Final Showdown Aerial hit effects

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by MarlyJay, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Some discussion on the shoutbox as to what certain (unnamed) hit effects should be called.

    We have sort of the the time being decided on Big Bounce for the newly animated effect of bounce moves that return aerial character to their feet (rather than the air, as with VF5) but leave them in a combo-able state and Small Bounce for moves that ground the opponent (looks like a slam), but leave the opponent in a combo-able state.

    What do people think? I believe it's a good idea to normalise terms and be clear on what should be put into any notes in frame data and such. Otherwise things can get confusing.
  2. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Slam for slam moves like Akira's [4][6][P]
    Flop for moves like Jacky's beat knuckle on CH
    Bound for moves like Wolf's [9][P]+[K] on an opponent in the air.
  3. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    These are the terms and also my interpretations of them as well.

  4. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    What about moves like Wolf's new chop and Akira's 214P? They can't all be bounds. Wolf's 9P+K was a bounce in Vanilla. Why call it and moves like it bound rather than the moves with the new effect?

    Slams and Flops aren't on Aerial (floating) opponents so let's leave them out for the time being.
  5. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Me and a few others on the shoutbox thought it might be best to keep the terminology same as VF5's, bound basically serves the same purpose as bounce right?

    I haven't seen an awful lot of FS but moves like Akira's 214p and 43p have different effects in combos and it feels strange to call them all bounds.
  6. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I agree they shouldn't be called the same thing. The effect from Akira's 43P is known as bound in Tekken. 214P looks pretty different and more like a bounce to me.

    The general consensus on the shoutbox was that having too many terms floating about could get confusing so one or the other should be chosen with an additional adjective to seperate the two effects. Or we could just give them 2 different names.
  7. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    bound and air reverb.
  8. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    The new effect is simply bounce from Vanilla 5. Therefore IMO it should be:

    SLAM when a move simply smashes you to the ground like Goh's [6][P][P] in Vanilla. This allows for Exact recovery to avoid ground pounce.
    BOUND similar to bound in tekken. I believe Wolf's [4][1][2][3][6][P]+[K] (if the notation hasn't changed) has that.
    BOUNCE has a new animation, still works for moves like Wolf's [9][P]+[K]

    So as suggested before, why change what we already have named? The animation is simply different, while the "bound" part is actually something new to VF.
  9. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    The Masters Guide has its own terminology, though I can't translate all of it.

    Large Bound = Caused by moves such as Jacky's [4][K][+][G]

    Small Bound = Caused by moves such as Akira's [4][3][P]

    ? = Caused by moves such as Lau's [4][P][K][P]
  10. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Marly, good initiative with the thread!

    Libertine, on Page 21 of the Masters Guide are the official terms for the Hit Effects:
    • ukase (floating) bound (aka flop): An untechable knockdown that floats the opponent into the air before landing on their back, with legs folding back over head. This hit effect allows enough time for the attacker to OM in order to continue with the combo, and when performed against a wall, produces a combo opportunity against the wall. e.g. Jacky's Smash Upper ([​IMG][3][P]).
    • bound (aka bounce): A new animation where an airborne character is hit hard into the ground and momentarily return to their feet before falling back down. This is the same "effect" as what we'd previously call a "bounce", just animated differently. Note, however, that this has always been officially referred to as a "bound" even when it used to bounce the opponent, so my vote is to call this a bound. e.g. Sarah's Crescent Heel ([4][K][+][G]).
    • fukitobashi (aka slam): A fast, untechable knockdown that allows for a combo opportunity. e.g. Akira's [4][6][P] against a standing opponent. Note that some attacks have a "slam" effect against an airborne opponent.

    On Page 22 of the Masters Guide, under the section of Aerial Combos, the terms Big Bound, Small Bound and Hatakitsuke are introduced:
    • Big Bound is the same effect as Bound. e.g. Jacky's [4][K][+][G] against an airborne opponent.
    • Small Bound is the same effect as Slam. e.g. Akira's [4][3][P] against an airborne opponent.
    • Hatakitsuke (smack/beat down) is, from what I gather, an untechable knockdown that does not provide combo followup. At best, I think it guarantees a down attack. e.g. Lau's [4][P][K][P] against an airborne opponent.

    So, having said all that, when referring to Hit Effects my preference would be to continue using the terms Flop, Bound and Slam and Beat down (or Smack down?)

    Reno, noodalls, or anyone else with a better grasp of Japanese feel free to chime in on the translations!
  11. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    For me:

    bound = character is in comboable state after being hit out of air and touching the ground

    bounce = character is hit out of the air, touches ground and then bounces back into the air, remaining in comboable state.

    I havent really watched that much FS footage so Im not sure which move causes what. Mykes post tells me that there are hit effects that I dont know about.
  12. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the translation, and now I'm clear about what I missed.

    So basically, the bound is for against the "airborne" opponent. For example, Wolf has [3] [K] [+] [G] > [9] [P] [+] [K] > [P] > [1] [P] [+] [K] > [4] [K] [+] [G]. However, if you skip that [P] not make your opponent float in the air, you can't complete the rest of combos.

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