Going by Goh's Command List, I'm guessing the escape options once he's caught you in Tsukami are the same as vanilla in that you have to guess one out of four possible directions? And is the escape just a directional input, with for neutral, as it was in vanilla? In other words, it wasn't standardised like all throw/hold/catch guessing games with back, neutral and forward directions with ?
the odd thing (at least it was odd to me) is that for forward and back the opponent just holds forward and back just like the direction for normal throws. but if Goh goes up or down you need to input the opposite direction it seems.
You can escape his push all the time. There is an option select, so you hold G to escape the push which leaves him at +15. You can then just hold a direction to escape one of his four directions. So or or or
OK, so it's just like vanilla then. The way to think about escaping Tsukami is to always oppose Goh's movement. If he goes up , you go down . If he goes back , you go back (which is really if you're on 2P side). etc.
That's what I was thinking too. At the risk of going off topic, do we know of any other non-standard escape rules?
Still have to press/hold + or + to escape the second and third parts of Aoi's multi-link throws in FS. Kruza
its only odd if you think of it as button inputs, but if you think of it as momentum, if you get pushed you push back not pull away, but if you get dragged to the left in judo you want to apply force in the opposite direction and vice versa