    @ICHIBANin10000 :ROTFL: you want to be seen on the stage with PO,:LOL:

    For the privilege of playing me and because of our prized and very special relationship I'll lower my compulsory fee to $2500 USD.:cautious:

    I'll agree to play you in a first to 20 if you pay me in advance $2500 USD. Anyone who plays PO is instantaneously made famous. You want to play me, you have to pay me :ROTFL::LOL::LOL::ROTFL::ROTFL: but on the bright side, people will know who you are after our matches.:)

    If you want to cosplay as Master Raven the price will be $7500 USD but that can only be a first to 5. In as much as I could only take so much VFekken even at my $7500 rate.

    @ICHIBANin10000 because we go back such a long way, I've agreed to reduce my fee to play you. Normally I charge $5000 to play scrubs, pretenders, wankers, rage quitters, whiners , spammers, hooligans, lag switchers, and impostors. And if it weren't for our special relationship I would have charged you $10,000 USD for the opportunity to play me as you cosplay Master Raven, but seeing that its you.....:cool:

    BTW I don't accept
    • Bitcoin
    • Ethereum
    • Tether
    • Binance
    • XRP, etc
    Or any other kind of crypto currency. And no you can't use any of your NFTs as collateral for the matches . Either $2,500 USD to play as a respected traditional VF character or $7,500 to play as a VFekken character:p And I'll need the payment in USD a couple of weeks in advance:holla:
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2022
  16. ICHIBANin10000

    ICHIBANin10000 Well-Known Member

    Dude, you don't even know frame data. You aren't even worth 50 cents for a money-match. Sit your five dollar ass down before I make change. I fight and spar with *far* better Lei Fei players, like VFNumbers and Akira Zero. You I will curb stomp and scrape you off my shoe . Keep hiding, Master Punk.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2022
    masterpo likes this.
  17. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    @ICHIBANin10000 so I'll take your response to mean that you don't have the juice after all for your Master Raven Cosplay. Its all good mate, you're not the first and you won't be the last to shrink in the face of their own short comings;)

    @ICHIBANin10000 my Dead Duck Broken Wing Kung Fu doesn't need to use Frame Data. I can lose in spectacular fashion without Frame Data Knowledge. I can have total fun playing the game without Frame Data Knowledge. And my pure luck thousands of ranked wins that I've had in VF also occurred in the absence of or the use of Frame Data Knowledge. Yea Frame Data Knowledge and the always on screen Red, Purple, Yellow and Blue hit indicators and all the rest of the Play-By-Numbers techniques are best left to the Jedi Frame Masters and e-sports hopefuls such as yourself:LOL:


    I'm not hiding. If you can scrape together my fee:

    $2,500 if you use a respected classic VF Character (First to 20)
    $7,500 if you want to Cosplay as a Master Raven VFekken character (First to 5)

    I'll introduce you to my Dead Duck Broken Wing Kung Fu and make you famous:cool:
  18. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    Dude, what the heck? Tekken designs are good character designs? Lol!

    If those influencers are really saying those things, those have to be the sillyest opinions I've ever heard. It sounds like they are trying hard, to suck up to the evo FGC crowd. Good luck to them with that. Lol!
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2022
    masterpo likes this.
  19. Blessy

    Blessy Moderator / -10 is just Nitaku Staff Member Content Manager Goh Bronze Supporter Content Manager Aoi Tournament Manager

    Is this a god damn Ashida Kim reference?
  20. SUGATA

    SUGATA Well-Known Member

    The question of the topic is - how the main Dev is implemented into the game creation.
    You Suzuki WAS fully implemented into the process: he was travelling across different fighting schools (for ex shaolin) for the most closest re-creating the fighting style into the game, so he knew the VF game mechanics fron INSIDE = it does not need to become a cybersport player.

    Seiji Aoki is NOT a DEVELOPER, he is a PRODUCER. He is not a creator and developer of VF game. He dont know it from inside.

    Whats Seiji Aoki brought to VF game for its best? Nothing. No any VF element was enhanced. VFtv, some online game modes ares NOT the game core.
    What he does wrong? Many.
    - worse game visual style = anime style, not realistic
    - worse graphics level = many enviroment physics elements were gone (hot air from fighters on winter arena, terrible water, terrible faces, bad anew arenas design).
    - worse game art = i will make better i think. VF4 and VF5 cg art is the best ever!
    - terrible training mode = no save replay with frame data, no scrolling, no frame data for 2P in training. Even MK11 has all of these!
    - the most terrible post release game support: 1 T7 dlc took half year. No critical bugs fixes.
    So, Seiji Aoki is NOT the best person to reanimate the series.
    masterpo likes this.

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