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Factors influencing the quality of games

Discussion in 'General' started by Franz, Aug 14, 2008.

  1. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

    Part for curiosity, part for some research I have to do for my thesis, I'd like to make a survey regarding the importance of certain factors contributing to the quality of games.

    I created a list of 8 factors and I'd like you to give an importance value to each factor ranging from 0 (minimum=you don't give a damn about that factor) to 10 (maximum=absolutely important for YOU). The thing is you only have 50 points to allocate to the 8 factors, which means not all of them can have the maximum grade.

    The survey is in Excel to help you with the math and you can download the file at the address below, copy it to your browser and remove the spaces before hitting Enter

    http:// bda.forumcommunity.net/?act=Attach&type=post&id=141487556

    (you may have to change the extension of the file to .xls)

    After having filled in the file, I'd kindly ask you to send it to this e-mail address: franzregister at yahoo dot com

    If you don't wish to get involved with Excel, check the post below to see the survey (you'll have to keep an eye on the scores, as they have to add up exactly to 50).
    Thanks for your participation!

  2. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

    Age (if you don't mind):
    Most used game platform 1 in the last 2-3 years:
    Second most used game platform 2 in the last 2-3 years:
    Third most used game platform 3 in the last 2-3 years:
    Favourite genre 1:
    Favourite genre 2:

    Below you'll have a list of 8 factors that can contribute to the quality of video games.
    Assign an importance value from 0 (totally irrelevant) to 10 (absolutely fundamental) to the 8 factors.
    Bear in mind you only have 50 points to allocate among all the factors.
    The important think is to be true to yourself, so to say. Whenever evaluating a factor, please think of the games you have actually purchased and played. For example, instinctively I would have given 10 to factor 4, but after having played some games which had problems lately, I realised I can live with slowdowns and tearing. Therefore factor 4, for me, is very important but not totally fundamental, and I'd realistically give it 9 or 8.


    You can give a high value if you like games like Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy, a low one if you are not bothered by B-movie kind of plots and flat characters. The way you value the (emotional) involvement a plot or characters can give you will also influence the score positively. If you like sport games, driving simulations and such, the score shall be low."

    You should give a high value if you like innovative games which created a genre (Resident Evil, Buzz, Brain Training, the Sims, Dune 2 etc) or innovated within one (Super Mario 64, Ikaruga, etc). The value should be lowered if your interest towards a specific genre/franchise remains high even when successive installments simply repeated the original formula.
    With "deep mechanics" we mean how much the knowledge/understanding of the game system influences your game performance. The game's learning curve relates positively to the depth of mechanics.
    If you like FPS or sport games a lot, you should give a low value as they are genres with commodified game mechanics.
    Similarly, if you have loads of titles from the same franchise and you like them all, you should give a low score.

    You should give a high value if you really care about the artistic aspects of the graphic production (use of new effects, new animation techniques etc) and about the fact that every new episode of a series should drastically improve on its predecessor. Low values if you do not care about these things much (e.g. Ninja Gaiden 2 has been considered too similar to Sigma and Black, but you do not care). If you are very appreciative of particular graphic styles (e.g. Jet Set Radio, Okami, Rez), give a high value.

    Give a high value if you really dislike any kind of technical problem such as slowdowns, tearing, clipping, pop-up, bad collisions and so on. Give a low value if you are not too fussy about these things, although you still notice them. If you are allergic to long loading times you might want to give a high value, too.

    Give a high value if the way that a game allows you to compete with other players (either directly or indirectly through rankings and such) is something that you consider important.

    Give a high value if you like games with mini-games or those with a high degree of freedom, where you can fight, shoot, drive, buy etc (e.g. GTA). Instead, if you prefer to play an FPS when you feel like shooting or a proper fighting game when you want to fight and you tend to dislike those "jack of all trades" games, give a low value.
    Give a high value if you like games in which you can smash/shoot/interact with many many things. For example, if you liked the high level of interactivity and realism of Shenmue or GTA, you should give a high value. If you dislike 2D mechanics and like simulative games, also give a high value.

    If you would dislike Japanese voices forcing you to read subtitles, give a high value. Also, if you like the game to be rich in tutorials and explanations (possibly also in the game booklet), give a high value too.
  3. Jemun

    Jemun Well-Known Member

    Nickname: Jemun
    Age: 16
    Origin: Austria
    Most used game platform 1 in the last 2-3 years: PS2
    Second most used game platform 2 in the last 2-3 years: PS3
    Third most used game platform 3 in the last 2-3 years: Game Cube
    Favourite genre 1: Action-Adventure
    Favourite genre 2: Beat 'Em Up

    1) 10 points
    2) 7 points
    3) 3 points
    4) 10 points
    5) 2 points
    6) 5 points
    7) 10 points
    8) 3 points


    Shall it be like this?
  4. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

    Exactly like that. God VDFC people are clever, not quite your average gamespot teenager...

    Just evaluate things according to the games you have and like.

    Thanks to everybody!
  5. Jemun

    Jemun Well-Known Member

    Should I list the games I have and why I like them too?

    EDIT: Okay, never mind.
  6. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

    No thanks, I wouldn't know how to make that information relevant to my research and all the other replies I got didn't mention specific games, so I couldn't compare.

  7. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    Name/Nickname: Sorias
    Age (if you don't mind): 23
    Origin/Nationality: US
    Most used game platform 1 in the last 2-3 years: PC (but only because of WoW;;)
    Second most used game platform 2 in the last 2-3 years: 360
    Third most used game platform 3 in the last 2-3 years: PS2
    Favourite genre 1: Fighting
    Favourite genre 2: RPG

    1) 10
    2) 10
    3) 8
    4) 5
    5) 5
    6) 2
    7) 2
    8) 8
  8. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Nickname: Mister
    Age: 25
    Origin: Italy/Swiss
    Most used game platform 1 in the last 2-3 years: PS2
    Second most used game platform 2 in the last 2-3 years: Xbox 360
    Third most used game platform 3 in the last 2-3 years: Nintendo Ds
    Favourite genre 1: Action-Adventure
    Favourite genre 2: Beat 'Em Up

    1) 6 points
    2) 6 points
    3) 7 points
    4) 8 points
    5) 8 points
    6) 10 points
    7) 5 points
    8) 0 points

    I hope this will help you /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  9. XBJX

    XBJX Well-Known Member

    Name/Nickname: BJ
    Age (if you don't mind): 24
    Origin/Nationality: US
    Most used game platform 1 in the last 2-3 years: PS2
    Second most used game platform 2 in the last 2-3 years: xbox/xbox 360
    Third most used game platform 3 in the last 2-3 years: PS3
    Favourite genre 1: Fighting
    Favourite genre 2: Real-Time rpgs

    1) 6
    2) 1
    3) 5
    4) 5
    5) 0
    6) 1
    7) 7
    8) 5
  10. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    Nickname: Spoon
    Age: 21
    Origin: Netherlands
    Most used game platform 1 in the last 2-3 years: PC
    Second most used game platform 2 in the last 2-3 years: 360
    Third most used game platform 3 in the last 2-3 years: Ps2
    Favourite genre 1: RTS
    Favourite genre 2: Space shooters/sims (Think Wing Commander & Conflict freespace)

    1) 9 points
    2) 8 points
    3) 8 points
    4) 5 points
    5) 8 points
    6) 5 points
    7) 5 points
    8) 2 points
  11. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    What's with all the love for Beat 'em Ups... you guys do realize that term refers to, like, Battletoads and Double Dragon and that XBLA TMNT game (*EDIT*: and the arcade version of Die Hard, that game was awesome)... VF is fighting, which is a completely different genre >.>
  12. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Name/Nickname: Griever
    Age (if you don't mind): 23
    Origin/Nationality: Polish
    Most used game platform 1 in the last 2-3 years: PS2
    Second most used game platform 2 in the last 2-3 years: PS3
    Third most used game platform 3 in the last 2-3 years: PC
    Favourite genre 1: cRPG/jRPG (whatever RPG)
    Favourite genre 2: Fighting games (all kinds)

    1) 10
    2) 2
    3) 7
    4) 8
    5) 8
    6) 6
    7) 7
    8) 2
  13. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Name/Nickname: Adio
    Age (if you don't mind): 27
    Origin/Nationality: British
    Most used game platform 1 in the last 2-3 years: Xbox 360
    Second most used game platform 2 in the last 2-3 years: Xbox
    Third most used game platform 3 in the last 2-3 years: PC
    Favourite genre 1: Beat 'Em Ups
    Favourite genre 2: RPGs

    1) 7 points
    2) 6 points
    3) 10 points
    4) 10 points
    5) 3 points
    6) 6 points
    7) 5 points
    8) 3 points

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