Final Showdown Ver.A Rev.1 Location Test Update

Discussion in 'News' started by Reno, Nov 7, 2011.

By Reno on Nov 7, 2011 at 9:15 PM
  1. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    [​IMG]Starting on November 8th, Version A Revision 1 of Final Showdown will be on test at Ikebukero GIGO, Club Sega Akihabara, and Club Sega Nishi-Shinjuku until the official release of the game.

    Changes to the game system
    The advantages on throw escape after the following throws have been made consistent. The frames shown below are before/after the update.

    Right side throw -3/+2

    63214P+G -3/-6
    Back to full wall, 66P+G -3/-6
    Back to half wall, 66P+G -3/-6
    Left side throw -3/+2
    Right side throw -3/+2
    Left side throw 64 or 46P+G -3/+2
    Right side throw 64 or 46P+G -3/+2
    3P+G -3/-6

    P+G -3/-6
    Left side throw -6/+2

    * Side tech roll bonus has been removed. This was a technique where the opponent could not block your attack during specific situations.

    About Items
    No new items will be added during the location test, but they will be added once the game is officially in operation.

    Update: According to Kamaage at the VF Dojo, not only have items been added, but new costumes as well!


Discussion in 'News' started by Reno, Nov 7, 2011.

    1. MarlyJay
      Re: Final Showdown Ver. A Rev. 1 Location Test Update

      Can i ask what "-3/-6" means? Is it old/new frames?
    2. KrsJin
      Re: Final Showdown Ver. A Rev. 1 Location Test Update

      Oh lord, the samurai fanboy in me is praying we get those cosmetics for console.
    3. Reno
      Re: Final Showdown Ver. A Rev. 1 Location Test Update

      Marly: Yes, sorry, the first number is the original frame, the second is the revised frame.
    4. Shoju
      Re: Final Showdown Ver. A Rev. 1 Location Test Update

      The new outfits for Revision 1 are some of the best yet. I hope we get all this and a full on gameplay update in Ver B before console release.
    5. Kiuju
      Re: Final Showdown Ver. A Rev. 1 Location Test Update

      Another one?
    6. Myke
      Re: Final Showdown Ver. A Rev. 1 Location Test Update

      It's interesting to see the thrower being granted advantage after having their side throw escaped. Traditionally it has been the escapee with the advantage, or 50/50 at best!

      But I'm also wondering if the thrower is in a side turned situation after the side throw escape, then the +2 given is somewhat negated by the -6 (or whatever) due to being side turned, effectively making this a -4 situation?
    7. ChiefGutti
      Re: Final Showdown Ver. A Rev. 1 Location Test Update

      Is it just me, or am I reading this differently to Myke?

      "The advantages on throw escape after the following throws, have been made consistent."

      It sounds like it was negative BEFORE but has NOW become advantaged for the throw escaper.

      Maybe I'll understand better if I look at the Japanese site.
    8. Dennis0201
      Re: Final Showdown Ver. A Rev. 1 Location Test Update

      according to the detail, it looks like only side throw escape switch from negative to positive. There might be some animation changed.
    9. ChiefGutti
      Re: Final Showdown Ver. A Rev. 1 Location Test Update

      Going to need help from Shou to figure this out, but from what I'm reading at the Japanese site, there was a problem with the frames being different for male characters contra female characters. Lau's left side throw was +2 for any male character, but female characters were -6 in Version A.

      Are these new escape frames consistent with both male and female characters now?

      EDIT: From what I understand here, is that the girls were -6 and -3 on other side throws but have now been made consistent with the male characters and becoming +2
    10. Myke
      Re: Final Showdown Ver. A Rev. 1 Location Test Update

      When the frames are listed for a character's move, it's with respect to that character, and not the opponent.

      For example: Jacky's [P] on Guard is +2. That is, Jacky has +2 frames advantage after his [P] is guarded, not his opponent.

      So, taking a change listed above: Jacky's Right Side Throw (on escape) was -3 but is now +2. That is, Jacky has +2 frames advantage after his Right Side Throw is escaped, not his opponent.

      <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Maybe I'll understand better if I look at the Japanese site. </div></div>
      Let us know if you find anything different!
    11. ChiefGutti
      Re: Final Showdown Ver. A Rev. 1 Location Test Update

      Ah! I see what you mean.

      So, basically, Lau was +2 when his left side throw was escaped by male characters but he was -6 against female characters then. So now, after fixing the consistency, he will be +2 against both genders?

      Why does it say at the bottom of the chart that all other throws, other than Lau's left side throw, relate to Taka-Arashi only? Are they saying that, from further research, they found other throws with character discrepancies in relation to just Taka-Arashi?

      I'm mailing Shou to have him test this. Oh, he's in Singapore right now.
    12. ChiefGutti
      Re: Final Showdown Ver. A Rev. 1 Location Test Update

      Due to the easy throw escapes in FS, I feel it is correct that the escapee is at minus rather than plus like usual. From side turn, you cannot be thrown by anything else than side throw, so in defence you can just hold the correct direction and keep guard and punch held for even up to a second to escape. It would have been too strong if you would have been plus after the escape since it's so simply to do this time around.
    13. Myke
      Re: Final Showdown Ver. A Rev. 1 Location Test Update

      To be honest with you, I wasn't aware of gender-specific inconsistency and had thought it was just in general. In other words, I thought that most of the cast were at +2 when their side throw was escaped (regardless of the opponent) except for a select few who weren't.

      The more I try to think about this the more my head hurts, and then I remind myself that this headache can wait for another 7 months. [​IMG]

      Now where was I...
    14. Myke
      Re: Final Showdown Ver. A Rev. 1 Location Test Update

      No, the escapee is at plus!

      ack... headache...
    15. ChiefGutti
      Re: Final Showdown Ver. A Rev. 1 Location Test Update

      Myke: Sorry, you're right about the headache, I meant escaper, haha.
    16. Myke
      Re: Final Showdown Ver. A Rev. 1 Location Test Update

      Wait, what? Isn't the escaper and escapee the same? [​IMG]

      Let's look at it a different way:

      Traditionally, the thrower would be left at disadvantage if their throw (front or side) was escaped. But now we have a unique situation where the thrower has the advantage after their side throw is escaped.

      But again, if the thrower is in a side turned situation after having their throw escaped, I'm not sure if the "+2" already accounts for the sideturned disadvantage or not.
    17. ChiefGutti
      Re: Final Showdown Ver. A Rev. 1 Location Test Update

      Myke, sorry man. Time for another proper English lesson for me. I foolishly thought that an escapee would be the character who had his throw escaped, but realised that an escapee in English correct terms would be the one who WAS escaped by his throw. Due to my idiotic English skills, I automatically thought that an escaper would be the same as employer, and that an escapee would be an employee.

      However, despite problems with my English skills, we both mean the same thing. Lau is in an advantage after his left side throw is escaped. In Version A, male characters would always leave him at +2, but with female characters he was left at a disadvantage of -6. At Katagiri's site, he explains it by the fact that the girls had a special escape animation in VF5 Vanilla when escaping side throws. In VF5FS, they removed the animation, but the frames difference from the VF5 animation was still intact. Thus, even though you can't see it by animation, the girls were left to move ahead of the male characters.

      By living over in Norway and not having the chance to test this myself, there's always going to be misunderstandings of what the changes truly are. I emaled Shou and he reckons I'm correct on the male/female differences in the past.

      Reno is in Japan and speaking the language fluently, right? Now that we don't have Shou and Sekaijin available for interpretation, we should seek his help in concluding with the matter.
      PaulMartinKPG likes this.
    18. Mister
      Re: Final Showdown Ver. A Rev. 1 Location Test Update

      isn't side guard supposed to reduce to zero frames the time you need to guard?
    19. Dennis0201
      Re: Final Showdown Ver. A Rev. 1 Location Test Update

      It should be more clear when we watch the videos after.

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