Final Tuned System Changes and Version Updates (Ver. B)

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Pai_Garu, Sep 3, 2004.

  1. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Here is a list of the system changes as listed in the FT Master Guide. I'll try to be brief and to the point about it.

    Counter Hits
    As noted before but included for completeness, there are 3 types of counter hit now.
    • Light Counter: hits against moves less than 15 dmg + x1.3 dmg + Yellow hit effect.
    • Medium Counter: hits against moves 16 ~ 24 dmg + x1.5 dmg + Orange hit effect.
    • Heavy Counter: hits against moves more than 25 dmg + x1.6 dmg + Orange hit effect + screen movement.

    Also included now is a new type of hit effect.
    • Blue Hit Effect: This new type of hit effect color is for successful Special Movements like Wolf's R.A.W or Lion's Hakotsusyu. (in case you are wondering, the command for both is [P]+[K]+[G]) Now when you successful hit with those types of moves, the new blue hit effect will allow you to hit check more easily.

    Evade (escape) Property
    Now in Final Tuned, both a successful evade and failed evade have been slowed down. What this means is that you now have less advantage on a successful evade, and also you are now more vulnerable on a failed evade.

    For example. Akira does [3][P]+[K] and gets blocked by Jacky, Akira is now -4, Jacky tries [6][P] and Akira evades. Now in FT, Akira is not guaranteed a [4][6][P].

    In the case of failed evades, the speed at which you can cancel the failed evade is also slower because of this. In Evo you can try Evade->CD->attack to avoid nitaku situations around -5, now the same technique can only be applied less than -4 in FT. So in a sense, ARE as it existed before is gone, but it is still applicable in a smaller, more strict window/situation.

    All Range Movement (ARM)
    Moving while backturned is now less evasive as before. In Evo many players will do [7] after being backturned to avoid counter attacks. Now in FT doing [7] has the same effect as doing [8]. In short, after being backturned you are just as vulnerable to a back throw or linear attacks no matter what direction of ARM you try.

    Back Turned Hits
    The result of hitting an opponent's back has now been changed. Simply put, you can expect the same effect hitting and opponent's back as if you were hitting them normally. For example, after Lion's [3][P]+[G], before you can hit [3][P][P] since after the first hit it leaves the opponent still backturned. (Although it could be avoided by specific inputs) Now in FT, however, the first hit of [3][P][P] will turn the opponent around instantly, thus enabling the opponent to guard the second hit.

    Another example is Lau's [3][P][P][P][2][K]. Before this whole string was guaranteed on back hit, now they will be able to block the last kick since they will turn around instantly after the first hit and it will be as if it were hit normally.

    This also will apply to guaranteed hits after blocking a move that leave the opponent back turned, such as Lau's [6][6][P]+[K]. A [2][P] hit will turn Lau around as if he was hit from the front.

    Wall Hit
    Now in FT, more wall hits will result in the wall hit animation, thus reducing the possible followup attacks. For example, if you hit an opponent with Jacky's [4][6][P]+[K], if the opponent hits the wall during the animation, you will not be able to do his normal followups since it will result in the wall hit animation instead of the normal one.

    Source: Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned Master Guide


    Ver. A Changes
    Updated: 9/15/2004

    [6][6][P]+[K] damage reduced from 20 to 18 pts.
    [6][6][P]+[K][P] damage reduced from 20 to 18 pts.

    [6][6][P]+[K] now causes foot collapse on any counter hit.

    [8][P] damage increased from 15 to 16 pts.

    [6][P]+[K] (B2) Sobering effect reduced from 2 to 1 dp.

    [P]+[K][P] (B1) now knocks down when it hits an opponent's back.

    (Slide Shuffle) [3][3][K] Can not cancel the slide shuffle step anymore.

    [2][K]+[G] damage reduced from 30 to 28 pts.

    (Flamingo Stance) [3][K] now causes stomach crumble on any counter hit.
    [K]+[G] (B1) the advantage on hit or guard has been changed.

    [6][P] (B1) attack class changed to high elbow class.

    [3][3][P]+[K] damage increased from 20 to 23 pts.
    [2][K][P] on counter hit, the two hits combos.

    [2_][3][P] (A1) doesn't sober anymore.
    [3][K] the crouching stagger it causes is now changed to a crouch hit stagger.
    [4][6][K]+[G] damage reduced from 27 to 25 pts.
    (Sway Back) [P]+[K][P] damage reduced from 18 to 16 pts.
    (Sway Back) [P]+[K][P][K] damage reduced from 20 to 16 pts.
    (Sway Back) [P]+[K][P][K] (on hit) [3][K] damage reduced from 20 to 15 pts.


    Ver. B Changes
    Updated: 12/02/2004

    [6][6][6][P] disadvantage on guard changed. (-10)

    [P][P][K][K] disadvantage on guard changed. (-15)

    [4][P] (A2) changed to linear attack.

    Lei Fei:
    [2_][6][P] (A2) disadvantage on guard changed. (-12)
    [P][P] (B2) disadvantage on guard changed (-1), force guard property changed.

    [2_][3][P] Does not sober anymore.
    [4][2][P]+[G] damage changed from 60 -> 55.
    [6][P]+[K][P]+[K] float on normal hit changed.
    [6][2][3][P]+[K][K] damage changed from 20 -> 17.

    [4][3][P]+[G] stagger is now easier to recover from.
    [2_][3][P] damage changed from 12 -> 10.
    [2_][3][P][P] damage changed from 12 -> 10, disadvantage on guard changed.
    (Backturned) [P]+[K] attack class changed to mid [P].
    [4][4][K] recovery on whiff changed.

    [4][6][P] damage changed from 16 -> 18, disadvantage on guard and normal hit changed. (-4 on guard, +1 on normal hit)
    [3][P] advantage on small counter changed. (+6)
    [6][6][P]+[K] on counter hit, low throw is now guaranteed.

    [4][P]+[K]+[G][P]+[K][P][K] damage changed from 16 -> 18.

  2. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    Re: Final Tuned System Changes

    Nice! Sounds like a major change of playing styles imo...
  3. O_o

    O_o Active Member

    Re: Final Tuned System Changes

    sweetness... but i'm dissapointed in a way...
  4. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: Final Tuned System Changes in other words..its harder to do damage now.
  5. kbcat

    kbcat Well-Known Member

    Re: Final Tuned System Changes

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shadowdean said: in other words..its harder to do damage now.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It more along the lines of easier to punish missed dodges. I've had no trouble capitalizing on successful dodges.

  6. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: Final Tuned System Changes

    I was more refering to the ability to block after eating a back attack and modifications along those lines.
  7. kbcat

    kbcat Well-Known Member

    Re: Final Tuned System Changes

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shadowdean said:

    I was more refering to the ability to block after eating a back attack and modifications along those lines.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Fair enough -- and in that respect you are right. It makes it especially difficult for Lion trying to follow up on on his df+P+G throw. Now I have to rely on mind games as opposed to the old df+PP, which although it was avoidable in EVO most people didn't avoid it.

    Off topic, but on the upside -- I sabakied Pai's swallow kicks last night. I so glad that they changed those to sidekick class.

  8. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: Final Tuned System Changes

    [ QUOTE ]
    Off topic, but on the upside -- I sabakied Pai's swallow kicks last night. I so glad that they changed those to sidekick class.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh heck yeah.... This makes me very happy! I hope I'll get a chance to play Final Tuned in the near future....

    Also... the tweaks... some of them will have me missing for the older versions. But in the end, it just seems like usual, putting many a blessing on more mindgames, and I like that. Though I will certainly miss abusing the back-turned opponents after surprise exchanges and various ways to get behind the opponent. In a way, that sorta kills some of the fun little games one could have, but it also kills a whorish aspect of the game.

    It's nice that they reduced the ability to move around too freely while back turned. It was always fun to mess around with, but sometimes felt like BS.

  9. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

  10. Demikid

    Demikid New Member

    Re: Final Tuned System Changes and Version Updates

    and how do u kno this stuff

    *sig taken out*
  11. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Re: Final Tuned System Changes and Version Updates

    Hey why don't you try not breaking the tables?
  12. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: Final Tuned System Changes and Version Updates

    I help Sega make the game in my free time on the weekends.

    hint... *Read the end of each section* it starts with "Source"
  13. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: Final Tuned System Changes and Version Updates

    (Slide Shuffle) dfdfK Can not cancel the slide shuffle step anymore.

    sorry to be a pain, but what do you mean by this. how can you cancel SS with [3][3]+[K]
  14. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Re: Final Tuned System Changes and Version Updates

    Jacky has a new move in FT. SS [3][3]+[K] with the bonus of a new hit throw as well: SS [3][3]+[K],[P]+[G]. In Version 0, Jacky could seamlessly cancel a SS into the hit throw. Nasty after things like [P][K], etc. Version A has removed the seamless aspect of the cancel and now the SS animation remains.

    <font color="yellow">.cheers.</font>
  15. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Final Tuned System Changes and Version Updates (updated 12/02/2004)

    If anyone hasn't noticed, Srider has posted the ver.b changes.

    Check the first post in this thread for details.

    Thanks Srider!
  16. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Re: Final Tuned System Changes and Version Updates (updated 12/02/2004)

    Oh, snap! Thanks for the hookup on the version B info, Srider. I hope there are some Sarah nerfs in store...
  17. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: Final Tuned System Changes and Version Updates (updated 12/02/2004

    No change to Kage's A2 mC hit? Woot.... And looks like SDE will be uncounterable again.
  18. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    Re: Final Tuned System Changes and Version Updates (updated 12/02/2004

    [ QUOTE ]
    No change to Kage's A2 mC hit? Woot.... And looks like SDE will be uncounterable again.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's been said that SDE will be -10 in Ver.B instead of -8 in Ver.A. It will be still TC if that's the case.
  19. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: Final Tuned System Changes and Version Updates (updated 12/02/2004

    Wow, that's a bit unexpected! But, I don't mind...
  20. vf4akira

    vf4akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Final Tuned System Changes and Version Updates (updated 12/02/2004

    Anybody heard any estimates on when ver B will be out? Kinda sux that the orange book is pretty much obsolete now. Well, not really, but damn it just came out!

    As always, I'll be looking forward to the new version, but I haven't even got used to ver A yet.

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