[Experimental] VF5FS Lion Combos Compilation

Discussion in 'Lion' started by SG-Lion, Jun 10, 2012.

  1. SG-Lion

    SG-Lion Well-Known Member

  2. Righteous_Dream

    Righteous_Dream Active Member

    His main Bread n Butter combo is


    ~44k,p+k~6p~43p+k~6pp [79dmg - Works up to Jacky/Jean on NH - Both stances. Will only work on Lau in closed stance.] Note: This combo will work on Akira and Lau regularly only on counterhit.

    A alternate BnB combo on NH for Akira, Lau, Wolf, and Jeff is.

    Off p+k or while crouching 6p+g
    6p ~ 2p ~ 6pp. [57dmg - works on both NH and CH. - Open/closed stance. - Works up to Heavy middle]

    Alternative for middle heavy and heavy weight
    6p ~ 66p+k

    46g+k ~ p ~ 43p+k ~ 6pp [84dmg - NH/CH - Open/closed stance. Works on everyone except Taka]

    For Taka 4p+k ~ 46g+k ~ p ~ 66p+k [71dmg - NH/CH - Open/closed stance.]

    Counterhit while crouching 3p/33p
    - 44k,p+k ~ p,k,p [dmg73 - works up to heavy weight
    - p,k,p - 66p+k [dmg 73 - works up to heavy mids - CH. Open/closed stance]
    - p,k,delayed p - 43p+k - 6pp. [dmg84 - only works on super light weights including Aoi. Against Aoi p,k,p does not have to be delayed - CH - open/closed stance]

    3p+k on counter-hit is +16 and you can treat as his guard break for a free combo [44k launcher = 16 frames]

  3. Righteous_Dream

    Righteous_Dream Active Member

    9K - Wall splat
    46f+k ~ p ~ 43p+k ~ 6pp ~ 66kk [dmg 93 - Works on everyone except Taka. - Open/Closed stance - Normal hit. 66KK can be escaped if opponent techs at the right time]

    46p+g - Near wall
    46k - 46f+k - p - 43p+k - 6pp - 66kk [dmg119 - 104 without 66kk follow up. - Works on everyone except Taka. This combo can be escaped if your opponent stun shakes fast enough, which I highly doubt - NH, Open/closed stance]

    Taka only
    44k,p+k - 66kk [dmg 52 - NH. Open/closed stance]
    43p - 66kk [dmg 48 - CH. Open/Closed stance]
    Tourousoufu P - p,k,p [dmg56 - CH. Open/Closed stance]
    3/9p+k+g,k - 6pp [dmg49 - CH - Open/closed stance]
    4p+k - 46k+g - p - 66p+k [dmg71 - NH - Open/Closed stance]
    4p+k - 46k+g - p - 6pp [dmg 74 - Same properties as above]
    Wall required ~ 9k - 46f+k - 6p - 9p - 6pp [dmg74 - NH - Open/closed stance. Combo is very strict. If Taka does not his the wall during 6p 9p will not connect. time it well]
  4. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much for sharing, Righteous! Excellent stuff!

    SG-Lion, I've been using both Google Docs and Evernote a lot lately for making game-notes. Gotta love all the tools we have for gathering, sorting, and re-organizing information ^_^
  5. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member

    CH FC3P 46P+KPP 43P+K 6PP/66KK ( OS only works up to jacky)
  6. X250A

    X250A Member

    You can use CH FC3P 46P+K 43P+K 6PP for the heavy weights except Taka. Unsure if it works with 46P+K on all of them but it should work with P instead for 2 less dmg.
  7. X250A

    X250A Member

    This actually works everywhere just input a forward dash and cancel it with 46k. It not that hard to shake it though if you see it coming.

    Edit you can also follow the 46PK with 4P+K+G PPKP for decent dmg(87 i think).
  8. Terra

    Terra Well-Known Member

    Anyone know any decent combos off CH 1K on Akira and Lau?
  9. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    At the moment, I'm just doing 6_P(G) --> 6PP for 61 damage.

    46P+K --> 6PP also works for 62.

    2P --> 6PP might be something I do online for 61.

    Can also use 66P+K,P in place of 6PP for fun.

    I haven't been able to get the 43P+K slam to work in this situation.

    I will keep trying stuff out, but so far that's what I have ^_^
  10. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    It doesn't work in open on Jean.

    Cool, I didn't think of using 6pp after that.

    I got:
    6K (CH)>46P+KPP>6PP 79DMG
    46K>66>2P>46P+K>6PP 58DMG 73DMG(CH)

    Best I could find for Jean on 44K,P+K open stance was:
    44k,P+K>46P+K>6PP Anyone got any better?
  11. SG-Lion

    SG-Lion Well-Known Member

    Hi Everybody,

    Thanks for supports. Just to remind that you all can put the info in the follow worksheet, and then I will move to the "Controlled Version".

    It is easier to copy-paste from the worksheet.

    Thanks [​IMG]

  12. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    It works against Lion.
  13. Assumedparasite

    Assumedparasite New Member

    So I am new here and was doing 44k --> P+K and I found a few combos that have worked on everyone that I played in arcade mode.

    44k --> P+K --> 4p -->4p ( not sure if notated right) -->2k -->2k 72dmg

    Sorry if you guys already know it. I just thought I would point it out
  14. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Ah, but the original question was about Akira and Lau. But that does not make the information less important, of course ^_^
  15. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Are you sure you set the CPU to tech roll ? Doesn't seem like a legit combo to me [​IMG]
  16. Assumedparasite

    Assumedparasite New Member

    the last two 2k don't hit when they roll. Blasphemy lol
  17. Righteous_Dream

    Righteous_Dream Active Member

    From CH 33P/While crouching 3p

    33p ~> pp2/8p ~> 43p+k ~> 6pp. [84dmg - Works only on super light weights and Aoi. CH only and open/closed stance]

    33p ~> pp2p ~> kk [dmg79 - You can do this on super lights but I prefer max damage. This combo can only be done on Sarah besides light weights. CH - Open/closed stance.]

    CH 1k ~> p ~> 43p+k ~>6pp[71dmg. Works up to light weights. CH. Open closed stance]

    CH 1k ~> p,k,p. [56dmg. Combo is designed for mid/heavy mids/ and heavy characters. CH. Open/closed stance]
  18. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Wow 84 is pretty good, gonna try.
    In wall stages I tend to use 33P, PKP, 6PP cause it will lead to the wall from more than half the ring, so that you can add a 8P+K after the wall hit for event more damage (89 iirc) this is very good damage for a safe launcher ^^

    afaik this is the combo that goes the pushes the more to the edge of the ring, so it's good to remember for possible RO.

    Also for combos, I'd suggest filling this Gdoc from Kruza : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmHS23-CBTIgdHZaZU1DVGdvMkhDMkxtY0JCbVZxUmc#gid=3
  19. Pasqual

    Pasqual New Member

    Righteous, I was working on that same PP2_8P combo and discovered you can actually do 46P+KP2_8P instead and get the damage up to 88. I haven't tried this on all the lighter characters but so far it works on Eileen, Aoi and Blaze and not Sarah. Because of something with Blaze's hurtbox, you have to finish with 66KK instead of 6PP if your step during 46P+KPxP string goes towards his front but it's equal damage anyway.

    So, things I'm doing to Taka right now because I don't quite know how to exploit him yet:

    • CH 33P, 43P+K, 66KK (63)
    • CH 33P, 33P, 6PP (62 and farther carry)
    • CH 6K, 6PPP+K (53)

    Also, something general I've been noticing for players incorporating 4P+K into their game:

    Most people seem to be using 46K+G as the immediate followup, but it seems 9P actually works interchangably. While this loses 1 point of damage, it carries the opponent sufficiently farther to seem justifiable depending on your stage position.
  20. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    46K+G and 9P are great bounds when there's enough time to do them, especially around the walls.

    With the 4P+K --> 46K+G, I typically follow it with 66P+K --> 43P+K --> 6PP (on Jacky this is like 79 damage on normal hit, non max charge). I don't know how optimal this combo is, it's just what I came up with in training and have been running with.

    It is always good to factor in how far a combo carries an opponent ^_^ Ring positioning is a big advantage in Lion's game imo.

    Anyways, good stuff in this thread!

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