gaming is expensive an hobby

Discussion in 'General' started by RunningNow, Mar 6, 2007.

  1. RunningNow

    RunningNow Member

    if i sell my olf virtua fighter 4 stick on ebay how much money will i get people? thanks /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  2. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    My guess is you'll get $17.28

    Since there is no way to know - here's some more info:

    Try searching completed items and see if any have been sold in the last 60 days. That's a good indicator. I bet there's no results though - I can't imagine those sticks move all that often.

    I recommend you put it up for a dollar with no reserve and get what you get. Or, wait till there are confirmed working converters for PS2 to PS3, then list it for one dollar and get what you get.

    For best results, do a 10-day listing starting Thursday night.

    Good luck.

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