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Game Journalism (Fishie's ecred)

Discussion in 'General' started by ShinobiFist, Sep 12, 2008.

  1. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Neogaf will be on top when it comes to TGS news. A few members are going to be over there. So, be sure to checkout the Neogaf forums for info. I'll relay most of the stuff from over there.
  2. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Yeah, because they do a far better job then the profesionals over there right?

    Neogaf is nothing more then a forum with lots of people who have no life who scavenge the web so they get ecred on an equally stupid forum.
  3. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Dude, you misspelled a fake word.
  4. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    When I see someone triple post like you have, with the words you have, I have a hard time separating you from your description of gaf posters.
  5. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    I rather hear it from the fans, then hipster writer sites like, Kotaku, Joystiq, insert credit, destructoid and gamestech. This industry HAS no journalist, they're freaking fanboys, to afraid to ask actual questions, because they might lose some Ads from that company. A good example of this is S-E panel at E3. Those so call "journalist" ask the dumbest questions know to man.
    So you my friend FAIL. Because this so call "journalist" are not going to cover games like "BlazBlue" or "King Of Fighters XII" They're to busy looking at Nomura's zippers or how many more Zombies RE5 will have. Keep your trollish comments to your self. Thanks for derailing the thread prick. I'm done/
  6. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    hahahahahhahaha man I love this site... all threads no matter what the topic always goes to shit around page 3 or 4. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/whistle.gif You gotta love it!
  7. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    yeah GO FISHIE GOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  8. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    I was just gonna post that, rod. This is the 3rd topic in a row I made that got hijacked. Oh well. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  9. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    So what would you have asked? Mnd you, getting any information from S-E is like squeezing blood from a stone.
    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">So you my friend FAIL. Because this so call "journalist" are not going to cover games like "BlazBlue" or "King Of Fighters XII"</div></div>

    Every topic made on a videogaming message board will devolve into general console bickering in the end. Every. Single. One. It's like a law of physics.
  10. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    I'll introduce myself sometime later, but basically I'm a hardcore fighting game player, including the Virtua Fighter series. In fact, Virtua Fighter is my #2 fighting game series only behind Street Fighter 2 and it's various versions.

    Recently a developer Capcom was interviewed about online play in fighting games and he said that while latency can only be eliminated with a local system (arcade) for play, online versus fighting is the future of fighting games. The interview was in the context of Street Fighter 4 and ST:HD Remix. I read the interview on Slashdot I'll try to get it later but I have Rugby practice coming up soon so I'm gonna try to finish this post then suit up.

    With that being said, we know Sega has the worst record with online play for the major fighting game titles. They didn't even consider putting VF4/Evo online. They also said that VF5 was not possible as an online game for the PS3...but then completely reversed their entire outlook by releasing VF5 on the Xbox360 with online play. I practically threw my VSHG into the wall when I read that announcement.

    If VF5R was released with online play for the 360 AND PS3 (console exclusivity is not a strong point for the VF series) it would mark the first time that Sega has really listened to the VF community outside of Japan.

    Yeah sure some major VF players from Japan have gone to EVO or to Korea/China for some tournaments to increase VF presence outside of Japan, but for the most part Sega makes no effort outside of Japan at all. Yeah VF4EVO was a greatest hits game but it came out at a time when consoles were starting to really flourish with online play, and the single player games like GTA,Final Fantasy, MGS, are far more enjoyable alone than a fighting game against CPU AI.

    And yes, Sega spent a lot of money to promote VF5 for the PS3....including multiple TV advertisements, and print in and outside of video game publications. And while that's all nice...the reviews basically said (for the PS3) "VF5 is an amazing game, best 3D fighting game of all time......terrible AI, and no online," wonderful.

    With the 360 release the announcement of online play shocked the fighting game community and most of video game websites covered the story fairly heavily and it was the most attention VF had received outside of Japan in a while.

    VF5R is basically the 'make it or break it' point for the VF series outside of Japan.

    If Sega would release the game, at a competitive price point, with full online play, leader boards, etc. it could really relaunch the franchise outside of Japan. 360 AND PS3 of course. I can't imagine that Sega think it's a smarter business decision not to port over VF5R to the consoles when they already have developers experienced in porting VF5 to the 360 and the PS3.
  11. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    The reason is like that with S-E because this freaking hipster writers have NO fucking BALLS. This so call gaming journalist need to fucking realise they need you, more then you need them. Don't see the fucking point on putting a picture of the BlazBlue booth when you, or whoever is in that pic, doesn't work at, 1UP, Kotaku, Gamespot, Joystiq or any of those hipster fucking SITES don't cover "non-pop games" FAIL, with a hippie on the side.
    Thank for derailing the fucking thread, or better yet, LOCKING IT.
  12. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    It's easy to say that when every question isn't answered with a "no comment" and people you talk to don't walk out of interviews when you ask hard questions

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Don't see the fucking point on putting a picture of the BlazBlue booth when you, or whoever is in that pic, doesn't work at, 1UP, Kotaku, Gamespot, Joystiq or any of those hipster fucking SITES</div></div>


    ON TOPIC: I expect hardly anything exciting from TGS this year. Which is why I went to do work in Japan last month instead!
  13. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Everyone knows game journalism is in its infancy, but expecting that random people can pull off a better job than those with experience, support (and thus credit) in the respective industry is plainly silly.

    You think any type of journalist is going to get the full scoop on anything? Shit, anybody doing anything is going to want to hide stuff from the press. Okay, let´s do this with an example: You say you're independent or you say you're from Reuters, who do you think a police spokesman will take seriously?

    Look, there's something to be said for the efforts of independents in scouring out details on less reported on games. But the lack of respect in the post at the top of this page is just jarring and you should realise that.

    There's at least three game journos on these forums. Dismissing the people you were talking to out of hand made me lol (especially as you only needed to have cursory glance at the first link in Zero's sig).
  14. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    You pointed the reasons WHY, this industry needs some balls. If you have people walking out of interviews, put those suckers on BLAST and their products. Give them a freaking PR nightmare. Similar to what Kotaku(Rare situation)did to SONY over HOME. You had sites, and Blogs defending Brian Crecente over he's actions. SONY went as far to BANNED Kotaku from future events. But having the back from every major site and Blogs made SONY change their minds real QUICK.

    You get that rare writer to stand up for himself like Dan Hsu over he's Assassin Creed review and among other things. And that link you provided over "VF5" doesn't mean a thing, Because One, How many PS3 games were out at that time? Two, This was marketed like no other VF in the states by SOA. The point being, Will they do that to BlazBlue, KOFXII over even Fate? No. Did they do it to Guilty Gear XX AC, Melty Blood, VF4, Street Fighter III Third Strike, Mark Of The Wolves...No, no, no. Magazines like Gamefan, gave props to any game that deserved it.
  15. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Fighting games are a niche genre these days, which definitely isn't the fault of the media - it's the fault of fighting game devs who choose obtuse game systems over ease of play and mass appeal, combined with a fickle audience that will buy Darth Vader over depth. I would love to cover an event like EVO for a big publication but the simple fact is, outside of SRK and sites like this, nobody gives a rat's ass. We only got a single page for our Tougeki article in Man!ac magazine next month, and they're usually all over the more niche stuff. Sad but true.

    Fansites would ideally pick up the slack, but they have other problems: lack of perspective on how things in the industry actually work, and a general lack of professionalism and writing skill. GAF is one of the worst in that regard, they have an inflated sense of self-importance like they seem to represent all game consumers, which couldn't be further from the truth.
  16. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    I love VFDC. Fishie and Zero - instead of snide comments, why not post some gameplay vids or tactics or...well...something?
  17. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    I need to go into detail on what I mean on the Whole "NeoGaf" thing. First of, most news you read from other sites comes form Neogaf. I get, pics, info and more in depth info(Hands on) to games I actually give a damn about. Before ANY major outlet post them up. Every site has shitty members on their forums, but they also have their good ones as well. Those are the ones I pay mind to, and those are the ones that usually post on hot info that's true. I'm not comparing a forum members writing over a hipster writer, something ya seem to be getting confuse by. I don't see what's the beef on relying on Gaf for getting pics and first hands impressions from industry insiders? You think I want Brian Crecente giving first hand impressions on BlazBlue? No, I rather have Markman form Gaf(SRK, CAPCOM)giving me the details. Sounds like both of ya are banned form Gaf, lol.

    Now on Game Journalism(Different subject you see)My point still stands. No balls. Is all about the money....HALO 3, nuff said. TMZ could get better info then this maggots, lol. Case in point, hipster writers stop wearing your tight pants, so you could grow some BALLS! This guys ain't journalist, they're far FROM IT.
  18. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    so hey how about your NYG8 play vids

    oh wai


    Actually I've never even bothered to post on GAF, the place gives me a headache the size of Montana. The only games forum I post on has (arguably) stricter mods than GAF plus a fee to even register, which keeps most of the morons out, and IMO has a much better discussion and less signal/noise ratio. That's why I'm posting over there instead.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Now on Game Journalism(Different subject you see)My point still stands. No balls. Is all about the money....HALO 3, nuff said. TMZ could get better info then this maggots, lol. Case in point, hipster writers stop wearing your tight pants, so you could grow some BALLS! This guys ain't journalist, they're far FROM IT. </div></div>

    I have read this nine times over and I still have no idea what's being said. The copy editor in me wants to reach for my big red marker and go to town.
  19. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Not really, especially in the beginning Gamefan gave a nod to those games they could profit from.
  20. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    First hand impressions for Blaz Blue then(played it at Tougeki and at the Arc system works offices in Yokohama).

    Its a REAL Guilty Gear sequel in all but name.
    Very similar gameplay and characters, wonderfull 3D backgrounds mixed with nice high res hand drawn sprites.

    Happy now?

    If so go post it on NeoGAF as another NeoGAF exclusive.


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