Fans of the Hori Real Arcade Pro, REJOICE

Discussion in 'Console' started by thebradSHow, Feb 10, 2005.

  1. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    It's your friendly neighborhood stick person here to bring good tidings of Hori induced hotness /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
    First: we have the Hori Real Arcade Pro "Special Addition"
    The first one in all red, is all sanwa parts, buttons and stick. Very beautiful, brought tears to my eyes. The second one is all Seimitsu, not necessarily my cup of tea but some will LOVE it, trust me /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif.
    As if that weren't enough, they have done a package deal with Tekken 5. It is the Tekken 5 special edition bundle and that is linked here
    What that is, is the Tekken 5 game, the Tekken 5 HRAP (as per speculation at least, if it's what they show, it will be), the limited edition Tekken 5 artbook, and the Tekken DVD carrying case for all the Tekken games. Now I must say, VF is still #1 in my heart, but Tekken is showing the stateside love on this one, and at an $100 price tag for all that is listed above, then you are getting the deal, the lovely deal. That is all, commence to salivating /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  2. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Reserved this the other night. Mainly for the stick. I was thinking of getting Tekken 5 anyways since I'm opening up to more 3d figters and I did have fun with T3 back in the day. Just not as much fun as VF2 and Fighters Megamix...

    Gonna trade in my Pelican Real Arcade Pro for this since I never got around to modding it and payed $20 for this...
  3. Darrius_Cole

    Darrius_Cole Well-Known Member

    Darrius Cole HD
    I am going to reserve that today. But believe me when I say @#$% Tekken. I want that stick!!! To be more specific, I want that stick for $100 and without waiting for it to be shipped from Japan. I'm sure Tekken 5 is a good game. I mean it may be useful as another "Ms. Right-Now." However, I am already married to Mrs. Right, and she has been on my case to get an arcade stick. Well, I haven't yet, and she has been pouting for a while now; and lately she hasn't been putting out because I am still using a D-pad. Well, this Tekken 5 deal will solve that problem and give me another Ms. Right-Now to put in my stable.
  4. Maximus

    Maximus Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    I am going to reserve that today. But believe me when I say @#$% Tekken. I want that stick!!! To be more specific, I want that stick for $100 and without waiting for it to be shipped from Japan. I'm sure Tekken 5 is a good game. I mean it may be useful as another "Ms. Right-Now." However, I am already married to Mrs. Right, and she has been on my case to get an arcade stick. Well, I haven't yet, and she has been pouting for a while now; and lately she hasn't been putting out because I am still using a D-pad. Well, this Tekken 5 deal will solve that problem and give me another Ms. Right-Now to put in my stable.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Can somebody say too obsesive. To be honest I have never seen anyone as obsesed as you man. Seriously, you gotta lay off the coffee.
  5. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Can somebody say too obsesive. To be honest I have never seen anyone as obsesed as you man. Seriously, you gotta lay off the coffee.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's very similar to your obsession with adding absolutly useless remarks.
  6. Darrius_Cole

    Darrius_Cole Well-Known Member

    Darrius Cole HD
    Obsessed??? Is that the word you use? Let me clue in on something. <font color="red">We are all obsessed with this game. </font> Why do I say that? We are talking about a game that is 3 or 4 years old (Evo) if you only count the youngest version. No one plays a 4-year-old video game. No one but us that is. We have people on this site that build joysticks because they want a particular feel. We (VF players) have our own technical terms. You need a VF dictionary to even understand this site. We have people who take trips to play a video game.

    A friend of mine once went to the gamestore to find a joystick for me. He said, "My boy is looking for a joystick to play Virtua Fighter on." The clerk replied, "Oh, he is one of THEM, is he. Why do they swear by that game?"

    I once was talking to that same friend of mine about online play. He said, "they might do that (VF online) if they can do DOA online." I replied, "lag that you can't see in a game like Madden or Rainbow would be to much for VF. There are moves that require specific frame-rates. If a VF player enters a move and it registers 3/60th's of a second late, he is going to see that immediately, and scream bloody murder. He said, "if they can do that they need something else to do. That is too much for a game." Well, just about all of us could see that. There are probably people on this site who could detect a drop of 1 frame.

    Face it dude, the time you spend playing VF, practicing VF, and writing on this site trying to find ways to play better; means your hooked (obsessed if that is what you want to call it), just like the rest of us.
  7. vanity

    vanity Well-Known Member

    bah.. just because we've (or i've) invested at least 2000 hours into the game does not mean im obsessed!

    well.. actually i bet it does. but what really pisses me off is how people can not think it's the greatest game ever. i mean, it's like chess, except 10x better, and a shit load more fun.
  8. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    I am going to reserve that today. But believe me when I say @#$% Tekken. I want that stick!!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I totally concur. I really want the stick but I don't know if I can bear to look at the design work. I'm going to place an order tomorrow.
  9. coNsPirAcy

    coNsPirAcy Well-Known Member

    Just to let yall know, i opened up my T5 "Real Arcade Pro", and sure enough, it is not, i repeat, NOT A SANWA STICK, just a standard Hori stick. Real Arcade my ass... Oh well, the stick is moddable...

    Even though it doesnt have Sanwa parts, its still a good deal for a stick with Hori parts. I plan on modding the stick and painting the case.
  10. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [ QUOTE ]
    Just to let yall know, i opened up my T5 "Real Arcade Pro", and sure enough, it is not, i repeat, NOT A SANWA STICK, just a standard Hori stick. Real Arcade my ass... Oh well, the stick is moddable...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The Real Arcade Pro doesn't come with Sanwa parts, nor is it advertised as so.

    The Real Arcade Pro Special Edition, linked in the first post, however comes in two varieties: sanwa stick JLF-TP-8Y-SK (Vermilion) or seimitsu stick LS-32-01 (Blue).

    If you got the T5 special bundle, which comes with the customised Hori Real Arcade Pro, then you won't be getting sanwa (or seimitsu) parts in it so I'm curious as to why you sound so sore about your purchase. This stick is just a standard Hori RAP with T5 artwork and colour scheme.

    Like you say, it is very mod-friendly, which is the same reason I bought a standard RAP while I was in Japan recently (it's a shame they didn't have the special edition available yet), so in the end it's all good.
  11. coNsPirAcy

    coNsPirAcy Well-Known Member

    The standard Real Arcade Pro DOES have Sanwa parts, but its just the stick though (Sanwa JLF type) otherwise it wouldnt be a Real Arcade Pro. =P The buttons arent Sanwa. The new special editions of the Real Arcade Pro use all Sanwa and Seitmitsu stick/buttons. The Seimitsu one is sexy though...

    People assumed the T5 stick had Sanwa parts cause the guy promoting it said it did, and so did reviewers who tried it before its initial release. I myself was skeptical for $50 more, and sure enough, it paid off when i opened it up. Even though it has no Sanwa parts, its still a damn good deal. Its easily moddable, so its cool.
  12. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    easily moddable my ass

    i opened up the sucker
    its an evo stick in a RAP shell

    same shitty buttons
    decent stick, but not that great
    and everything soldered straight to the circuit board

    im returning my t5 set tommorow
  13. coNsPirAcy

    coNsPirAcy Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    easily moddable my ass

    and everything soldered straight to the circuit board

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Yeah, it IS easily modded, if you know what your doing. Ive already modded both of mine, and it wasnt hard at all. Since this particular model is using a direct PCB solder instead of wires with QDCs, it makes all the work easier, as well as reinforcing the clip-in Sanwa buttons since the hold clips on Sanwa buttons are larger and more rigid than stock Hori buttons. Ill post pics when i have time.
  14. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    compared to a Real Arcade Pro is what i meant,

    meaning official joystick mount, and pin connectors
    solderless modification

    the TRAP is an overglorified evo stick
    no joke - exact same parts

    yes "modifying" is easy, but it dont want to waste time filing metal away again or buying a dremel tool, just to install buttons x8
  15. coNsPirAcy

    coNsPirAcy Well-Known Member

    To each his own. I already had a Dremel tool before i started modding sticks, so it just came in handy for the purpose. With the Tekken stick, I really didnt to grind down any button holes to be honest.

    Of course its overglorified, but its a good price for $50. I knew it was too good to be true for $50 with Sanwa parts. In anycase, i think modded Horis or custom built Sanwas beat out Real Arcade Pros (the ones with the Sanwa/Seimitsu parts) everytime IMO. But, that Seimitsu RAP with two-tone buttons is sexy. Ive been against buying RAP's but i pre-ordered that one version, even though i can get Seimitsu parts.

    In anycase, whatever works for you, go for it.
  16. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    where did you preorder the semitsu RAP?

    whats the difference between the sanwa and the semitsu/ plate (square or octogonal?) and the buttons

    btw sorry about the harsh tone, really bitter that hori put out this overglorified evo stick, and theres a chance i might be stuck with it, if EB is anal about returns. I could care less about the tekken 5 that comes with it.
  17. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    More info on the differences between the TK5 stick and the RAP to be found here.

    Sounds like a lot of people were mislead by someone who has a vested interest in selling Hori products in the states. Kind of sleazy, IMO. (Nothing against Hori stuff though - it's generally awesome)

    Still, it's probably the best PS2 stick available in the States at the moment. It's a start, right?
  18. Darrius_Cole

    Darrius_Cole Well-Known Member

    Darrius Cole HD
    Well, I am shocked and amazed that the Tekken 5 stick is of lesser quality than the Hori RAP stick that costs twice as much. (sarcasm intended)

    I have never used a stick before, but I am going to guess that the Tekken 5 stick will still be better than the D-Pad I am currently using. Therefore, I am going to get it anyway, so that Mrs. Right will put out again. Hopefully, by the time I begin to outgrow this stick, I will be able to get a true top-quality stick in the US.
  19. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    cough dont cry when your buttons breaks 4-5 months later
  20. coNsPirAcy

    coNsPirAcy Well-Known Member

    Why would they break? Just curious...

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