European ButtonCzech - online exhibitions of old continent players

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Unicorn, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    May 3rd

    • ???


    @Pai~Chun (Pai) vs @Chibitox (AK) / FT10
    @Unicorn (WO) vs @Chibitox (AK) / FT5

    @Unicorn (WO) vs @Chibitox (AK) / FT5
    @Darksoul173 (LI) vs @MakiLeSushi (VA) / FT10
    @Darksoul173 (LI) vs @Combolammas (GO) / FT10
    @MarlyJay (EI) vs @INIero | Pana (JA) / FT5
    @Strider786 (JE) vs @Riskbreak (BR) FT5 + Salty Runback
    @KahnRahn (AO/EI/SA) vs @no_w_h_ere (GO/JN) / FT5 + Salty Runback + Hated Revenge
    @Strider786 (JE) vs @SNAKE BOSS (LA) FT5
    @40i4 (BR) vs @no_w_h_ere (GO) FT5
    @40i4 (BR) vs @MarlyJay (LI)
    @Manjimaru (JA) vs @INIero (JA)
    @Manjimaru (JA/LI) vs @40i4 aka xliiv (BR)
    @Manjimaru (SA) vs @Unicorn (WO)
    @Mister (WO/TA) vs @MarlyJay (VA/LI) FT5 + Salty Runback
    @PReP (VA) vs @Strider786 (JE) FT7
    @Mister (WO/TA) vs @VFEllhn (PA/AK) FT5 + salty runback
    @Combolammas (GO) vs @YOMI (TA) FT5 with Dural RunBack
    12th EBC: Combolammas (GO) vs YOMI (TA) FT5 with Dural RunBack
    @Combolammas (GO/PA) vs @MakiLeSushi (VA/JN) FT5x2
    13th EBC: Combolammas (GO, PA) vs MakiLeSushi (VA, JN) FT5x2
    Kingo(AO) vs G0d3l (KA) trashtalk challenge
    VF5FS: kingo (AO) vs G0d3l (KA) trashtalk challenge
    @PReP (VA) vs @MarlyJay (LI/random) FT7 with Random Runback
    14th EBC: MarlyJay (LI, random) vs PReP (VA) FT7 with Random Runback
    @kingo (AO/SA) vs @KahnRahn (AO/SA) FT10 mirror with Mirror Runback
    15th EBC: kingo (AO, SA) vs Kahn Rahn (AO, SA) FT10 with Salty runback
    @Manjimaru (JA) vs @MakiLeSushi (VA) FT7
    16th EBC: MakiLeSushi (VA) vs Manjimaru (JA) FT7
    @Manjimaru (JA/LI) vs @blossy1000 (SA) with Runback
    17th EBC: Manjimaru (JA/LI) vs Blossy (SA) FT7 with Runback
    @Sozos (PA) vs @MakiLeSushi (VA) FT7 Special Edition Madness Special!
    18th EBC: Sozos (PA) vs MakiLeSushi (VA) FT7
    @no_w_h_ere (GO) vs @MakiLeSushi (VA) FT10
    19th EBC: Nowhere (GO) vs MakiLeSushi (VA) FT10

    @kingo (AO/PA/EI/SA/... - PSN/XBL)
    @Chibitox (AK - PSN/XBL)
    @no_w_h_ere (GO - XBL)
    @Strider786 (JE - PSN)
    @Unicorn (WO/TA/GO - PSN/XBL - FT5/7)
    @MakiLeSushi (VA - PSN(XBL later) - FT10)
    @Darksoul173 (LI - PSN)
    @VFEllhn aka sozos (PA/KA - XBL - FT5/7)
    @Combolammas (GO/BL/JN - PSN)
    @vf fighter23 (SH/LE - XBL - FT5) UK area
    @Shinobi (LI - PSN - FT7/10)
    @KahnRahn (AO/PA/EI - XBL)
    @40i4 aka xliiv (BL - XBL)
    @PReP (VA - PSN)

    @MakiLeSushi vs @INIero - high pace match
    @Chibitox vs @MakiLeSushi - defense vs offence
    @INIero vs @kingo - clash of titans
    @G0d3L vs @kingo - who is the scrub and who is the biatch?
    @Mister vs @Krye - muscles vs muscles (WO vs JE)
    @INIero vs @Krye - clash of titans reloaded
    @G0d3L vs @Chibitox - differences in similarities
    @Mister vs @Unicorn - The Wolf of the Hill
    @Pai~Chun vs @SNAKE BOSS - make it for the community
    @G0d3L vs. @MakiLeSushi - just because!
    @Chibitox vs. @Aidan - Akira vs Akira
    @kingo vs. @KahnRahn - Aoi vs Aoi

    This rules apply on ALL challenges, including special formats (see spoilers bellow this one)
    • Unless both player agreed otherwise or specific format rules says otherwise, the set is character lock and any game with other character then declared one count as lost regardless actual result.
    • If any DC happen and any player will be missing in the room, he automatically lost last game. If both will be presented, game will be played again from scratch.
    • Intentional DC results into immediate loss of whole exhibition set. It is up to match commentator(s) to decide if the DC was intentional or not.
    • MAIN RULE OF THE THUMB: The main goal of EBC exhibitions is to have fun. Any actions preventing or limiting this may and will be considered as breaking of the rules no matter what the specific action was or who committed it. It is up to commentator(s) to mark such actions and decide about immediate consequences for responsible player(s).

    Special rule of the thumb:
    • Please note me if Pai~Chun posts challenge into the thread. He is on my ignore list so I will not know unless someone point that out for me. Thank you.
    • PSN: I will host the room. Only 2 more players will be in it, to minimize the PSN issues. After your matches, please leave so we can start next battle.
    • XBL: I will ask specific person to host the room. All attendees will be in it (if capacity allows) and I will use my headset to say who is up for next game.
    • Each batttle is FT3 (BO5)
    • You may pick whatever character you will like for each battle, but you are not allowed to swap characters between games in the battle.
    • If we will have 4 or less participants, we will do everyone with everyone format; if more, we will do single elimiation format OR 2 pools with winners fighting over 1st place (depending on number of attendees).
    • The pairing will be done by me. I will do my best to make it as fair (and fun to watch) as possible.
    • 3-7 players in a room (+streamer), winner stay looser is replaced by next player in the line (ie standard room rules for who plays apply)
    • Challenger may pick any character he wish, winner (the player on the top) must keep the char he won previous game with
    • 3 consecutive defeats OR 5 overall defeats means the player must leave the room
    • The last player left in the room is the winner
    • This is XBL only format (I am not willing to test my nerves with full PSN room)
    Thx to @KahnRahn for the idea
    • 4-6 players in the room (+streamer)
    • 1 player is KING OF THE HILL, the other 3-5 are challengers. The idea is that the king is one of the established players while the others are newcomers / not his level
    • KING stays for every game, challengers change (in set order) after each game.
    • For each game, both players (KING and challenger) are allowed to pick any character they like
    • Whoever lost 5 games, leaves the room (IE each challenger have his own loses score against the KING while KING have overall loses score vs all challengers together)
    • This is basically 1v3-5 format; the challengers are trying to use their combined strength in order to defeat the lone KING
    • This is XBL only format (I am not willing to test my nerves with full PSN room)
    Thx to @KahnRahn for the idea
    Last edited: May 4, 2015
    Jason Elbow, Shinobi, Sozos and 5 others like this.
  2. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    As you may know, I recently started to test out my stream on Now I have final layout, and mic working properly; last thing I need to do is to find a way how to incorporate Skype call into stream sound.

    And because everything is working now, I will like to start same style online exhibitions / challenges for European community. Just like US have their R.A.W.. There was a thread for this - The Official online FT5 / FT10 EURO Challenges - but it died months ago and it was either streamed by @Shidosha from US, or not live streamed at all, what was shame. I will like to change this, as live hype is the best hype :)

    My goals are to give ALL of us - regarding our level - motivation and encouragement to level up our game; to promote Euro players and community to whole VFDC; to provide one more source of VF awesomeness; and last but not least, to have some fun with my (our) beloved game :)

    I will prefer to stream this FTx exhibitions on Sunday evening (around 8PM CET), but after previous agreement I am fine with any other day, if it is evening. I am also fine with both PSN a XBL matches, as both can be streamed from my PC.

    If you are interested, place your overall (to anyone) or specific (to certain player) challenge to this thread; or look through challenges already placed to find yourself the opponent you will like to play with. Once you will agree on time/format/characters, I will post announcement and stream the game in agreed time.

    What are you waiting for?

    PS: ButtonCzech will put your Butt on Check. Make this joke no more please
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2014
    Virtuamiller, Shinobi, Sozos and 2 others like this.
  3. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Sure, I'll give it a shot. Best connection on that list above for me is probably Chibi, so maybe he would like to play a set? But I only have a few more days on XBL, then I have tons of real world stuff to deal with so probably won't be playing VF online for quite a while.

    Good luck everyone who plays!
  4. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    Hi Uni... Im interest..
    Console: Xbox
    Characters: Kage or Pai
    FT5 or FT7
    Shinobi and BLACKSTAR like this.
  5. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    You may want to use xsplit broadcaster to incorporate skype's call. The only drawback is that you have to pay to use that program, while every program used with avermedia or elgato game capture stuff doesn't require to use money (you already payed for the hardware, they won't take your money twice... for now).
    Also I don't know if skype is the best solution; that program is heavier than others that do the same job (like team speak).
  6. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    That may be a good idea actually. Personally I do not care about which program will be used. Also I believe I will solve the problems with skype/whatever sounds being incorporated into stream sound today
  7. Strider786

    Strider786 Well-Known Member

    Btw sorry I didn't post this information:
    Character: Jeffry
    Area: UK
    Console: PSN but hoping to be on XBL in a month or 2
    Challenge: FT7 VS @Unicorn 2 months from now, any sunday in october. Its time for my n00b run back.
    I'll also do a FT3/5/7/10 with anybody, anytime.(anywhere, anyplace.. :D).
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2014
    Unicorn likes this.
  8. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    Accepted, scheduled, looking forward to it

    :D :D :D :D
    Ellis and Strider786 like this.
  9. Strider786

    Strider786 Well-Known Member

    Yo @Riskbreak you're in Europe right? Get in on this man!
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2014
  10. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    @Chibitox , will you accept for this Sunday? If he have only few more days..?
  11. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member

    Yeah i'm game
    PSN only
  12. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Friday or Saturday man (@ Uni), then I'm off, sorry if that's awkward. Also preferably as early as possible in the evening please. I am on GMT Zero timezone! I would prefer either myself or the opponent to host while the streamer comes in as the non-playing third man, cheers.
  13. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member

    I think @kingo vs @Pai~Chun will be a great way to start the hopefully euro-stream season

    I also challenge Pai~Chun but we all know he keeps dodging me
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2014
    BLACKSTAR likes this.
  14. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Other people not fighting get to set the challenges now? OK, let's see Darksoul v Sozos, should be a good one.
  15. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Nope as I said in shoutbox, I'll be pretty much unavailable this week end, even sunday night I'll be outside for a music festival. Next week is the same unfortunately as I will be at a wedding all week end. So for me it's better during the week for now.
  16. Riskbreak

    Riskbreak Member

    Definitely will want to get my shit slapped on stream eventually but for now I have too much happening at my job to commit to anything.
    Ellis likes this.
  17. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    No problem with hosting. Friday or Saturday 8PM CEST (9PM for you) is ok? And any opponent willing to step up?
  18. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member

    I am
  19. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    @Pai~Chun will you accept?
  20. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Since you have characters listed there at the starting post, I'd just like to point out that I play more Blaze than Jean as a secondary
    Unicorn likes this.

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