Evading Atk Removed? Why

Discussion in 'General' started by Ironreaver, Jun 10, 2012.

  1. Ironreaver

    Ironreaver Active Member

    can someone explain why they decided to remove the OM/evading atks from VF4-VF5. FS seems a bit more masher friendly and to be honest the evading isnt useful all the time if ppl just keep spamming 2P all day. OM/Evading Atk keep you honest to a extent and help with getting pressure off my overly offensive styles.

    Granted VF2 had no side evade/side step and VF3 introduced it, the style and pace of those games still allowed for it to be highly useful...although i remember ppl not liking it at first but it grew, now in VF4 they added an ATK and it was great coz like i said it kept you and your opponent in check. VF5 they switch the inputs but it was the same useful tactic.

    So whats everyone opinion on the removal of the OM/evading atk.
  2. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    if someone is just mashing jabs and 2p you should be taking advantage and launching them or crumpling them. I've not had any problems with evades but I do miss OMP
  3. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Yeah omP was one of my favorite moves tbh.
  4. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    How does evading help against [2][P] ? If you're at an advantage you use mids to beat it, if you're at a disadvantage you should just be glad he's doing [2][P] and not something else.
  5. Ironreaver

    Ironreaver Active Member

    its not that i cant deal with the 2P and mashes i just feel those are too heavily relied on by ppl i play. OM made u think twice is all and i just wanna know why it was removed....Virtua Fighter De-Evolution LOL!!! naw the game is great and I'm having to play it like 2 and 3, the evade works great, but you still have to deal with rotating atks too tho.

    I feel I dont want new players not really learning there characters full potential an relying on spamming certain moves. learning when and when not to do moves and when to evade pressure (and OM in the older ver) made it fun, and now one of my fun elements in gone *profound sadness*

    I miss Quest Mode too ^_^ just becoz...I also miss those vids in VF4 Evo of that guy doing combos with 1hand...using Akira also...I JUST MISS SHIT GUY ^_^
  6. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    OM wasn't the answer against [2][P] in vanilla VF5 either, knowing your frames and using mids to beat it was and still is.
  7. Ironreaver

    Ironreaver Active Member

    dude you can evade 2p what are talkin about? All I am aksing is why was OM removed?

    Remember playing online means all the normal rules dont apply
  8. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    I don't miss the OM attacks at all. Good riddance!

  9. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    OM is still there.
  10. Ironreaver

    Ironreaver Active Member

  11. Ironreaver

    Ironreaver Active Member

    OM with the atk tho like Akira would evade then you hit P+K and he smacks you with his back or evade hit PKG then p or k which they added in VF5
  12. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    You're saying that you miss OM attacks and evade attacks because you hate how people spam [P] and [2][P] . OM and evade attacks were never the proper answer to [2][P] or [P] spam in any VF, beating it out with mids is.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Remember playing online means all the normal rules dont apply </div></div>I never use online as a basis for gameplay discussions for that exact reason.
  13. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    So damn useless though, I only use it in a match for the whoosh sound effect now.
  14. Ironreaver

    Ironreaver Active Member

    I also stated i had no problem dealing with it either and that the game is much deeper that just trying to atk with those moves. When ppl are even doing mids and other options it makes it look watered down...at to b honest hardly anyone...at least online evades and its sad its like they are playing the game like its Tekken or something.

    And like i said some of the ppl are new to the game so they arent fully grasping how to play it. I said i miss that because it keep you honest in throwing out atks I used PPPP combos and 2P as a example coz thats all i see and the fact that i can sit and hit 2P 4 times and the player doesnt try to evade or atk with something better is sad
  15. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Repeating your question is unfortunately not going to get you your answer. Last I checked, none of us who use this forum were sitting round the table at Sega discussing the rationale behind removal/inclusion of OMP. So, we don't know.

    We can only speculate as much as the next guy. They obviously didn't think it was a worthwhile part of the move fundamentals for VF5FS.
  16. Ironreaver

    Ironreaver Active Member

    its useful just not as much
  17. Ironreaver

    Ironreaver Active Member

    was there not change log posted by Sega when they release it? as far as balance changes and maybe why? like was it due to feedback from the players or was it part of overall tryin to better balance it
  18. Righteous_Dream

    Righteous_Dream Active Member

    I'm happy it's gone. I like having my own options after OM instead of OM->Kick or OM->Punch.
  19. Ironreaver

    Ironreaver Active Member

    yea its forced me to find things that i can safely do after words...kinda like VF3 its all good its not that hard of an adjustment other than getting my reaction back since i hadnt played in awhile.
  20. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    OM attacks were removed in VF5R and DM attacks were removed from VF5FS. If I remember correctly, those attacks were not used much at high level play--which AM2 makes some of their game design decisions based on top players' opinions. Since they were not that important in the game and to keep the move lists of characters from inflating, they took out OM attacks and DM attacks.

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