General/Staple Brad Combos

Discussion in 'Brad' started by Libertine, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Since it's been needed, here's an easy to remember list of combos for Brad. They are a balance of ease of use and damage. I'll add more as time permits.


    Lightweights excluding Pai: [4][4][P] BT [2][P] [6_][P] [3][P][+][K][P]

    If you're good enough to check for foot position, you can do this on all Lightweights except for Pai and Sarah:

    Closed - [4][4][P] BT [2][P] [6_][P] [1][P][+][K] [4][P][K]

    Open - [4][4][P] BT [2][P] [K][P][K]

    This is fairly simple to do, since you have ample time to check the stance as the combo is being performed.

    Pai and Middleweights: [3][P][P] [9][K]


    Closed - [2][P][+][K][P][P][6][P] for Wolf; [3][P][P] [9][K] for Jeffry

    Open - [K][P][K]

    Taka: [P] [3][P][+][K][P]

    Just switch foot positions for CH [4][P][+][K] and [2][P][+][K][6][P].


    Lightweights, except for Pai, and Lion:

    Closed - [6][P][+][K] [4][4][P] BT [2][P] [6_][P] [3][P][+][K][P]

    Open - [6][P][+][K] [4][4][P] BT [2][P] [6_][P] [1][P][+][K] [6][6][K]

    Stance checking is easy as you're performing the combo. On Pai, use [6_][P] [9][K] or [4][6][K][+][G] following the bound.

    Middleweights: [4][P][+][K] [4][4][P] BT [2][P] [6_][P] [9][K] or [4][6][K][+][G]


    Closed: [4][4][P] BT [2][P] [6_][P] [3][P][+][K][P]

    Open: [4][4][P] BT [2][P] [K][P][K]

    Easy to stance check as the combo is being performed.

    Taka: [6][P][+][K] [3][P][+][K][P]

    Slipping [P][+][K]

    Everybody except for Taka: [9][P][+][K] [4][4][P] BT [2][P] [6_][P] [9][K] or [4][6][K][+][G]

    From the Closed Foot Position, use [6_][P] [1][P][+][K] [4][P][K] following the bound on Lightweights, except for Pai, and Lion.

    Taka: [9][P][+][K] [4][P][K][6] Ducking [K][+][G]

    Slipping [K]

    Everyone except for Taka: [3][P][P] [6_][P] [4][6][K][+][G]

    Taka: [3][P][+][K][P]
    BeastEG, Riskbreak and ExzetyXat1 like this.
  2. kientan

    kientan New Member

    Thanks for compiling the list Libertine. Loved your work on the character specific combo thread, was hoping to get more updates on that.

    Just a quick noob question, how can you stance check mid combo?
  3. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Well, the opponent's foot that was forward prior to him being launched will be up more than the other after being launched. You can stance check this way with a lot of Brad's combos.
    BeastEG and ExzetyXat1 like this.
  4. kientan

    kientan New Member

    That makes perfect sense. Thanks.

    Those stance specific combos going to be much easier.
  5. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Ippo gave me a combo that works pretty consistently once you get the hang of it. On Lau, Jacky, and Brad:

    Closed - Ducking [P][+][K][P] [4][P] [P] [1][P][+][K] [3][P][+][K][P]

    This is a bit difficult to get on Lau. It might work on characters other than the ones I mentioned above, but it definitely works on those three. We're talking max damage here, too.
    BeastEG, ExzetyXat1 and Jay David like this.
  6. King9999

    King9999 Well-Known Member

    Can you add the one I posted in one of the other threads?

    Ducking [P]+[K][P] > Slipping [P][P][K] then [K] just before hit

    Works on everyone except Taka.
    BeastEG likes this.
  7. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Yeah, I was going to get to combos from that. I think that against Heavyweights, you have to slip towards Brad's back. Otherwise, there's no stance requirement for it.

    Against Taka you just use [3][P][+][K][P].
    BeastEG and ExzetyXat1 like this.
  8. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Here's a combo that works against Pai with high consistency. It will work against other Lightweights, but I think that it's only tournament-reliable against Pai.

    Open - [6][P][+][K] [4][P] [P] [1][P][+][K] [3][P][+][K][P]

    It will also work with CH [4][P][+][K] from the Closed Foot Position. Very reliable and max damage. Use it!

    I've found that it doesn't work after [2][P][+][K][6][P], except for Aoi from the Closed Foot Position. The combo is somewhat consistent, but not tournament-reliable.

    Ending this combo with [3][P][K] instead will net you one less point of damage, but the oki seems better.

    Lastly, if you manage to get this combo on Lightweights besides Pai, after the bound you can dash in for [4][4][P] BT [2][P] [6][6][K] instead for huge damage.
    BeastEG and ExzetyXat1 like this.
  9. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Against all characters except for Heavyweights, use Ducking [P][+][K][P] followed by:

    Open - [4][4][P] BT [2][P] [P] [3][P][+][K][P]

    On Lightweights and Lion, use [6_][P] [1][P][+][K] [4][P][K] following the bound.

    Closed - [4][4][P] BT [2][P] [K][P][K]
    BeastEG and ExzetyXat1 like this.
  10. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Staple Ducking [K][+][G] combos:

    On Taka, use [9][P][+][K] [4][P][K][6] Ducking [K][+][G] from the Closed Foot Position. From the Open Foot Position, use [6][P][+][K] or [1][P][+][K], then end with [3][P][+][K][P].

    On Heavyweights from both stances, [2][P] [P][6][P][K] should work. On Jeffry from the Closed Foot Position, use [2][P] [K][P][K].

    The [3][P][P] brothers: Lei, Lau, Kage, and Jean. From the Closed Foot Position, use [3][P][P]. With Lei and Jean, delay a [3][P][+][K][P] afterwards. For the others, end with [9][K].

    On other Middleweights from the Closed Foot Position, use [2][P] [2][P][+][K][P][6][P]. From the Open Foot Position, use [2][P] [P] [3][P][+][K][P], but be fast. You can use [2][P] [2_][3][P] [9][K] on Lei and Lau from this stance.

    On Lightweights, use [2][P] [2_][3][P] [9][K] from both foot positions.
    BeastEG and ExzetyXat1 like this.
  11. G_A

    G_A Well-Known Member

    After a [6_][K] on counter :
    For Middle Weight and lighter : [9][P][+][K] [4][4][P] [2][P] [3][P][+][K][P]

    It's possible to do it on the heavier weight classes (probably excepted Taka, I didn't check), you need to evade to Brad's back just after the [9][P][+][K]

    Edit of 31-10-2012 for listing exceptions:
    Doesn't work on Open stance against Eileen (see following Libertine's post) & El Blaze.
    Doesn't work at all against Shun & Vanessa. (I need to recheck)
    Lion requires an evade to the back despite his weight class.
    Akira doesn't require an evade despite his weight class.
    See following Libertine's post for Taka.
  12. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Thanks. Totally forgot to keep updating this thread.

    The combo will work on Taka too, except that the timing is tight and only works from the open foot position. Use [9][P][+][K] [K][P][6] Ducking [K][+][G] from the closed foot position.

    From the open foot position on Eileen, use [3][P][P] [6_][P] [4][6][K][+][G] instead.

    Also, side stepping to Brad's back is key to landing this combo after the [9][P][+][K] connects. I've found that against Lau and Pai, the side step is unnecessary. This holds true for other characters I think, but it does for these two for sure.
    BeastEG and ExzetyXat1 like this.
  13. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Here's' some [9][P][+][K] combos that I've found:

    Eileen: Dash -> [2][P] -> [2_][3][P] -> [9][K] - Both

    Blaze: Dash -> [2][P] -> [3][P][+][K][P] - Both; Dash -> [2][P] -> [2_][3][P] -> [9][K] - Open

    Aoi: Dash -> [2][P] -> [3][P][+][K][P] - Both

    Pai, Sarah, and Vanessa: Dash -> [2][P] -> [4][6][K][+][G] - Both

    Shun: [2][P] -> [4][6][K][+][G] - Closed; Dash -> [2][P] -> [9][K] - Open

    Will edit later with other characters and confirm stances better.

    EDIT: Lion: [2][P] -> [3][P][+][K][P] - Both
    BeastEG and ExzetyXat1 like this.
  14. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    I need to make some corrections to Taka combos:

    [6][K][+][G] -> [4][P] -> [3][P][+][K][P] is a better combo against Taka from both foot positions.

    Whenever you land Slipping [K] or Sway Back [K], use a quick dash followed by [P] -> [9][K]

    After Ducking [P][+][K][P], use a dash into [P] -> [3][P][+][K][P]

    Counter hit [6_][K] -> [9][P][+][K] -> Evade Towards Brad's Back -> [4][4][P] -> BT [2][P] -> [3][P][+][K][P] works on Taka from both foot positions.

    Ducking [K][+][G] -> [4][P] -> [3][P][+][K][P] from the Open Foot Position is the best combo to use.

    Slipping [P][+][K] -> [9][P][+][K] -> [4][4][P] -> BT [2][P] -> [3][P][+][K][P] seems to work against Taka only if you slip towards his rear leg. Otherwise, using [9][P][+][K] [4][P][K][6] -> Ducking [K][+][G] seems to produce the best combo, if I'm not mistaken.
    BeastEG and ExzetyXat1 like this.
  15. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    I can do Slipping [P][+][K] -> [9][P][+][K] -> [4][4][P] -> BT [2][P] -> [3][P][+][K][P] from both stances, slipping either direction, and at any range or angle.

    CH [6_][K] : [9][P][+][K] evade to Brad's back [4][4][P] BT [2][P] [3][P][+][K][P]
    Works from any stance for 86 dmg.
  16. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    A correction is needed here: That combo will only work on Wolf. On Jeffry, use [3][P][P] -> [9][K] instead. Same thing off of [2][P][+][K][6][P] in the Open Foot Position. Will edit the post.

    I still can't. Since then, I came across Chinobrad's blog, and he reported the same problem that I have.

    Also from his blog, you can use a forwards dash into [P][6][P][K] on Taka whenever you land Slipping [K] or Sway Back [K]. It's the highest damage combo I've found from these launchers.

    A little something else that I discovered with his help was a new [6][K][+][G] combo. From the Open Foot Position, follow [6][K][+][G] with [1][P][+][K] -> Dash -> [P] -> [9][K]. It's the highest damage combo that I've encountered from [6][K][+][G].
    BeastEG and ExzetyXat1 like this.
  17. G_A

    G_A Well-Known Member

    Just for info I can do Slipping [P][+][K] -> [9][P][+][K] -> [4][4][P] -> BT [2][P] -> [3][P][+][K][P] on Taka in any configuration too.

    There is something strange.
  18. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I am confirming this is a combo on Taka.

    Similar to Jackys doublebound on Taka, you must be exact with the inputs and not waste any frames. Mash the inputs if you cant get them come out asap otherwise..
  19. G_A

    G_A Well-Known Member

    Libertine, I saw that you still put in Brad Combo list that Slipping [P][+][K] -> [9][P][+][K] -> [4][4][P] -> BT [2][P] -> [3][P][+][K][P] doesn't work on Taka on both stance.

    I hardly understand why you can't. I believe that you play on PS3, could it be a difference between console versions??
  20. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Okay, I was able to execute the combo from both foot positions using Manji's guidance. You just have to make sure that you buffer [4][4][P] very early.
    BeastEG and ExzetyXat1 like this.

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