First footage of Sarah in DOA5!

Discussion in 'News' started by Reno, Jul 12, 2012.

By Reno on Jul 12, 2012 at 11:17 AM
  1. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    Members of Team Ninja and Dengeki magazine squared off in DOA5, bringing us our first look at Sarah in action!

    It looks like most of her attacks are intact from VF5, so Sarah vets will most likely be able to jump right into the game once it comes out in September.



Discussion in 'News' started by Reno, Jul 12, 2012.

    1. ToyDingo

      Also, wow, there was alot of stuff going on in the background...
    2. Autobotdan
    3. Kamamura_CZ
      Seems like you can call airstrikes and even catch a stray bullet... oh well. At least no nukes and fireballs.
    4. Aion
      Graphics are amazing, but I noticed (while watching Sarah) that VF5FS's animations are considerably better. Compare Sarah's FL 3K+G in VF5FS and DOA5 for example.
    5. SoulKatana
      sarah is so DAMN SEXY!!
    6. KiwE
      I think Sarah looks really weird and malplaced in DOA. They probably should've picked another character but then again they need those bikinis
    7. Krafty Matt
      Krafty Matt
      I think it all looks a bit ridiculous. The fighting looked good, standard DOA fair, but the stage is a bit much.

      Is the announcer taken from AE?
    8. steelbaz
      As a Sarah player I am kinda meh about this, I am not liking the animations at all. I do like that they used the FS Sarah, but the animations and character design are a bit weird. If they have mad custom in this game for her it will help though [​IMG]
    9. BogusMeatFactory
      Yeah the stage and the sound are god awful! Getting hit with an RPG and with stray bullets? Seriously? Also the sound of the hits and blocked attacks sound so weird and distracting.
    10. ToyDingo
      My only concern is that she'll be turned into another DOA whore at some point. I know she's supposed to be Virtua Fighter's "sex symbol" character, but I don't want to see her fighting ninjas while wearing lingerie and dominatrix stuff.
    11. steelbaz
      I dunno you have a pretty sleezy Sarah outfit in FS, just saying [​IMG]
    12. ToyDingo
      What you call sleezy, I call an effective distraction [​IMG]
    13. steelbaz
      DOA is all about "effective distractions" [​IMG]
    14. def
      When i saw one of the footage that featured her, i was a little bummed out that they recycled her poses from VF5 but I'm otherwise very happy that she is in it. I know that each fighter has 6 outfits, what do u think the other 5 outfits she will have, i'm hoping for her secondary VF4 outfit, she looks so bad @$$ with those chains. Anyway, I'm so gonna main her when the game releases in late Sept.

      Also when she says one of her quotes in her voice from the VF games, it seems kind of awkward, like she could use a new voice actress or something much as i may not like to say it due to the fact she has a new look.
    15. DurViener
      Took long enough to finally see some footage of her. Looks very faithful to her VF self, will use her if the game turns out okay.

      here's another vid

    16. Kamamura_CZ
      I think you are confused. The sex symbol of VF is Taka-Arashi. Women dig these guys in Japan.
    17. Griever
    18. ShinyBrentford
      Did vf4evo Goh and Jean have a baby.
    19. akiralove
      the player using Kasumi is one of my favorite VF players of all time, Goro2000. In VF4/Evo, he was amazing.

      And Kurita is playing Akira

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