First day Japan sales.

Discussion in 'Console' started by Onslaught, Feb 9, 2007.

  1. Onslaught

    Onslaught Well-Known Member

    "Virtua Fighter 5: Approx. 30.000 sold units on the first day 09.02.07 - Sega could sell approximately 30,000 units in Japan from Virtua Fighter 5 on the first day of the distribution. That comes out from collections of Enterbrain, the flogging play came today on the market. "

    Keep in mind that the PS3 is crazy expensive, new, and that there is a much cheaper arcade scene.
  2. Son_of_lau

    Son_of_lau Active Member

    sounds good considering the fact that ps3 is 9 million dollars. it still looks like vf5 is ps3's killer app though, which is funny considering that it isnt really considered a selling point by most gamers. let alone the fact that tekken and DOA are more popular, at least imo. lets hope that this game brings life to the series.
  3. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member

    we all can only hope..
  4. Ser2k2

    Ser2k2 Member

    30,000 units in one day.I think they have a good sale. Lets hope they sell more units...
  5. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Sounds like it sold as well as the best-selling launch game (Gundam), then. This'll most likely be the top-selling game on PS3 for a while...
  6. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    I was under the impression that to play arcade VF5 is quite a bit, and if you have +1000 games... eeeeH?
  7. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    LOL, I played 300+ matches already with only Jeffrey and countless time in the dojo. I think its like 75 cents to play VF4 here so it will add up.
  8. lotrzyna

    lotrzyna Well-Known Member

    Sebo there is an issue with that - you see I do not know how does it look like in Japan but here in Poland (when I think about old times when arcades did exist in Poland...(VF2 times?)) you only had to pay for a game if you lost I mean for the first game both guys pay and for every other pays only a guy who lost and wants to join - i think this worked that way..
    So if you have for example 1000 wins and 500 loses you probably didnt pay eqal of 1500 games but 500+1+(1000/30)-(if you would have 500losese and than 1000 wins in a row) 1+500+(500/30) with every other game lost(I think nobody has time to play more than 30games daily /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif 1*#of days needed+500 for every third game lost - things are going bad when you have more loses than wins.. :p Im probably totaly wrong with al that but thats my way to have an excuse for playing arcade not buying a console ;-) (if I could ever play in Japanese arcade.. :/)
  9. YagamiKun

    YagamiKun Member

    Humm, I see your point but i remember being addicted to Killer Instinct 1 and 2 in the arcades when they first came out years ago and spending, AT LEAST, 200 bucks on each LONG before the console versions (KI1 on the SNES and KI Gold on the N64 respectively) came out. If I had the opportunity to grab up a system that is a bit expensive and an arcade perfect version of a game I know I'll spend a ton on change on in the arcade...I'll gladly make the one time purchase of the system and the game. That is just me though...heh, and that's exactly what I did. Although the PS3 has more games than just VF5 that interest me, VF5 was my final decision to drop the bones on it. All comes down to a matter of perspective...and a total lack of aracdes in Cincinnati with any respectable titles. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

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