
Discussion in 'Akira' started by ZBEP, Jul 19, 2012.

  1. ZBEP

    ZBEP Well-Known Member

    I need help in buffering Akira's doublepalm ([​IMG][4][6][P]) from 2P side. Form 1P side i usually do [1][2][1][4][6][P] to buffer it in [P] or fast attacks, and i have never had any problems with that. I tried doing [3][2][3][6][4][P] from 2P side but i almost broke my hand by that :cry: [1][1][6][4][P] is pretty hard for me too. Is there a better input for it or i must break my hands/search for an other move to replace this in combos?
    I play on fightstick.
  2. Ribx

    Ribx Well-Known Member

    Assuming the "almost my broke my hand" part is a small exaggeration, I'll just tell you to practise crouch dashes.

    Practise 33 and 11 ad nauseum.

    When you got those, doing dblplms on a whim turns into something easy.
  3. ZBEP

    ZBEP Well-Known Member

    Doing crouchdashes is no problem for me, my hand gets screwed up at [6][4] part. I just can't force my thumb to press the last direction. That happens when i do [3][2][3][6][4]. I have no such problem doing it with crouchdashes, like [1][1][6][4], but it's too slow. *up: and i just f*ck it up too much* Is there something like [1][2][1][4][6] for 2P, or it works only with crouchdash?

    KIYOSHO Member

    I had the exact same problem. I found that the best method for me to buffer a double palm from 2P side in a combo is to do the same crouch dash I used before when playing from 1P side, except ofcourse reverse the motion of the double palm so it would be 33, 6, 4+p. So the same way I would CD Forward from 1P side, 33, I would use 33 to crouch dash back and then do the double palm. I have successfully buffered a double palm crouch dashing forward from 2P side but I find that its inconsistent so I just 33, 4, 6+p and I get the buffer perfectly almost every time. For spacing game, I can still CD forward, double palm from 2P side but its more obvious that I am crouch dashing but thats ok with me as sometimes, I want the CD animation to happen so that I duck under an opponent's standing attack and then CH it with a double palm.

    Everyone has a different method for buffering CDs. For example, that shoryuken style motion that you use for example, I can never pull that off but actually putting 33 or 11, double palm is a lot easier for me. So just because some people do a shoryuken motion doesn't mean that you should stick to that method. If it is your surest method of crouch dashing then yeah, keep doing it that way but it might make life easier for you to CD the classic method of 33 or 11 when playing from 2P side. Whatever works, do that is my motto [​IMG]

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