Gamespot VF5 Exclusive Hands-On

Discussion in 'Console' started by Myke, Jan 20, 2007.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I saw this posted by Griever in the Shout Box (FTW!)

    Gamespot VF5 Exclusive Hands-On

    The most interesting part of this feature is probably the Videos. If you watch Gameplay Movie 5 to 9, it looks like replays off the disc with English commentary.

    At first the English commentary was kind of annoying and cheesy, but then I started to not mind it so much /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

    "Attacking with a throw!"

    INCIDENT Well-Known Member

    All in all, it's looking very nice.

    The only thing I'm kinda concerned about is whether the tutorial from 4/Evo will still be there since I didn't see anything of it mentioned.

    Then again, that's also why we have the fourms. ;P
  3. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    I like how they use the real names for the Commands.

    "Your impression so far?" it's funny

    I'm assuming these are Replays from good players that come with the game, obviously it's not Gamespot staff playing. If this is the new AI though, I'm impressed.
  4. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    I wish there was an easy way to transfer character data from one ps3 to another.

    At least 30 character saves per fighter is nice. Instead of the Evo 2
  5. gregor_thewolf

    gregor_thewolf Well-Known Member

    In case you guys haven't seen it, this week's IGN Weekly video feature has VF5 and it shows quite a few bits not in the Gamespot or 1Up previews- the Start screen, the customization screen, bits of the Quest mode, etc. They also mentioned that basically you use your character (the one you customize, etc) in every mode in the whole game, and that you can have 30 individual characters, etc.

    On the 1Up Show last week, VF5 wasn't on feature but their segue into that Lawyer DS game had these two guys playing VF5 in their cubicle. I was so jealous seeing it running on a little LCD TV. Looks awesome, even from that view.

    Gamespot, IGN and 1Up all have near-finished VF5's in their offices, darn it...
  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I thought it was 30 total. So with 17 selectable characters, you can't even do 2 per character?

    Oh, gregor, thanks for the IGN tip, gonna check it out now.
  7. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    According to the IGN video, it's 30 per character (they said you can have 30 Jacky's, so I assume it's 30 per character).

    Lol, in the video, when they were showing quest mode and they fought the Aoi named Raven, I think that was my Aoi I named in that contest Sega had a while back...

    I wonder what my 2 line comment was. I completely forgot since it's been so long. I also think I had originally thought it was one line per comment rather than a 2 line comment (big difference), so it's probably a super cheazy comment. Oh well...
  8. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    It's 30 total, not per character.
  9. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    slightly off topic.. but did you notice how many people replied on gamespot's comments section at the end of the article? I mean, is there anyway we could get someone to post a comment linking them to vfdc. It seems like many of them are casual gamers, but who knows, they might not know about this site.
  10. castle

    castle Member


    Does that mean if you wanted to play your own customized character at a friends house, you just have to remake him/her on your friends PS3?
  11. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Yea, it's pretty annoying.

    Eventually someone will get EVERYTHING on one save, and we can just import the save to our PS3s and make custom characters for tournaments.
  12. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Are transferrable profiles gone forever, or can we look forward to them in some future version of VF? Did Sega just run out of time this time?
  13. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Considering the PS3 can have a 40 or 60 gig hard drive, and the Blue Ray disc holds up to about 5 dvds, why wouldn't sega include more replay capability and not less. Why wouldn't they expand the fighter profile facility?

    VF5 does cost more than evo and it runs on more sophisticated hardware. VF5 should offer more (a lot more) than EVO. And removing features shouldn't even be on the table.
  14. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    We could actually help grow the VF market in the U.S with a little help.

    Believe it or not simple things like transferrable profiles, complete profiles go a long way for those that engage in tournaments, and sparring. Character customization is good, but if you can't take it with you or if its inconvienient to take it with you then its not as beneficial as it could be.

    The last tournament I was in had roughly 30 competitors, It was a pain just to have everyone set their ring name before the fight (and it was important that we had ring names because we were recording straight to dvd)

    There was no time to set up your customization, so all the pais, jackies, etc were only distinguished by ring name)

    Does anyone have an explanation from sega why they took out the individual profiles, quest replays? arcade replays?

    Does anyone know?
  15. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member


    you should not ask "could" or "could not", nor "should" or "should not", the truth you seek is in the questions "why" or why not?" look beyond the infatuations that blind you to stand a chance when facing the unknowns masterpo. power is nothing without the will, the abilities of the ps3 and bluray have nothing to do with the replayablity of the game.
    there was a frog lived his life in a deep well. he would look up and says "look how grand the sky is!" you are this frog, your pitiful insights demonstrate your skills are feeble and your will is weak. go back to dwelling in the comforts of your companions whom no doubt share the same diluted skills and minds as you do. when you feel like you are ready, bring yourself to me, and i will show you the true meaning of chi-quanshu.
  16. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    Its is good to hear that you have the true meaning of chi-quanshu. And as far as the weak will, and diluted skills of me and my companions, please know that the mountain is beautiful with snow. But after it loses its snow, green grows from underneath. In every loss there is gain, as in in every gain there is loss. When you have gained your victory over me and my companions what will be your loss?

    Training in the martial arts is for spiritual reinforcement, sometimes we allow our opponent to make the first move and thus create the beginning of his own downfall.

    Does not the answers to my questions about the fighter profile on the PS3 benefit the members of VDFC?

    VF5 on the PS3 marks an ending for Evo and a beginning for VF5. With each ending comes a new beginning. But
    you should seek first to know your own journeys beginning and end. Seek then the other journeys of which you are a close part.
    But in this seeking, know patience.

    And then perhaps in your patience you could find room for my pitifiul insights and feeble skills.
  17. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Masterpo, you can help VF grow in the US by actually playing the game with people instead of hiding in your own made up little world.
  18. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    po you are fool!
    The way of chi-quanshu is not to shelter your weakness in patience. Only through tribulation can you learn your true strength and overcome your weakness. Your illusions of the martial arts are flawed to the impartial eye. chi-quanshu teaches not tender to your wounds in defeat. A snow covered mountain is full of deceit, the beauty of the mountain is not what growing on top but the strength lies beneath. The true strength of mountain is that it confronts both the strong and weak, it does not falter when challenged, it does not dim through defeat and it does not wither with the ages.
    Unless you find strength in yourself, no one will be able to help you po, not your companions, not me, not chi-quanshu. Find the will and strength to face the challenges other than the feeble skills of your companions, only then can you learn the true ways of Chi-quanshu. Save yourself by facing the world.. And perhaps then you can bring you and your companions to the light.

    True master of chi-quanshu out!
  19. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Something tells me masterpo has no experience in the marital arts . . . no woman i've ever met would tolerate that kind of B.S.
  20. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    victory can be anticipated but not assured. in order to know victory you must know your enemy, in order to know your enemy you must know yourself. to know one's self one must test one's self through those fears even oneself denies oneself. you must face you deepest secret, search through the dark abyss within. only then can the true meaning of chi-quanshu reveal itself. do not be burdened by those around you who are weak, for their fate is certain: they will not prevail. break out of the shadows that have blinded you from reality, defeat the demons with in, escape the well that binds your destiny! Join me.. and I will complete your training. with our combine strength with will rule VFDC as father and son!!!! ony then will you know the truth meaning of the Chi-quanshu. search your feelings po, you know this to be true...

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