Evasive Monkey

Discussion in 'Eileen' started by Tricky, Nov 13, 2012.

  1. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    So I've been finding that eileen has some evasive properties to her moves that defy her frames and allow you do some some stuff that you wouldn't otherwise to make unsafe looking moves actually safe. I'm sure we'll find more as time goes on but here's a couple to start us off with.

    monkey twist (9P+K+G) K is -9 on block, however she is laying on the ground and is considered crouching as a result, so you can still fuzzy guard even though you're at -9! Just tap 2 and let go. You'll get up in time to block a 14f mid (haven't tested 12fmids but I have no reason to think it won't work on them too) and you're already ducking the throw attempt. If you add on top of this the evade crouch dash cancel, and you've just covered both delayed throws and regular speed throws at once.

    Monkey twist K also on whiff against rising mid attacks will leave her on the ground low enough for mid kicks to whiff. I doubt this works on Taka, but so far I haven't found a character where their mid kick will hit her. This is very tight timing though, the first find is far more useful.

    Another move that's safe even though it's -6 on block or -4 on hit is her 3P+K. You can fuzzy after it on block by using the same technique as above. Tap 2 and you'll stay down just long enough to duck those throws, and get up in time to block the mids. Also this move will duck under some mid rising kicks. Good example is against jacky doing a rising kick after you've done hcb throw (hard knockdown) if you do 3P+K almost right after the throw is done, you'll get CH 3P+K which leads to a decent combo. I imagine against akira she gets this off even more of his rising kicks too.

    Same thing applies to her 2K on hit which leaves you at -6. Also note that 2K goes under a lot of mid attacks when you do it from the right range. If you dash back a little bit and then do 2K you'll duck under mid rising kicks and hit your opponent minor counter hit or even CH depending on how early you do the attack. Against some characters like Jacky, you can do the 2K point blank and you'll duck under his mid circular rising kick, just don't dash forward if you're that close already, just time the 2K with his rising kick and you'll duck it. All this means is if you're trying to beat the rising mid kick, you should err or doing the 2K EARLy instead of late, though if you time it right you'll be able to CH with 2K which could get you ast much as +2, but +1 is more likely with a meaty set up like this.

    That's all I got for you right now. Lets share the new evasive properties the girl has now and have fun exploring new ways to avoid stuff that break the rules of the game.
    DeadlyLastPush and DomAug like this.
  2. Tipzntrix

    Tipzntrix Well-Known Member

    3K+G goes under a ton of mid attacks by about 10 frames into the execution., meaning foes who use a lot of jump attacks will whiff on you if you do this (you won't hit them either)

    3P+K as you said can be fuzzied, but what's also interesting is when I read jab from my opponent, it ducks highs by about frame 3-4 if I had to guess.

    9P is great when you read 2Ps or throws from your opponent as it gets over lows very quickly as well.

    236P gets over lows, but it takes awhile (like 12ish frames I'd guess) to do so (I have been 2P out of it when cancelling into it, but I have also gone over the 2P if the opponent is too slow)
  3. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    There were previous posts I've made and deleted because of invalid information or outdated info. This one will include some updated stuff on some of Eileen's evasive tools that don't require any fancy movement like dashes or crouch techniques. Some information may be already known but some is new as well.

    The first move, [9][P]. One of the top ten I praised in Eileen's top 10 best moves list. I won't go over all the pros and cons of this move here see,
    http://virtuafighter.com/threads/top-10-eileen-moves.18176/ for a little more info on this move. Of course this is Eileen's primary low crush move which (her [2][3][6][P][+][K][P]) is her second more slower alternative. Her [9][P] can be activated all the way up to at -9 frames of disadvantage even from SIDE TURN situations as long as the opponents follow-up is either another low attack or throw of course. No other move in Eileen's arsenal can do this you must resort to traditional defense ooptions for -9 situations. In simple terms, her 9p is the only move you can mash when at -9 if you think a low or throw is coming.

    The second move, [4][6][P][+][K]. From all the way up to -5 disadvantage this very slow move will beat your opponents [2][P] follow-up or low attack even from SIDE TURN as well. A quick example that makes this move special: (Try putting yourself at -5 by getting hit with a normal [P] by Wolf. Record Wolf to do [P] then immediately his [6][2][K] dropkick. After you get hit with Wolf's [P], immediately input Eileen's [4][6][P][+][K]. You'll see that Wolf's dropkick goes completely through Eileen's legs and he will get hithit, granting you a knockdown). What sets this move apart is that in the same situation, Eileen's [9][P] will completely whiff.

    I'll will add more a little later:)
    Tricky likes this.
  4. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    It is very bad form to just delete posts a couple years later. "Outdated information" isn't a reason for this, if it was half of the dojo would be gone. The forum should show the learning and development process.
    Lulu Lulu, Tricky and EvenPit like this.

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