Event Catch-Up

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Sep 21, 2014.

By Myke on Sep 21, 2014 at 6:42 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Catch up on recent VF related events including VF5FS 5on5 Tokai Cup, VF3tb 17th Anniversary "World Cup" and Rumble In the Tundra 4.

    Tokai Cup 2014
    14 September 2014

    Part 1 (6:21:16)

    Part 2 (1:57:10)

    Casuals (3:47:48)

    VF3tb 17th Anniversary World Cup
    14 September 2014

    Blocks (2:19:13)

    Finals (23:03)

    Rumble in the Tundra 4
    Buffalo, NY
    20 September 2014

    Top 3 (starts at 04:42:00)
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2014
    EvenPit, Sozos, Riskbreak and 6 others like this.


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Sep 21, 2014.

    1. Unicorn
      @Myke That casuals at Tokai Cup 2014 are mostly the Stormlor Battle Royal (two Stormlods play each other, after 2nd lose you must postopone your seat to another Stormlord in the line)
    2. Hui_Xiu
      !HOT DOG!

      Congratulations, @Phoxx
      Puno_de_Leyenda likes this.
    3. oneida
    4. Puno_de_Leyenda
      Had an awesome time at the Rumble in the Tundra 4! So lucky too that they allowed me to enter, ironically due to another Akira-player not being able to make it!

      It was so great meeting some of the old faces once again @oneida and @Phoxx and meeting some new ones: @Harpooneer , @Terracrush and @MadeManG74 !!!

      Great games to everyone, that I played: @MadeManG74 's awesome Wolf, @Harpooneer 's sick Jeffry, @oneida 's monster Lau and @Terracrush 's superb Aoi!!!

      And huge props to our champion @Phoxx !!! Amazing stuff bro! I hope you're having a safe trip home back out west!

      Not to mention, major props to @oneida, and everyone at Buffalo Gamespace who helped arrange this!

      Thanks for the shoutout on stream too @Harpooneer , I hope to continue to getting stronger and travel out to there to check out the NYC scene with you guys!

      Sorry I had to skip out after the casuals we did once the finals were over and couldn't make it to Duff's with you guys! :(

      Until next time everyone! Long live VF!
      Last edited: Sep 21, 2014
      Riskbreak and oneida like this.
    5. oneida
      Final standings:

      1 - Phoxx
      2 - Terracrush
      3 - oneida
      4 - MadeMan
      5 - Puno_de_Leyenda / TTT Tee-Vo
      7 - Harpooneer / Burgeois Tag

      I'm working on uploading Top 3 to YT so if you don't want to dig through the stream archive you won't have to. @Harpooneer has half of the off-stream footage on his capture device so I'm sure that'll be up soon, too.

      Also, I just wanted to say that I really appreciate being able to have a real VF tournament at an event that is
      1) fairly small (only ~200 attendees iirc) and
      2) not VF-centric
      There's nothing more disheartening than showing up to an event and being the only one there. One of the caveats of loving this game is that if you want to play it offline and don't want to move to Japan, you've got to put up that bat-signal. Got to put the work in. The games I played yesterday were real, and I was sweating my balls off during every single one of them. I know traveling is expensive and cumbersome, but you guys did it anyway, and that's what makes you a good member of a small community. RitT4 was streamed to about 500 viewers (iirc) but the true impact of VF's presence there was that we proved that in 2014, 2.5 years after this game came out, we can mobilize people to events that aren't specific to our community.

      It's in the books. Thanks everyone.
      Riskbreak, Krye, Myke and 2 others like this.
    6. daRockReaper
      Good shit @Phoxx Man that jumping savate to backturn combo was sweet Got to practice that
    7. Shidosha
      just a heads up: twitch doesnt archive vids for very long anymore so id recommend going to www.nightdev.com/twitchdown/ or something similar and downloading these vids. Also, good looks! i missed these
      oneida likes this.
    8. oneida
      I got em saved but chacha wants @Harpooneer to send him the offstream footage, he's gonna put it all together I guess.
    9. MadeManG74
      I want to say that I had such an amazing time on the weekend, the VF community never disappoints! It was fantastic meeting so many new players and getting a lot of games in.

      @Puno_de_Leyenda : Was great to meet you too, your Akira was impressive and nearly put me into loser's in our first match! So glad that we could get in 'JUST ONE MORE MATCH' about five times before you had to leave for work!

      @oneida : Thanks for putting out the call to Toronto, I'm stoked that I could make it at the 11th hour to come down and play. Was great meeting you and I hope that we'll play again sometime soon at Buffalo or Toronto. Our last match was a nail-biter, congratulations on getting a well deserved 3rd place!

      @ Raymond aka "Tekken Guy" : So glad you were able to come down from Toronto, I didn't even realise until Friday night that you were going as well. Hope we can play many more matches, as you seem to be wealth of knowledge and just an all round awesome guy.

      @Harpooneer : Commentating with you was a ton of fun, was great to see some good Jeff play as well! I live in fear of the day you become President and use one of your three secret murders on me. And Buffalo's army of spiders.

      @ Tarro Crash : Your Aoi is deadly, and the finals you put on were amazing. Your XBLA selection was baller as fuck and playing Xmen in the sleaziest motel in town was a lot of fun. X CHICKEN!

      @Phoxx : Well deserved win! It was great playing against you, probably the best Blaze I've ever had to face! It was great that you could hang in Buffalo long enough for the tournament, hopefully we'll see you tearing up the VF scene at WNFs!

      @ Bourgious (?) : Didn't get to play your Kage unfortunately, but it was great meeting the Fighting Game Encyclopaedia™.

      * Duff's manager being AN ASSHOLE (according to several drunk patrons that nearly had a blue with the staff), then attempting to play Russian Roulette with chicken wing hot sauce.

      * Talking about classic Sega games, especially all of us yelling 'GEE AY EM EE, OH, VEE, EE, ARR' in the Daytona style at Duff's. Which reminds me:

      * "I'm not usually into cars but... I WANNA FUCK THIS CAR"
      Phoxx, Harpooneer, Myke and 2 others like this.
    10. Terracrush
      Congrats to everyone in the tournament. Enjoyed the turnout. And Buffalo wings definitely deserve their rep. All you guys have to come to NYG so we can get some more matches in. Special thanks to @Harpooneer who helped me navigate the long road and who was just blast to hang with.
      I'm on XBL: PurpleTrap
      @MadeManG74 WELCOME TO DIE
      MadeManG74 and Puno_de_Leyenda like this.
    11. Harpooneer
      You guys were awesome at the Buffalo event!
      Saturday made all that travel time worthwhile! Between the casuals, the wings, and the badass session at the crappy motel, I was thrilled to be there. Looking forward to rumble in the tundra number 5!
      Yo, @oneida you want me to send you the offline stuff or just stick it up on youtube? I also have set up the NYC_VF dropbox which hasn't been used since NYG 8 lol, so we could use that to transfer stuff too? I haven't taken the recordings off my card yet, but I am planning on doing it when I get off work today.
      oneida and Puno_de_Leyenda like this.
    12. oneida
      cha cha posted these pics of VF finals on Facebook.

      [​IMG] [​IMG]

      @Harpooneer dropbox pls :)
      Rodnutz, Puno_de_Leyenda and Pai~Chun like this.
    13. Terracrush
      Wow so I didn't even move between sets.
    14. Harpooneer
      oneida likes this.
    15. Harpooneer
      Also, I uploaded the matches I had on the LGP to the NYCVF youtube channel. If your match was on the xbox and got cut off, I am sorry. There must have been some kind of problem or maybe somebody hit the button prematurely, cause I remember recording in three segments but we cut in during Terracrush VS Teevo on the first video. I remember changing display settings on the xbox during the tournament, but that wouldn't have caused this. Dunno why it happened, but at most we lost 2 matches?

      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IP4nOfXFrIk&list=UUm5kMVdoYmZg3t62DYq8vvQ - Part 1
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu5_2i045Tw&list=UUm5kMVdoYmZg3t62DYq8vvQ - Part 2
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Df581eWtrok&list=UUm5kMVdoYmZg3t62DYq8vvQ - Part 3
      Phoxx, MadeManG74 and Myke like this.
    16. MadeManG74
      Awww yiss, thanks for the upload!

      Does anyone know if the finals got uploaded to youtube at all?

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