
Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Adio, Sep 22, 2001.

  1. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Never before have I seen a more beautiful or cool boss in a game. I reached her during my time at the Casino and I must say she is just as strong as ever. Her stage is a futuristic convayorbelt that passes through some sort of hightech complex.

    Dural looks mean. She's completely smooth now, no edges at all with dim red eyes. She has more of a figure now and moves with her hands by her side, back straight but then just hangs there on the spot when standing in an evil possessed way (think Vice and Mature from KOF98).

    Though I didn't last long against her she has gained a style all of her own. Now, she actually improves the moves she copies rather than just mimicking the other fighters. Apart from her lightning speed that would match Pai and strength that equaled Wolf, she performed Akira's double jump kick (ff+kk). Except, she did a third one in a complete motion. It was a shock but it looked wonderful, im sure I would have lost sooner if I had been hit by it too.

    Like before she is the bonus character. Loose to her and you still get the VF1 style credits and a chance to register your name.

  2. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    Apart from her lightning speed that would match Pai and strength that equaled Wolf, she performed Akira's double jump kick (ff+kk). Except, she did a third one in a complete motion.

    Was that her bicycle kick? Did she sort of float forward and do the kicks really fast, or did it really look like Akira's DJK?

    -<font color=white>Ghost</font color=white><font color=red>DOG</font color=red>
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Has there been any pictures or movies of VF4 Dural online?
  4. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    It looked like Akira's kick. I know what the bycycle kick looks like and that wasn't it.

  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Thanks God ! It's really nice to hear about Dural again. I've never played any version of VF4 myself. I was rather scared for nobody has mentioned anything about her until now.

    Can she turn into transparent mode like in 3tb?
  6. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Nope she's just like her good old metalic self again (VF2). I never liked the "faze out" look, for starters it pissed me off when she had no life and became almost invisible! not to mention as heavy as a whale (no more floats!). She's just sleak and cool with faint red eyes. She looks and fights like a bad ass. Another bit of trivia, she has Vanessa's super cool pounce (u+p) where she jumps, spins in the air while doing an axe kick that ends with her (or Vanessa) doing the splits on the opponents head (think about it).
  7. RedQueen

    RedQueen Well-Known Member

    thats very nice. cant wait to the her do that to me :)

    ~ Bomb Has Been Defused ~
  8. jackybrothas

    jackybrothas Well-Known Member

    woaw .. hehe :)
  9. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Actually, the 2P color Dural IS transparent, and starts the round that way. It looks like she's made of water, completely clear. the only indication that she's even there comes from lighting and shadow. It's really difficult to see her in 2P.

    Other things I remember her doing were a 3 hit punch combo that starts with the Beat Knuckle I think and ends with a straight punch (she uses it a lot); and a canned combo where she does Akira's Bodycheck, then a QUICK Kage's b,b+K+G (like VF3 speed)without a pause, then again without pause goes into Sarah's moonsault. It seemed a few times like it kept going after she landed, but I can't be sure.

    Her stage reminds me of Tron, like you're in a big computer. I think you can hear her breathing now during her intro as well. Seems like her hands and feet are bigger now too. She looks kind of like a man with breasts.

  10. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Hmmm.... the 2 player colour sounds like a real pain. Yes, she doesn't just copy moves now, in VF4 Dural now assimilates them into a refined fighting style (reminds me of the Borg from Star Trek).

    Yes she does make faint breathing sounds, sort of like Voldo in Soul Calibur. Does this mean she's still Kage's mother underneath? I was sure he rescued her in VF2 and his reason for being in VF3 was to get a cure for his mothers withdraw sickness.

    I think she looks very feminine. Her stance is very relaxed with her hands by her side which gives emphasis to her figure (breasts). I can see why you thought of Tron with regard to the stage, the bright red flashing light that lines the ring combined with the "blocky" look of the stage is a nice touch. It looks very digital/robotic in that respect.


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