EVO2003 VF4 Evolution Results

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Aug 19, 2003.

By Myke on Aug 19, 2003 at 8:05 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Top 3 pictured above: Ryan, Chibita, Ohsu Akira
    (photo courtesy of omni)

    EVO2003 is a wrap. Here are the official results from the Finals:

    1st. Chibita (Lion, Japan)
    2nd. Ohsu-Akira (Akira, Japan)
    3rd. Ryan Hart (Kage, England)
    4th. Neo-Tower (Jacky, Japan)
    5th. Kofu-Megane (Aoi, Japan)
    5th. Ohnuki (Aoi, Japan)
    7th. Myke (Kage, Australia)
    7th. Mad-dog Jin (Jacky, Korea)

    A huge thanks to everyone involved, from the staff and organisers, to the players themselves. Check out the Shout out to EVO2003 participants thread if you want to add your shout outs or any feedback on the event. Also check out the ANOTHER BEAT TRIBE CUP: LA Evo2003 for pictures and media discussion.

    Details of the EVO2003 DVD, which will include all the matches from the Finals, will be posted when they're available.
    smbhax and Pai~Chun like this.


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Aug 19, 2003.

    1. GodEater
      I've never been good at this sort of thing so forgive the question if the answer is completely obvious but....

      why is there no 6th place?

    2. Myke
      Maybe the diagram will help explain, but basically, you get to a point where two or more people end up in the same column of the bracket, but their matches aren't played out to resolve, say, 5th and 6th place. Since two people are tied on 5th, the next placing after that becomes 7th (since obviously 6th spot is taken but not defined). The larger the bracket, the more tied spots you end up getting.

      <font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>

      Kofu-Megane-+ |
      Ohsu-Akira--+ | |
      +---Ohsu-Akira----+ +---Chibita(1)
      Chibita-----+ |


      Ohnuki------+ +---Chibita-----+
      Chibita-------+ |
      MadDogJin(7)+ | +--Chibita
      +---Neo-Tower-----+ | Ryan(3)--+
      Neo-Tower---+ +--Neo-Tower(4)-+
      Kofu-Megane(5)-+</pre><hr />
    3. Trolle
      How annoying is that???
      - to be Oshu Akira, beat Chibita and then lose to him in the final... /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif

      I just met Oshu Akira (Sarah, Guardian rank) in the Evo yesterday for the first time, lost 3-1 rounds, didn't retry. Is it the same guy?

      DAMN, I didn't see!: CONGRATIOLATIONS MYKE!!!
      Way to go!!! /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
    4. Robyrt
      Awesome. One question - where did Ryan go after he lost to Ohsu Akira? Since he's 3rd place and Neo-Tower is 4th, I assume that there's a Ryan vs. Chibita match in the losers' bracket after Chibita vs. Neo-Tower.
    5. Myke
      ah crap, thanks Robyrt, I'm correcting the chart now. You're right, Ryan played Chibita in the finals of the losers' bracket. Loser of that match got 3rd place.
    6. LM_Akira
      Yes Ohsu has a Sarah file in evo as well as his own Akira file complete with Daredevil rank ( its un obtainable ).

      Yes contragulations too Myke and yep if I were Ohsu I'd be annoyed to beat Chibita once then lose to him in the final!!
    7. maddy
      DId Chibita have to beat Oshu twice in the final since

      he's from the loser's?
    8. Myke
      [ QUOTE ]
      madagascar said:

      DId Chibita have to beat Oshu twice in the final since

      he's from the loser's?

      [/ QUOTE ]

      Yep, that's exactly what he did.
    9. ThePeoplesGamer
      Congratulations Myke! It's good to see a fellow Aussie handing out some hurt in major tournaments. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif If only I were any good...
    10. Pai~Chun

      Ten years on then... wow... has anyone got any of these clips or pics anywhere? Cheers if so!
    11. Unicorn
      I still have official EVO 2003 DVD with all 3D games replays somewhere
    12. Pai~Chun
      smbhax likes this.
    13. smbhax

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