Evo Pai b, f + PG & f, b + PG follow ups

Discussion in 'Pai' started by NewBassHippo, May 6, 2003.

  1. NewBassHippo

    NewBassHippo Active Member

    Anyone got anything good? Is anything even guaranteed?
  2. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    DSK is guaranteed after [6][4][P][G], you need to input [9][K] asap.

    Nothing is guaranteed after [4][6][P][G], but if you get a heavy wall hit after the throw, [6][6][P],[K] --> pounce is guaranteed.
  3. JysseXzarks

    JysseXzarks Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    alucard said:

    DSK is guaranteed after [6][4][P][G], you need to input [9][K] asap.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What does mean "asap".
    Sorry if this question is stupid but I'm a newcomer and I'm not american.
  4. HIGHplanzDrifter

    HIGHplanzDrifter Well-Known Member

    As Soon As Possible /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  5. JysseXzarks

    JysseXzarks Member

    Thank you HIGHplanzdrifter

    But I have a question about the d/f+P+G and th b,f+P+G, in VF4evo (version A on PS2)

    I think after the throw I enter the u/f+K,K as soon as possible but when I am in the free training and I configure the CPU to guard, I can't hit him!!
    When (in free training) I register a sequence with the combo b/f+P+G >> u/f+K,K, when I replay it, I just press guard and I can guard!!
    But when I play in quest mode, I can't guard the u/f+K,K!!

    So my question is:
    the problem is when I play Pai I enter the u/f+K,K (to slowly?), or when I play against a Pai and I guess Pai will u/f+K,K after d/f+P+G (or after b,f+P+G)?
    What must I do to be able to guard it?
  6. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    you didn't enter the command fast enough that's all. After [3][P]+[G] or [4][6][P]+[G] [9][K][K] should be guaranteed and there's nothing you can do to guard it.. unless of course the person executing it does it too slowly, as you have found out. Just trying holding [9] and mash [K] as fast as you can if that helps.

  7. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I meant to mention that a non-guaranteed but tasty followup to f,b+P+G is llany's idea of P-->throw. It becomes a punch into back throw. From the back throw, a simple K,P,K combo is guaranteed and damaging.

    I guess the way to get out of this is to attack.
  8. Cupcake_Desu

    Cupcake_Desu Well-Known Member

    if your quick enough alot of the time your gauranted a throw after [4][6]+[P]+[G], usually i follow up with [6],[6]
    +[P]+[G] and most of the time i get it. Or wait a sec to see the opponents reaction such as the might try to block or crouch to get back into postion.
  9. JysseXzarks

    JysseXzarks Member

    Thank you.
    Is it the same with the f,d+P+G and the f,b+P+G and b,f+P+G?

    I already tryed a lot of time to enter the u/f+K,K by first hold the u/f then press plenty of times en very quickly the K button but it does not works. Is it because I have to press K button only one time (like for a perfect TR/QR for example) ?
  10. JysseXzarks

    JysseXzarks Member

    Well, thank you for your help because now I can enter the u/f+K,K after the d/f+P+G or f,d+P+G or f,b+P+G enough quick to hit even guarding defender. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
    But I have a new question: sometime the u/f+K,K cause 41 damage, sometime only 25. Why and how to perform the 41 damage?
  11. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I think if you see the larger damage, it's because you did it fast enough to prevent the opponent from guarding... and if you do it a little too slow, they don't add the tiny damage from the throw to the 25 damage from uf+K,K.

    Just a guess.
  12. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    The damage is stance dependent.

    Btw, [9][K][K] is not guaranteed after [6][2][P][G], a low throw is.
  13. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    I never knew that the damage was stance dependant.... I just assumed it was, as most things, higher damage on counter.

    Thanks for the explanation.
  14. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    You mean it is stance dependent to do the 41pts damage after the mentioned throws?
  15. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    In open stance, you can delay(maximum delay) the second kick in [9][K][K] to get 41 points of damage. The second kick should hit twice for 10 and 16pts of damage, so total damage is 15+10+16=41. You will always get 25pts in closed stance, no matter how you delay the second kick.

    No sure if this affects the damage after [6][4][P][G] or [3][P][G]. AFAIK, [9][K][K] should always hit 3 times(1+2) from the back unless the opponent is crouching or something.
  16. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    After a throw, doesn't your stance in relation to the opponent's always line up a certain way?

    Maybe it's something else..
  17. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    That's wat I tot too.
  18. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    But I have a question about the d/f+P+G and th b,f+P+G, in VF4evo (version A on PS2)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just a quick note, PS2 version is version B...
  19. JysseXzarks

    JysseXzarks Member

    Thank you for your explainations!
  20. Cephiros_VII

    Cephiros_VII Well-Known Member

    If you input [9][K],[K] too fast (while Pai is high in the air) it's not guaranteed. Input last [K] just when she touches ground. And [FS][K] is guaranteed when opponent tries to turn with [K] , [P], [G], or [2][K]. I can't get proper timing agains [2][P] (I'am not sure if it's possible).

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