Euro-Russian PSN Room

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by ZBEP, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. ZBEP

    ZBEP Well-Known Member

    I noticed there are alot of good playersin Europe with whom i'd like to play, but I don't play much in ranked so we rarely meet. And I don't know at which time you guys are usually online, and I'd like to check that out so we could gather to play from time to time )

    I'm usually able to play from 2-4 PM to 10 PM Moscow time. Ryanwalter can play till 12 PM so, if possible, he will host the room for more time ) We also have daily room matches with Lyama; his connection to europe sucks so we won't invite non-russian prople there. It usually happens from 7 PM to 9-10 PM. Any other time I can host the room for us to gather and smash dem buttons)

    So, if you want to play - write here ) Also I'd like you to write the usual time when you're available to play - just to know when it's better to start the room.

    If you have skype and a mic, and want to have a conversation while playing, you can add me there. My skype ID is "zbeeep"
  2. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    I will be glad to play you. I am usually online after 9PM if CET (GMT+1); not sure what it is in Moscow time..?
  3. ZBEP

    ZBEP Well-Known Member

    If that's GMT+1 then in Moscow it's 12PM. We can try to play on holidays, when I can play at night, or at the next two weeks which will be totally free for me)
  4. Tocuh

    Tocuh Well-Known Member

    I'd like to play too, but I wouldn't describe me as a "good player" as of now. Still learning so it would be a nice experience for me.
    I could play from 5pm, 6pm or 7pm up to 10pm (GMT+1). So it would be 8pm/9pm/10pm up to 1am (moscow time). Depends on the weekday.
  5. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    If you will have time tomorrow, I should be able to play since 9AM of my local time (probably 12AM of your time?)
  6. ZBEP

    ZBEP Well-Known Member

    I'll probably have )

    By the way, usually while we play we use skype to talk since many of us doesn't have headsets. So if you want to talk while playing, add me - my skype ID is "zbeeep" )
  7. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    OK, thank you and looking forward to play with you :)
    Hope the connection will be OK, but I was playing Sugata some time ago and it was usable
  8. ZBEP

    ZBEP Well-Known Member

    There are alot of novices in our vf community so you'll have some people to beat )
  9. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    BTW ZBEP, wil you or aonyone else from Russia participate in VF toruney at WGC?
  10. ZBEP

    ZBEP Well-Known Member

    I won't. I don't know about other people, I'll ask them)
  11. Tocuh

    Tocuh Well-Known Member

    I'm in! :D ;)
  12. Manchkin

    Manchkin Member

    Zbep hope you invite other Russian players on these international fights? ;)
  13. ZBEP

    ZBEP Well-Known Member

    I will, but not as much as to our russian-only room ) Just 2-3 people, to make more space for foreign players.
  14. Manchkin

    Manchkin Member

    Save replays)
  15. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Tomorrow, I will be online little earlier that expected. I think around 8:30-8:45AM of CET (so probably 11:30-11:45 moscow time?)
  16. ZBEP

    ZBEP Well-Known Member

    The room is open now, if you want to join - write to my PSN

    UP: it's finished for today
  17. ZBEP

    ZBEP Well-Known Member

    I'll host a room in 30 mins, get ready )

    By whe way, if you have skype and a mic, and want to have a conversation while playing, you can add me on skype. My ID is "zbeeep" )
  18. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    Why is there a guy in the Russian room who never play ? lol
    ggs earlier to you and lyama.
  19. ZBEP

    ZBEP Well-Known Member

    He didn't want to play when you appeared.. he was too scared xD
    GGs to you also ) I can't get used to you after playing every day for 7 months with Lyama. Everything that works on him, doesn't on you, and that confuses me ) Though i can adapt to people who are playing other characters preety quickly.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    I will be online in 10 min so if u want invite me, my psn is BlackBeltSpartan and I speak Russian too.

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