Flamingo Options

Discussion in 'Sarah' started by ultralewis, Jun 23, 2009.

  1. ultralewis

    ultralewis Well-Known Member

    Infamous Geezer
    I am doing ok as Sarah but I`d like to know some Nitaku Situations I can use from Flamingo Stance.

    Thanks [​IMG]
  2. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Thing is, Sarah doesnt have normal throws in flamingo so theres no 'real' nitaku situations available. Her flamingo throws are catch throws and its possible to duck them nearly always.

    Its late now so I ll have to get back to you in regards of guessing games.
  3. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Ok Ill write a little bit of something.

    The thing with Sarah is that if
    [4][K] is blocked then her FL [K] cannot be interrupted due to its speed and that its special high. (same applies to her FL somersault but FL K is bit safer =)) This should put the opponent on his back foot already. AT least an opponent who knows something about Sarah. If they dont, you can FL K them ad infinitum.

    Then its about hitting with her flamingo starters and knowing when you have enough advantage to use FL [3][K] without it being interrupted.

    on any hit [3][P][K] -> FL [3][K]
    on any hit [4][K] -> FL [3][K]
    on any hit [K]+[G] -> FL [3][K]
    on any hit [4][P]+[K] -> FL [3][K]

    From flamingo
    FL [K] (hit) -> FL [3][K]
    FL [1][K] (normal hit) -> FL [3][K]
    FL [8][P]+[K] or [2][P]+[K] (hit) -> [3][K]

    In place of the FL [3][K] you can use FL [2][K]~[P]+[G] because they are same speed (although to stun with the FL sidekick you need an extra frame). This is pretty much the only real mixup from flamingo, and opponent can avoid the most dangerous options by simply crouchblocking. The catch throws may look scary but they only hit high and are slow.

    Theres little you can do about crouchblocking opponent without taking risks. FL [8][P]+[K] or FL [2][P]+[K] is propably best bet. FL [4][K] is one of safest options, but gives little in the way on continuing pressure. FL [8][K] is insanely risky but knocks down. FL [3][K]+[G]~[6][P]+[G] is slow as life. FL :df:[K] hits mid but doesnt give anything on a crouchblocking opponent except regular crouchstagger.

    You can often just exit FLamingo with FL [P]~[G] and continue with normal moves like elbow.

    ps. One of the better situations to try her flamingo throws is after [6][6][K]+[G][K]~[G] staggers..
  4. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    90% of the roster has tools that rape FL K and FL 3K, some characters beat both combined(doesnt matter which of the 2 you were going to use). And that stuff be netting them 50-60 pts plus tech mixups, which is more than what Sarah was actually going to get. And yes this happens to me all the time, the jig is up etc.

    Furthermore if your opponent is really really on point they'd handle the 2nd hit on guard, of the two-hitting FL K.
  5. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    We have to start somewhere. FL K is the basis of Sarah's FL game. Sarah also has tools against the aforementioned opponents tools. Not to mention that you obviously cant just throw FL K always since opponent can simply duck it.

    However, in order to get somewhere with this topic, please list tools that you think rape Sarahs FL K and FL df+K. Preferably at the same time. Im aware of 4 characters that have such tool.

    Bear in mind that we are considering a beginner-level Sarah here, and I guaranteed that 98% of online opponents over here cant deal with Sarah's shit.
  6. ultralewis

    ultralewis Well-Known Member

    Infamous Geezer
    i think you have a good point there manjimaru. it just seems the thread is taking a slightly different direction. (in a good way)

    i noticed when playing some good aoi`s they counter high after you have used sarah`s P+K to deflect an attack. so a good mix up is to 270 throw if they get into the habit of countering high too often.
  7. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    The characters with Anti-Sarah tools that I mentioned to my knowledge are Aoi (tenchi), Shun (BT Sou P+K), Lion (qcb+P) and Goh (b,f+K). If Sarah does FL K+GK instead, the list is reduced to one. Aoi. Aoi you can simply gatling gun kick throw if she thinks of using tenchi [​IMG]. Not to mention that tenchi doesnt work against low kicks like FL d+K~P+G.
  8. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Everybody has tools Manji.

    Rewards from each? That's sketchy.

    You already mentioned alot of the characters that handle both the FL K and FL 3K at the sametime. The other is just the game's simple solution of evading to, I think her front side. Then there's dangerzones like for example vs Lau his sabaki that will take care of FL K and deal like 60+ on you, and there's billions of moves that sail right under flamingo mids cause they're so high up.

    The most typical flamingo answer that people know about is crouch with delayed 2P.

    FL K+G mirage is really good imo, because it covers an evade and if they crouch that move and go for delayed 2P the next part will get them, but if they go for something else you can mirage step(before her leg goes back) to the side.

    EDIT: also the flamingo jab is great with P4K because if they do the delayed thing the 4K will catch them CH, and you can also watch to see if they evade the jab.

    Flamingo is a giant risk ultralewis, it's good for flash though.
  9. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Not to mention it is fullcircular crescent and cannot be sabakied or reversed by anyone except Aoi. The second kick is also advantage on block in addition to being special high as you mentioned. Its one of the major, major improvements in her flamingo game from VF4.

    If you are thinking about moves that 'sail under' her flamingo mids, then I can remind that Sarah also have moves from flamingo that 'sail over' any lows that belong to the before mentioned category. I am not aware of mids that go under mids. (Laus u+K goes OVER them but I digress)

    FL [K]+[G] is also only 16 frames which means its faster than FL [3][K] and can interrupt high and most mid moves in the same situations you would use FL [3][K] or FL [2][K]~[P]+[G]

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    Flamingo is a giant risk ultralewis, it's good for flash though. </div></div>

    One is always at risk in VF5...
  10. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    One is always at risk in VF5... </div></div>

    Lot's of shoulder class moves, and as far as I know certain uppercuts.

    One is always at risk, but not a giant risk, Manji.
  11. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    None of them will go under FL [3][K] when Sarah is at +6. Provide me with a video and Ill reconsider.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    One is always at risk, but not a giant risk, Manji. </div></div>
    Flamingo is not a giant risk.
  12. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    From now on I'll just leave this section to the Sarah experts, my bad.
  13. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    Ay yo ... I wasn't gonna L33K it but... you wanna be the best with sarah? DM Dragon Cannon ALL DAY.

    And then use 9pkg and repeat.

    If that doesn't work, switch to leifei and arrow punch spam.

    This is how you win with sarah.
  14. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    That is actually unsafe. I trained hard to rid myself of that habit.
  15. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    No Manji. You aren't doing it right. You don't have the skills. This is why I'm S tier.
  16. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Can anyone finish this thread? It's helpful~

    I just realize after FL, 3K is the fastest mid(ignore 7K).
    But -5 when it's blocked.
    So technically I'm able to interrupt her PK by my PK, right??
  17. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Range dependent. It's so sketchy that your P could come out first but not make contact while the FL one comes out after and hits. So you'd want to use 6_P. But Sarah can flip backwards or sweep and such. So she can get out, so you might also hesitate. And at -5 her P comes out at 14f now in FL btw.
  18. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    I was training a bit with Sarah, so I'm glad this thread is active again.
    Slide, can you tell me something (as I can see you know a thing or two about Sarah)... When [3][K] is blocked an I'm at -5. Other than using moves like [2][K]+[G] or [2]/[8][P]+[K] to beat an opponent's punch, what are my other options?
    'Cause as far as I know I could use FL [P] to interrupt any slow moves, but I can't really do fuzzy, right? How many frames does cancelling Flamingo take anyway?
    I'm kind of confused as to what to do in what situation after my moves are guarded in flamingo [​IMG]

    I use Lei, but with him, depending on the move I have blocked I can go for sabaki or change the stance quickly to avoid stuff. With Flamingo it's harder.
  19. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the answer Slide~ I'm more curious about Sarah because of you man!!
    Btw, what do you mean at -5 her p comes out at 14f? why not 10+5 = 15f??
  20. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Well as far as I know, cancelling out of flamingo into guard, takes atleast 8 frames. This was tested by having FL 2K+G be guarded(-10), and cancelling out of flamingo to guard and eating Goh's basara for free.

    To understand your flamingo outs, you got to know the frames of the fastest moves in the game, and where you're at when something is defended against... I'm talking range too.

    Then you can start bending the rules.

    So when you're in flamingo, you're supposed to always pay attention to your opponents, P, 2P, 6P(fastest mids), and sabaki or reversal habits, all the time. Because these moves you can't see, cause they're too fast, these are also the moves that will beat you if you do something too slow.

    Knowing your adv or disadv at whatever point, will help you to narrow down the choices. So sometimes it'll look like you're completely psychic.

    So basically:

    When FL 3K is guarded, depending on range you can have alot of the characters completely whiff their 2P, this is character dependent. So you could go for the 2K+G sweep and both your opponents P(you go under it) or 2P(range dependent) would whiff.

    Both Sarah's FL P and opponent 14f mid would come out at the exact same time, which Sarah is more likely to win in reality(not on paper), because flamingo defense creates all sorts of hesitation and other weird habits.

    The 4 most basic flamingo outs are:


    FL P beats whatevers too slow, and it might actually be faster than G canceling your way out.

    2K+G beats highs, can sometimes beat 2P(range) and Sarah can push herself at the proper range to have some small ranged mids to miss due to reach.

    4PKG you by pass any linear move and flips backwards, and it starts instantly. So P, 2P, and 6P(fastest mids) all miss, even if Sarah is at -9, -11, or -13 depending. You lose to throws and circulars, although again, range dependent you can have throws whiff and circulars whiff it too... so your opponent must RUN IN and use a throw or a circular to attack Sarah for free.

    Other than that, any out depends on the frame, range, and you being a high stakes guesser. And remember, it's NOT LENIENT, it often time comes down to a single frame, and you can find yourself juts losing rounds based on +1 or -1 difference in a move.

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