Final Showdown and R Information Directory

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by akai, Apr 15, 2008.

  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    This will be a stickied topic, basically summarizing all factual information on Virtua Fighter 5:R and Final Showdown. This will allow members to freely discuss/speculate on the latest news in the normal topics, but allow people who just want the facts only without browsing through various pages of speculation. Note: If the "normal topics" do get extremely off topic don't be surprised if it gets moderated [​IMG] .

    This will be a locked topic with updates only by moderators. The first post is for frequently asked questions. Second post pertains to Virtua Fighter 5 R and the third post to Final Showdown.

    Note: If you notice anything wrong with the directory, please PM me or one of the moderators to fix. Thanks.

    FAQ Section -

    What is VF5:R and Final Shodown? - These are newer versions of the original Virtua Fighter 5. Unlike Virtua Fighter 5 version B (ie PS3) and C (ie Xbox 360), R and Final Showdown are major updates to Virtua Fighter 5. It appears Sega is following the format of their release cycle of VF4 (orginal version -> Evolution -> Final Tuned) with VF5 (original version -> R -> Final Showdown). R has been out in the Japanese arcades for a while now and Final Showdown is currently in development. Currently, there is no official released date for the arcades and whether there will be a console port.

    When will VF5:R or Final Showdown be released to consoles? No one knows. When it is officially confirmed, it will be posted. So please refrain from making new topics asking about its console released. The latest official information on whether there will be a console port is posted here in response to a petition - May 19, 2010 -

    "On the other hand, we have received numerous demands from our fans for a console version of the game, but as of yet have not explored that scenario at this time due to the various conditions surrounding the home console market." - SEGA (translation by Reno)

    What are the differences between VF5, VF5:R, and VF5:Final Showdown? All versions have changes in character animation, changes to command input, additional moves (removal of some moves), additional costumes, changes to stage graphics and sound/music changes. Some of the more pronounced differences compared to the original VF5 are listed below:

    VF5:R -->
    1) Addition of two characters Jean (new, karate) and Taka (previously in VF3, sumo).
    2) Changes to stage size and shape, and reintroducing breakable wall sections
    3) Modification to guarding from the side, throw escape input, and removal of the punch and kick attack option from offensive move.

    VF5:Final Showdown (based on Test Locations Information) -
    Refinement of the "Rocks-Paper-Scissors" system -
    1) Evading in Final Showdown - higher risk/reward. Risk => on failed evade, opposing character can connect with a counter hit. Reward => On successful evade, there is a greater chance (or always?) for your character to be positioned at the opposing character side (ie opponent at an even greater disadvantage).
    2) Throwing in Final Showdown - Removal of the zero frame and throw clash introduced in the original VF5. Changes to throw escape mechanics (no more multiple throw escapes) and command input of low throws/standard throws.
    3) Better visual cues to recognize different situations - counter hits and "guard snap" animations.
  2. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC

    Information Directory for VF5: R

    Virtua Fighter 5: R Announced at the AOU - February 14, 2008

    News Link
    Topic Link (Locked)
    The next major update to the Virtua Fighter game series introducing -
    1) two additional characters (images suggest a karate user and a sumo wrestler...aka Taka)
    2) variation to the stages.

    Arcadia Virtua Fighter 5: R Article from May Issue 96 - April 15, 2008

    Topic Link to the Rough Translation by Reno
    Quick notes from the interview with VF5 director Kataoka -
    1) New characters will have unique systems or properties making them different to use.
    2) Game System Change - Side Guard added or modified
    3) Game System Change - Breakable wall sections
    4) Features new ranks

    Test Location for Virtua Fighter 5: R - April 18-April 24, 2008
    Posted on website and mentioned by dennis0201 in here. Quick notes based on the information on the official VF Japan website (heads up from Makatiel, Srider, and Reno's translation of Arcadia article) -
    - OM system change
    - new moves and revision of current moves
    - NOTE: Changes and revisions in the test version of the game does not necessarily mean it will be found in the official release of the game.

    Makatiel's Test Location Report Link
    Test Location Videos Link

    Final Test Location for Virtua Fighter 5: R - June 25-July 1, 2008

    Final VF5R Final Location Test Info started by Reno
    Test Site First Hand Impressions from Sekajin
    AM2 VF Website in Japanese

    VF5R Test Location Videos - Link

    VF5R Officially Released in Japan Arcades - July 24, 2008
    Official Website Topic
    Video Link

    VF5R Version B Officially Released in Japan Arcades - May 21, 2009

    VF5R Version C Officially Released in Japan Arcades - November, 29, 2009

    VF5 Final Showdown Announced at the AOU - February 18, 2010


    Command Lists - Thanks to Lars for site. PDF Files for all the characters. Note - it is in Japanese.

    Akira - Link

    Aoi - Link

    Blaze - Link

    Brad - Link


    Goh - Link

    Jacky - Link

    Jeffry - Link

    Jean - Link 1 / Link 2

    Kage - Link

    Lau - Link

    Lei - Link

    Lion - Link

    Pai - Link

    Sarah - Link

    Shun - Link

    Taka - Link

    Vanessa - Link

    Wolf - Link
  3. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC

    Information Directory for VF5: Final Showdown

    VF5 Final Showdown Announced at the AOU - February 18, 2010

    <object width="560" height="340"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="560" height="340"> </embed></object>

    VF5 Final Showdown Promotional Video

    <object width="560" height="340"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="560" height="340"> </embed></object>

    VF5 Final Showdown Location Tests - June 30, 2010 to July 7, 2010



    Gameplay Changes

    VF5 Final Showdown Arcade Released - July 29, 2010

    SUGATA Well-Known Member

    What is the changes to THROW ESCAPE INPUT in VF5R (not FS) from VF5?
  5. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Throw escape system in VF5R was exactly the same as Vanilla 5's if I recall correctly.
  6. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    This plus the already known lazy throw escape. Of course with all those throws it wasn't usefull as it is right now.

    SUGATA Well-Known Member

    What is "lazy throw escape" in VF5R?
  8. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    It's the only system to escape a throw in vf5fs, holding guard then pressing punch and a direction to avoid throws while guarding. It's called lazy throw escape or in japanese yutori. It was introduced in vf5R.

    SUGATA Well-Known Member

    Do you mean that Throw escape system in VF5R = VF5 (multiple TEs) + VF5FS (lazy TE) ???
    Then i think this is awesome! Why SEGA changed this VF5R TE system in VF5FS...
    Mister likes this.
  10. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    To cater to noobs and ham handed people like me who never learnt the MTE system.

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