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Evo 2013 Fighting Game Lineup Poll

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Oct 26, 2012.

By akai on Oct 26, 2012 at 12:18 AM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    The Evo Championship Series made a poll to gauge the interest of fighting game enthusiasts for the official game lineup at Evo 2013. So Virtua Fighter fans, here is a chance to show support by voting for VF5FS! Don't forget to be proactive within your local community in promoting VF5FS!

    Evo 2013 Fighting Game Lineup Poll

    Message from the Poll:

    Which fighting game are you most interested in seeing in the official Evo 2013 lineup? Let us know what you think. The top games in this poll aren't guaranteed to make the lineup, but a strong showing certainly wouldn't hurt! Want to see your game at Evo? Try getting your friends to play, or running tournaments are your local video game store or hobby shop. Games which have a broad audience of competitors from around the world will always get our attention!

    Information Tip: zero-chan
    Ylyon, soakrates, ToyDingo and 3 others like this.


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Oct 26, 2012.

    1. DurViener
      FS is on there twice, WTF?
      Genesis likes this.
    2. Myke
      Yeah, not sure what's going on there, so I voted for both. Perhaps they'll tally the two together, in which case, your vote may count twice? ;)
    3. cobratron
      From the way they worded it this poll isn't end all be all choice for EVO games. I'm sure local and major tourny support is still what they look at most. DOA5 which is still fresh and new but hasn't really eclipsed most VF events in player attendance. Yet is has almost double the votes. Same goes for TTT2 which I've seen gets only a few more heads than the VF tournys. I would also suspect many people voting are facebook friends and family who aren't even gamers but want to support their folks as well as fake accounts padding the count for certain games.
    4. Dragonps
      Yeah I know a guy on DOAWorld who is making several fake accounts to add to DOA5, I voted for FS of course :p
    5. spyder0080
      I just voted for VF also (There are still 2 entries). Somehow Smash Brothers has a commanding lead!
    6. DomAug
      i voted FS and DOA5. for some reason it let me count both votes so that's good. i won't be at EVO but i wanna help some of you VFDCers who will be there out a bit :D
    7. Chanchai
      Super Smash Bros. Melee seems to be the clear winner :p
    8. Genesis

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