General Knowledge question: VF4EVO Hori sticks

Discussion in 'Console' started by TrojanX, Mar 30, 2004.

  1. TrojanX

    TrojanX Well-Known Member

    Q1: How much do they cost in Japan in both YENS and how much is that equivelent in £'s?

    Q2: Where is the best place to get it in or around Tokyo?

    Q3. I use the pad so how long do you think I was surpass my pad skills once I use the Hori sticks? Bear in mind I haven't used any arcade sticks hardcore level since end of VF3 peak period.

    I await your answers people...
  2. Ogi

    Ogi Well-Known Member

    3980 yens (with tax 4179 yens)
    did u play 2d games like sf or kof? if u do, it won't take long from pad change to a stick. like 1 month or something => just me
    i begin use sticks from vf3

    btw. i d like to say evo stick is ok, but the button of the stick is not perfect. the stick of the stick is good. just the button it ....
    i just broken a evo stick, so sad.... /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif

    SC2 sticks or namco ps1 sticks are good!! => just some advice.

  3. TrojanX

    TrojanX Well-Known Member

    Excellent. Thanks for that.
  4. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    edit all the unused buttons to "not used" as the stick aint got a "dongle" (ferite magnet clamp) to reject any incoming RF interferance!!!
    or just buy one your self from maplin for about £2!!!:)
  5. Onny

    Onny Well-Known Member

    RF interference???? does it affect the stick? or is it like to protect against power surges???

    *is quite worried now*
  6. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Onny said:

    RF interference???? does it affect the stick? or is it like to protect against power surges???

    RF means Radio Frequency, so i doubt a joystick thats has no mains transformers or capacitors and only really gets a minor 5volts at most would ever hav a power surge!!!

    all cables running a electric curent generates a magnetic field, if you check your PC monitor VGA lead you will most likely see a "dongle" on it nearest the back of the Monitor (or on any sony ps pads)
    this contains a feritte magnet ringed around the cable, it basicly rejects any RF the cable picks up (like if it was an antena) it also helps a bit with EM interfeance but thats another story as the earth (where england resides) is always giving out x amount of EM radiation

    basicly as its a jap stick, an as always has a crap small lead, they eather dont think its worth putting it on as the lead is to short to pick up RF (rubbish) or they were cheep skates!!!

    hope u understand now

    *is quite worried now*

    duhh, what i ment was....

    RF means Radio Frequency, so i doubt a joystick thats has no mains transformers or capacitors and only really gets a minor 5volts at most would ever hav a power surge!!!

    all cables running a electric curent generates a magnetic field, if you check your PC monitor VGA lead you will most likely see a "dongle" on it nearest the back of the Monitor (or on any sony ps pads)
    this contains a feritte magnet ringed around the cable, it basicly rejects any RF the cable picks up (like if it was an antena) it also helps a bit with EM interfeance but thats another story as the earth (where england resides) is always giving out x amount of EM radiation

    basicly as its a jap stick, an as always has a crap small lead, they eather dont think its worth putting it on as the lead is to short to pick up RF (rubbish) or they were cheep skates!!!

    hope u understand now

    but it looks like u can make out someone could of said anything.... interesting:)
  7. Onny

    Onny Well-Known Member

    ah right. i always wondered what those little things were for. i think there's one on the namco stick, but the sc2 doesn't have one. /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  8. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    namco is a uk stick, the SC2 is a jap stick right???
  9. Onny

    Onny Well-Known Member

  10. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    thats why it aint go tthe "dongle" on, its jap so the lead is short

    also is ur pic from that NES street gangs/river city ransom game???
  11. sekaijin

    sekaijin Well-Known Member

    sekaijin usa
    the stick is not bad, though we did have some issues with it with akira users at evo 2003 last year. ohsu broke my stick, and an akira broke shous stick as well. its not hard to fix, but you have to be gentle with her.
  12. Onny

    Onny Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    RandomHajile said:
    also is ur pic from that NES street gangs/river city ransom game???

    [/ QUOTE ]
    yeah haha. but i altered it to try and look like Brad. not too successful huh.
  13. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Has anyone played GBA RCR? I have big nostalgia for the NES game.
  14. Mr_Frankie

    Mr_Frankie Active Member

    Does anyone know where I can get the size (in inches), for the arcade stick? I've looked at the images and it seems tiny for the price of $75-90
  15. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    There is a new stick coming out this month made by Hori called the Real Arcade Pro. It's around the price range of $80 and it seems much much more sturdy than the hori evo sticks. I think I will get one and give it a try.

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