Goh combo compilation thread.

Discussion in 'Goh' started by Combolammas, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    OK, so I promised I would complete my list of combos 1 character per day. We'll see how well that goes but so far so good (and I've got several characters ready anyway). The thing is, I'm going to compile one character per message so please try and keep discussion in the other combothread or PM me if you've got better combos.

    Second off, I couldn't be arsed to know if all my combos work on all characters even if the VFDC combo list would want that. I'm just not going to check whether or not my Taka combos happen to work on, say, Blaze or not.

    Aaand last thing, All of this is universal so no stance checking required. I've some stance specific stuff but only a small portion of it is really good so you mostly won't see that here.

    Without further ado: here goes Eileen.


    46P, dP, 66P+K, dP, 6K!P+G 79
    Delay both P's. I'm saying it now: dP is my something I put to my own notes for delaying stuff.

    33P, d4P+K, P, 66P+K, 3P,P 80
    33P, d4P+K, P, 46P+K,P,6P 75
    Tougher on lighter characters than heavy. The second one actually works on everyone except Taka, the timing of 4P+K just differs. Earlier on on heavies and for Eileen, as late as you can. 66P+K must be done without dashframe to bound.

    oc 3K,P, 46P+K,P, 3P,P 84
    oc 3K,P, P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 82
    oc = opponent crouching. The first one is the go-to damage AND oki option on Eileen. The second one just has better RO carry.

    1P+K, P, 9P+K, 4P+K, 6K!P+G 99
    oc 1P+K, P, 66P+K, dP, 6K!P+G 87
    The first combo works on all lightweights AFAIK. The air-hitthrow oki is worse than forcing a tech in my opinion but the damage makes it worth it.
    The second one is something you can pull of if you happen to hit a crouching Eileen on normal hit. The first one is also his best combo out of CH 1P+K

    4P+K, 9P+K, 4P+K, 6K!P+G 83
    4P+K, P, 9P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 78
    oc 4P+K, 46P+K,P, 1fk 3P,P 69*lol
    First is damage, second is carry. Third is crouching normal hit but it's kinda lol, since it starts with a different move: you can't really confirm it. Just go with P, 46P+K,P,6P on crouch hit.

    3P+K, 2P, 66P+K, dP, 6K!P+G 80cr.s
    46Ks, 2P, 66P+K, dP, 6K!P+G 82
    4P+Kc, 2P, 66P+K, dP, 6K!P+G 95
    Only one combo for stomach crumples for Eileen. Bounds after FDHT position seem kinda wonky at times and you might notice timing P into successful 6K is trickier here than usually.

    9P+K,d 2P, 3P, K 57
    9P+K, d2P, 3P,P 55
    9P+K, 2_3P+K 41
    This is mainly closed stance stuff but it does work from open stance on Eileen. The thing is, from closed you can do 1fk but from open it's a very precice delay and I think it's 2 frames. So unless you can do this stuff consistently just go with the boring shoulder.

    6K+G, 9P+K, 4P+K, P, 6K!P+G

    66P+G, 3P, P, 66P+K, dP, 4K+G 82
    66P+G, 3P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 75
    Delay 3P as long as you can, it's actually pretty easy. That couses P to bounce Eileen up from floor for these follow-ups. No dashframe allowed for 66P+K in the first one so it's pretty hard. I'm pretty sure the second one actually works on all lightweights but we'll see as I go through them.

    BT P+G, 3P, P, 66P+K, dP, 4K+G 87
    BT P+G, 3P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 80
    Basically the same thing as above. Hit 3P as late as you can and that's pretty much it.
    CH 6K, 1P+K, P, 66P+K, dP, 6K!P+G 114
    I only listed this, since it's his best consistent damage on Eileen, I think. For carrying go for 3KP, P, P, 46P+K,P,6P.

    CH 66K, 2P, 66P+K, dP, 6K!P+G 97
    cr.s combos seem to work out of cr.v pretty universally in FS.

    CH P+K, 3P, P, 66P+K, 3P,P 85
    CH P+K, 3P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 82
    Not going to lie, P+K max damages are hard with varying timings. In this case dash forward and hit 3P AFTER Eileen has hit the ground. The rest works itself out like in the above combos.

    CH 66P+K, P, 66P+K, dP, 6K!P+G 86
    CH 66P+K, 3P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 82
    For completeness sake. Nothing special here.

    CH side K, 9P+K, 4P+K, P, 6K!P+G 107
    CH side K, 9P+K, 4P+K, 66P+K, 3P,P 105
    CH side K, 9P+K, 4P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 100
    9P+K hits Eileen consistently from either stance and from either side. First does best damage, second is for oki. The last one is there because it carries furthest.

    Formatting is not optimal, but it'll do for now. That :p smiley is really starting to irritate me when trying to do notifications for air hit-throw. Oh, and I left ascending 9P out on purpose :{
  2. no_w_h_ere

    no_w_h_ere Well-Known Member

    Thanks ! I've always been lazy about working on my combos, but this is motivating enough ^^ !
    Useful tips about the delays, time to hit training mode ^^
  3. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    OK, Blazes turn. I actually thought I'd be doing Eileen all over again but I was surprised by some of the differences. His hitbox is small in air (short legs) and he proves to be ever-so-slightly heavier than Eileen.

    p.s. Is there a way to disable those goddamn autosmilies?


    46P, dP, 66P+K, dP, 6K!P+G 79
    46P, 46P+K,P, 3P,P 67
    The knee hit-throw still works, but it's harder on Blaze so I'll be offering an option for him as well.

    33P, 4P+K, P, 66P+K, 3P,P 80
    33P, 4P+K, P, 46P+K,P,6P 75
    Just like Eileen

    oc 3K,P, 3P, d2P, 46P+K,P,6P 88
    oc 3K,P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 79
    There actually isn't a more reliable damaging option on Blaze than the usual P, 46P+K series. The first one does good damage but the delay is iffy, I do it with 333P+K+G.

    1P+K, P, 9P+K, 4P+K, 6K!P+G 99
    oc 1P+K, P, 66P+K, dP, 6K!P+G 87
    oc 1P+K, P, 66P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 82
    You can replace the hit-throw in the crouch version with just 46P+K. The more important standing one works as it should.

    4P+K, 9P+K, 4P+K, 6K!P+G 83
    4P+K, P, 9P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 78
    oc 4P+K, 46P+K,P, 3P,P 69
    oc 4P+K, P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 67
    Everything works pretty much like Eileen did. The oc one does not need a delay though and I added a more reliable oc combo.

    3P+K, 2P, 66P+K, dP, 6K!P+G 80
    46Ks, 2P, 66P+K, dP, 6K!P+G 82
    4P+Kc, 2P, 66P+K, dP, 6K!P+G 95
    ... 2P, 66P+K, 46P+K,P,6P -7
    Works like Eileen except the P float into 6K timing is harder here again. Alternatively finish with 46P+K after bound for 7 damage less.

    9P+K, 2_3P+K 41
    No alternatives for Blaze AFAIK

    6K+G, 9P+K, 4P+K, 6K!P+G 86
    6K+G, 9P+K, 4P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 86
    You have to omit the jab before the hit-throw on Blaze so you might just as well go for 46P+K after 4P+K for forcing tech and better carry.

    66P+G, 3P, P, 66P+K, dP, 4K+G 82
    66P+G, 3P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 75
    Just like Eileen.

    BT P+G, 3P, P, 66P+K, dP, 4K+G 87
    BT P+G, 3P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 80
    Again, just like Eileen
    CH 6K, 1P+K, P, 66P+K, dP, 6K!P+G 114
    CH 6K, 1P+K, P, 4P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 110
    Since the hit-throw is ass on Blaze, here's an option for only 4 damage less

    CH 66K, 2P, 66P+K, dP, 6K!P+G 97
    CH 66K, 2P, 66P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 90
    Like the cr.s combos. Again an alternate ender.

    CH P+K, 3P, P, 66P+K, 3P,P 85
    CH P+K, 3P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 82
    Timing like Eileen so kinda hard.

    CH 66P+K, 46P+K,P, 3P,P 77
    CH 66P+K, P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 75
    I'm surprised you can't bound Blaze after this. The 3P option also does not work on Blaze.

    CH side K, 9P+K, 4P+K, 6K!P+G 100
    CH side K, 9P+K, 4P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 100
    Like 6K+G, you have to omit the jab so why not just go for 46P+K unless you're styling.
  4. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    OK, I pretty much had Aoi done, but I found some stuff that I didn't previously notice. Stuff like 4P+K oc allowing for a bound which should boost Ei and Bl combos from that up too. It's funny how Aoi combos work more like Eileen ones but she has a couple of her own too.


    46P, 46P+K,P, 3P,P 67
    46P, P, 66P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 74 Open
    Same basic combo as before. I added the stance specific one too since the damage difference is noticable.

    33P, 4P+K, P, 66P+K, 3P,P 80
    33P, 4P+K, P, 46P+K,P,6P 75
    Same stuff as before. You should hit it a bit easier on Aoi since the timing for 4P+K isn't as strickt.

    P.S I'll add a note at some point for Blaze, that replacing the P with 2P for the 46P+K ender makes it really much easier on him. Landing P on Blaze is pretty strickt.

    oc 3K,P, P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 82
    The 2 jab version works on Aoi both stances.

    1P+K, P, 9P+K, 4P+K, 6K!P+G 99
    oc 1P+K, P, 66P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 82
    Same lightweight combos as before, you'll be seeing them for a couple of times more.

    4P+K, 9P+K, 4P+K, 6K!P+G 83
    4P+K, P, 9P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 78
    oc 4P+K, P, 66P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 76
    Again, same stuff except that I remade the oc combo for a better one. I'll check later if it works on Ei and Bl too but I'd figure it does. Wonder how I made such an oversight.

    3P+K, 2P, 66P+K, 4P+K, P, K 76
    46Ks, 2P, 66P+K, 4P+K, P, K 78
    4P+Kc, 2P, 66P+K, 4P+K, P, K 91
    Remember when I said low bounds after cr.s are kinda wonky? Here's one example. The ender only works on Aoi so far as she bounces higher from P than say Ei & Bl. The funny part is that you can't do this unless it's HTFD position into bound.

    9P+K, 2_3P+K 41
    Nope, nothing.

    6K+G, 9P+K, 4P+K, P, 6K!P+G 93
    Though you couldn't add a jab vs Blaze, you can do it again for Aoi.

    66P+G, 3P, P, 66P+K, dP, 4K+G 82
    66P+G, 3P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 75
    Same old.

    BT P+G, 3P, P, 66P+K, dP, 4K+G 87
    BT P+G, 3P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 80
    Same old.
    CH 6K, 1P+K, P, 4P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 110
    Going with the Blaze easy version.

    CH 66K, 2P, 66P+K, 4P+K, P, K 93
    Same as cr.s.

    CH P+K, 3P, P, 66P+K, 3P,P 85
    CH P+K, 3P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 82
    The timing gets a bit more lenient on Aoi so it's easier. You still have to hit her after she hits the ground.

    CH 66P+K, 3P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 82
    CH 66P+K, P, 66P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 81
    Go with the first one. I added the second one just to how same move damagescaling can affect combos.

    CH side K, 9P+K, 4P+K, P, 6K!P+G 107
    CH side K, 9P+K, 4P+K, 66P+K, 3P,P 105
    9P+K is reliable on Aoi too. You can add the jab after 4P+K on her again.
  5. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Sorry for no updates, was too busy playing the game yesterday and just plain tired today. I'll do lists for Sarah and Vanessa tomorrow.
  6. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Hey man take your time, love the stuff you've put up so far. :D

    I'm going to test these out tomorrow and get them up on the combo wiki soon.
  7. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh


    46P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 62
    46P, dP, 66P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 74 Open
    The end of LW combos.. There's still the stance specific damaging one.

    33P, 4P+K, P, 46P+K,P,6P 75
    Timing this on Sarah is a real bitch for some reason. I couldn't land a bound for the life of me although if memory serves it actually works on Lion who's supposed to be heavier.

    oc 3K,P, 1fk 3P, 1fk 2P, 46P+K,P,6P 88
    oc 3K,P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 79
    Yeah, 2 1 frame delays in one combo.. Just do the normal one. I put it up because it's there and does that much more damage.

    1P+K, P, 9P+K, 4P+K, 6K:p+G 99
    oc 1P+K, P, 66P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 82
    1P+K LW combos still work.

    4P+K, P, 9P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 78 (89)
    CH 4P+K, 9P+K, 4P+K, 6K!P+G 94
    oc 4P+K, P, 46P+K,P,6P 64
    Landing 9P+K after 4P+K is not staple on Sarah so go with P 9P+K. It works like a charm from a CH though. The damage in brackets for the first one is CH damage for comparison. The oc combo begins to suck more but luckily you'll never land this on oc, I'm just listing it.

    3P+K, 2P, 66P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 73
    4P+Kc, 2P, 6_P, 46P+K,P,6P 81
    cr.s and cr.v combos on Sarah are weird. From 3P+K you can land a bound from both stances and stuff just times it self right. From 4P+Kc it's a different deal and I only landed bound from one stance. The basic MW combo is reliable from it though.

    46Ks, 2P, 6_P, 46P+K,P,6P 68
    46Ks, 2P, 66P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 75 closed
    46K, 1fk 3P, 6_P, 46P+K,P,6P 74 open
    Again, the basic MW combo but I added a couple more stance specific ones for extra damage and I think you might want to maximize your damage from kicksabaki on Sarah (LOL) if you can stance read properly.

    9P+K, 3P, 2P, 2_3P+K 59 open
    9P+K, d2P, 2_3P+K 47
    9P+K, 2_3P+K 41
    1FK 2P into 2_3P+K works from both stances. I also added another stance specific one for that much more damage. Looks funny too.

    6K+G, 9P+K, 4P+K, P, 6K:p+G 93
    Jab version still applicable

    66P+G, P, 46P+K,P,6P 65
    The end of LW combos for 66P+G it seems :(

    BT P+G, 3P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 80
    Luckily it still works at least from this one. No delays at all.
    CH 6K, 1P+K, P, 66P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 109

    CH 66K, 2P, 66P+K, 3P,P 83
    Dunno why, but ending with 46P+K,P,6P is stance specific from this one.

    CH P+K, 3P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 82
    Weird timing on this one. Seems harder than my MW combos from it. Still it's there. You have to hit 3P right after Sarah has hit the ground. Seems really strickt unfortunately. Same issue with bounding as with 33P.

    CH 66P+K, P, 66P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 81
    Seems like the same move proration one became the best one for Sarah. A bonus one for style: CH 66P+K, P, 4P+K, 1FK 2P, 2_3P+K 76.

    CH side K, 9P+K, 4P+K, P, 6K:p+G 107
    CH side K, 9P+K, 4P+K, 66P+K, 3P,P 105
  8. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Huh, seems like Vanessa is actually lighter than Sarah..


    46P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 62
    46P, dP, 66P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 74 Open
    Similar to Sarah

    33P, 4P+K, P, 66P+K, 3P,P 80
    33P, 4P+K, P, 46P+K,P,6P 75
    I managed the bound from both stances, first thing that makes Vane seem lighter than Sarah. The other one is still the real BNB though.

    oc 3K,P, 1fk 3P, 1fk 2P, 46P+K,P,6P 88
    oc 3K,P, P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 82
    The 2 jab version works on Vane, didn't work on Sarah. The double 1 frame delay works on her too.

    1P+K, P, 9P+K, 4P+K, 6K:p+G 99
    oc 1P+K, P, 66P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 82
    Same LW combos

    4P+K, P, 9P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 78 (89)
    CH 4P+K, 9P+K, 4P+K, 6K!P+G 94
    oc 4P+K, P, 46P+K,P,6P 64
    Same stuff as Sarah

    3P+K, 2P, 66P+K, 4P+K, P, K 76
    4P+Kc, d2P, 66P+K, 4P+K, P, K 91
    46Ks, d2P, 66P+K, 4P+K, P, K 78
    No problem landing bounds at all. To top it off, the Aoi ender works on Vane too.

    9P+K, 3P, 2P, 2_3P+K 59
    Hilarious. This thing works on Vane from both stances.

    6K+G, 9P+K, 4P+K, P, 6K!P+G 93

    66P+G, P, 46P+K,P,6P 65
    Unfortunately, it still seems like the end of LW combos for this one.

    BT P+G, 3P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 80
    But not for this one.
    CH 6K, 3K,P, 1FK 3P, 1FK 2P, 46P+K,P,6P 115
    CH 6K, 1P+K, P, 4P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 110
    4P+K works again for 1 point more than Sarah who seems too heavy for it. The 115 is something I know works on quite a few characters with varying timings. Since in Vane's case the timings are consistent I decided to put it up.

    CH 66K, 2P, 66P+K, 4P+K, P, K 93
    Like cr.s, Aoi stuff works here too

    CH P+K, 3P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 82
    For some reason I couldn't land a bound from both stances so just the more basic BNB here.

    CH 66P+K, 3P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 82
    Aoi stuff again. Yet more to support my theory of Vane being lighter than Sarah.

    CH side K, 9P+K, 4P+K, P, 6K!P+G 107
    CH side K, 9P+K, 4P+K, 66P+K, 3P,P 105
  9. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Thanks for posting these combos. I am dropping tons of damage due to my lazyness!.
  10. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Combolammas, I want to say that I appreciate you doing all this work. I often forget to give credit to where it is due.

    Regarding the sarah vs Vanessa issue, last night I managed to get
    CH 66P+K, 3P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 82
    to connect on Sarah as well although it requires a weird timing of the 3P to get the max refloat. I wouldnt try this in a fight just yet.

    I tested also some other combo last night as well but I cant remember anymore what was it..

    ps. 6K!P+G shows up in your text as 6K:p+G (vfdc was the reason I started to favor the exclamation mark)
  11. Seminasuke

    Seminasuke Well-Known Member

    Very nice stuff so far. Let fellow Goh players know there's never enough damage. :D

    Don't think I spotted this in your lists, but my personal favorite combo against Eileen/El Blaze/Aoi is...

    4P+K, 46P+KP, P, 66P+K, 3PP (I think this also works against Sarah/Lion/Vanessa on CH, but I only tested on Sarah.)

    Keep up the good work!
  12. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Not much to say here. Most stuff just worked out exactly like Vanessa. I did notice you can bound from 46P both stances by delaying P enough from closed, wonder if that would have been possible on earlier characters.

    Seminasuke, thanks for the combo, does 1 point more than what I have and 3PP ender is always good. I'm probably not going to retest the characters already covered until I have them all down.

    Manjimaru, I know they are. That's why I keep cursing these autosmilies.

    Oh, and BTW it seems I've completely forgotten Pai.


    46P, dP, 66P+K, 3P,P 67
    46P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 62
    46P, dP, 66P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 74 Open

    33P, 4P+K, P, 66P+K, 3P,P 80
    33P, 4P+K, P, 46P+K,P,6P 75
    Since I haven't mentioned the timing for a while, it's changed a bit since the lightest characters. Try to hit 4P+K as Lions feet are pointing straight up.

    oc 3K,P, 1fk 3P, 1fk 2P, 46P+K,P,6P 88
    oc 3K,P, P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 82

    1P+K, P, 9P+K, 4P+K, 6K!P+G 99
    oc 1P+K, P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 73

    4P+K, P, 9P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 78 (89)
    CH 4P+K, 9P+K, 4P+K, 6K!P+G 94
    oc 4P+K, 46P+K,P, 3P,P 69
    oc 4P+K, P, 46P+K,P,6P 64

    3P+K, 2P, 66P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 73
    4P+Kc, d2P, 66P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 88
    46Ks, d2P, 66P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 75
    No troubles bounding Lion either. Goddamn Sarah.

    9P+K, 3P, 2P, 2_3P+K 59
    Hoh, it works on Lion from both stances too.

    6K+G, 9P+K, 4P+K, P, 6K!P+G 93

    66P+G, P, 46P+K,P,6P 65
    Profound sadness

    BT P+G, 3P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 80
    And a big smile. No delays here.
    CH 6K, 1P+K, P, 4P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 110
    The 115 combo worked but the timing wasn't being consistent from the other stance so I removed it here.

    CH 66K, 2P, 66P+K, 3P,P 83
    Again, strange why 46P+K,P,6P doesn't work here stance free. Guess I was wrong about cr.s and cr.v being identical in FS.

    CH P+K, 3P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 82
    Bound no go. Just the BNB.

    CH 66P+K, 3P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 82
    Yep, yep. Works here too. I really, really think Sarah is heaviest of the LW.

    CH side K, 9P+K, 4P+K, P, 6K!P+G 107
    CH side K, 9P+K, 4P+K, 66P+K, 3P,P 105
  13. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Been switching between being too busy and being too lazy. Since midweight combos pretty much all follow the same formula I decided I'd jump to heavyweights so you don't have to wait for them forever.


    46P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 62

    33P, d4P+K, P, 3P,P 68 closed
    33P, d4P+K, P, 46P+K,P,6P 75 open
    Appears I was wrong on the latter one working on everyone except for Taka. Or well, it does work but it's stance dependent. Not really sure if there is a really good universal option as I couldn't find one too easily. Just P, 46P+K,P,6P I guess if you're not into stance reading.

    oc 3K,P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 79

    1P+K, P, 66P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 82 open
    1P+K, P, 66P+K, 3P,P 75 (89)
    CH 1P+K, P, 4P+K, 3P,P 90
    oc 1P+K, P, 46P+K,P,6P 70
    Heavy characters tend to be a bit more stance specific so I added what I have. CH combo is just 1 point more than the normal one on CH but I put it there anyway.

    4P+K, P, 66P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 76 open
    4P+K, P, 66P+K, 3P,P 69
    oc 4P+K, P, 46P+K,P,6P 64 closed
    oc 4P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 57
    Similar stuff here.

    3P+K, 2P, 46P+K,P,6P 61
    4P+Kc, d2P, 46P+K,P,6P 76
    46Ks, d2P, 46P+K,P,6P 64
    Basic and boring.

    9P+K, 2_3P+K 41
    Wolf's hitbox is big enough to get hit by 3P stuff but he's too heavy for it. 2P also works but you get nothing afterwards so just shoulder it is.

    6K+G, 9P+K, 4P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 86
    6K+G, 9P+K, 4P+K, 6K!P+G 86

    66P+G, P, 46P+K,P,6P 65

    BT P+G, 3P,P 54
    CH 6K, 3K,P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 106

    CH 66K, 2P, 6_P, 46P+K,P,6P 83
    OK, cr.v is NOT similar to cr.s. You can land the MW combo from cr.v on Wolf but not from cr.s.

    CH P+K, d2P, 46P+K,P,6P 71
    Couldn't land 3P, 2P without meter turning green. I guess the real basic one is as good as it gets on Wolf. Dash into the 2P.

    CH 66P+K, P, 46P+K,P,6P 72

    CH side K, 9P+K, 4P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 100
    CH side K, 9P+K, 4P+K, 6K!P+G 100
  14. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    I've experienced some computer problems lately. Browser crashing the second I open it kinda prevents from posting stuff. Anyway, it stays on for at least now so here's Jeff and Taka. Unfortunately I haven't finished other lists since I thought I'd take forever to get to post them.


    46P, P, 46P+K,P,6P62

    33P, d4P+K, P, 46P+K,P,6P75
    I thought it weird that the combos on Wolf were stance specific since I was sure they weren't on anyone else I've tried them on, including Jeff. And voila, it isn't. Just a quick dash into 4P+K.

    oc 3K,P, P, 46P+K,P,6P79

    1P+K, P, 66P+K, 46P+K,P,6P82 open
    1P+K, P, 4P+K, 3P,P76 normal hit only
    1P+K, P, 66P+K, 3P,P75 (89)
    CH 1P+K, 3P, P, 46P+K,P,6P94
    oc 1P+K, P, 46P+K,P,6P 70
    Similar to Wolf. There's the normal hit only juggle also that works because of an automatically timed ground pounce. I actually forgot to test that one on Wolf.

    4P+K, P, 66P+K, 46P+K,P,6P76 open
    4P+K, P, 66P+K, 3P,P69
    oc 4P+K, P, 46P+K,P,6P64 closed
    oc 4P+K, 46P+K,P,6P57
    Very similar to Wolf

    3P+K, 2P, 46P+K,P,6P61
    4P+Kc, d2P, 46P+K,P,6P76
    46Ks, d2P, 46P+K,P,6P64
    ... 2P, 6_P, 46P+K,P,6P+5 closed
    Just the super basic combo, Jeff has a large back though and you can apply the basic midweight combo on him from closed stance for a bit more damage.

    9P+K, 2_3P+K41
    You guessed it. Jeff is too heavy to be floated off the ground for any more guaranteed hits. I wish Goh had a better pickup move, oh well.

    6K+G, 9P+K, 4P+K, 46P+K,P,6P86
    6K+G, 9P+K, 4P+K, 6K:p+G86

    66P+G, P, 46P+K,P,6P65

    BT P+G, 3P,P54
    CH 6K, 3K,P, P, 46P+K,P,6P106

    CH 66K, 2P, 6_P, 46P+K,P,6P83

    CH P+K, d2P, 46P+K,P,6P71
    The basic one. A quick dash into 2P will do the trick.

    CH 66P+K, P, 46P+K,P,6P72

    CH side K, 9P+K, 4P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 100
    CH side K, 9P+K, 4P+K, 6K:p+G100
  15. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    The anticlimax


    46P, 3P,P46 open
    46P, 4K+G44 BT
    46P, P, K43
    46P, P, 2_3P+K45 distance dependent
    Lot of combos here. 4K+G is the best reliable damage and leaves you BT. P, K is only 1 point less and leaves you neutral. 46P, P, Shoulder is distance dependent do a normal jab (not advancing) and it'll hit on second frame. I use it for punishing 4P+K,P since that distance is perfect everytime.

    33P, OM 3P,P46
    OM towards Takas front. From closed you can OM to either direction but from open you have to go front. The damage is supersad.

    oc 3K,P, 1fk 46P+K,P,P (LDA)69 (82)
    I have refrainded from posting spike combos even though I do them all the time since that would just clutter the compilation a lot. In the case of Taka however some of the best combos are spike combos. The damage in brackets is if the opp fail exact recovery and you land the stomp. Do the 1FK by 446P+K.

    1P+K, 9P+K, P, 6K!P+G84

    4P+K, 9P+K, P, 6K!P+G78
    Doesn't work if you hit with the very tip of 4P+K. Luckily this is very rare.

    3P+K, 46P+K,P,6P55
    4P+Kc, P, 46P+K,P,6P77
    46Ks, d46P+K,P,6P57
    Some variation here. For 3P+K just do 46P+K ASAP. For 4P+K full charce you can add a jab in there. For 46K you actually have to delay the 46P+K for quite a bit but even with it's fast recovery I couldn't land an extra jab after it.

    9P+K, 2_3P+K41

    6K+G, 9P+K, P, 6K!P+G78

    66P+G, 8P43
    66P+G, 2_3P+G41
    Just a shoulder or a 8P HDA which actually does more damage. Well, I guess it's nice to have a reason to actually do one in FS.

    BT P+G, 8P48
    BT P+G, 2_3P+K46
    Similar to above. Taka recovers earlier than from 66P+G but the 8P is unavoidable.
    CH 6K, 1P+K, 9P+K, P, 6K!P+G111

    CH 66K, 46P+K,dP,6P72
    A weird one but it's the closest thing to an actual combo I found from 66K on Taka. You have to delay the second hit of the string a bit for it to connect.

    CH P+K, 3K,P (LDA)55 (68)
    Again a spike combo. This looks really funny imo. Shame on the damage though.

    CH 66P+K, 46P+K,P,P (LDA)62 (75) closed
    CH 66P+K, P,K,P59 open
    CH 66P+K, 46P+K,P51...
    This floater is really weird on Taka. The combos are stance specific and the difference isn't huge. The best universal combo is actually just 46P+K,P which just doesn't quite cut it IMO. PKP being an optimal choise for a combo is pretty funny.

    CH side K, 9P+K, P, 6K!P+G92
    CH side K, 9P+K, 46P+K,P,6P87
  16. Madone

    Madone Well-Known Member

    Awesome job Combolammas!

    I was wondering, is there a trick to connecting with the 66P+K (in the 46P combo) against Lion? I just can not seem to get it to bound consistently... Is there a special timing to the delayed P or something?

    And does 1fk mean one frame delay? The kind you get when buffering a dash before the move?

    Finally, I just wanted to add a combo against Lion.
    CH 6K, 3KP, 46P, one frame delay 2P, 46P+K,P,6P 117
    Works in both stances.
  17. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Characters tend to fly a bit higher when you hit slam launches with a sligtly delayd jab. It's been a while since I did Goh vs Lion but I think the 66P+K must be done with good buffering without a dash frame in there.
  18. Madone

    Madone Well-Known Member

    OK, I kind of suspected that. Thanks!

    EDIT: The combo in closed stance seems to be dependent on distance (I can only get it to work on maximum distance). An alternative in closed stance is 46P > delay 3P > P > 46P+KP6P which does more damage (71 I think).
  19. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Madone: There was nothing special about that Lion combo except delaying the first P slightly. No strickt timing on 66P+K.

    Been a long while since I've done something for this. I've got so lazy since Goh's mid-weight combos mostly follow the same formula from one opponent to the other. Today we're sobering an annoying old drunkard so expect a few extra combos for different DP counts.

    Like I said with Taka, I don't usually add slamdown (or spike or whatever you wanna call it) combos since the followups aren't guaranteed, but did this in Shun's case too since 46P+K,P,P spikes and sobers. You'll be getting the follow-up damages in brackets for these ones.

    During Shun combos I realized something about 6K!P+G hit-throw. The window during which you can input the throw shrinks if you hit the opponent low in the air. The game doesn't simply check if the opponent is high enough in the air when 6K connect but actually if he's high enough when you're inputting P+G. Try the CH P+K one on Shun. The hit-throw is probably a frigging JF in that one. This also explains why landing all those 6K combos on Blaze is so much harder than on Eileen.


    46P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 62 -1DP
    46P, P, P, 3P,P 58 -2DP
    46P, P, 46P+K,P,P (2_3P+K) 59 (75) -2DP
    46P, P, 6K!P+G 60 -2DP
    The basic one does most damage, though just barely. Pick your poison from the 3 different -2 options, damage difference is minimal (unless they can't exact tech) so choose the one that suits your oki needs the most.

    33P, 4P+K, P, 46P+K,P,6P 75
    33P, 4P+K, P, 3P,P 68 -1DP
    33P, P, 66P+K, 3P,P 67 -2DP
    Nothing too special here. First is the BNB. Like Blaze it's a bitch to hit Shun with it. Easiest with 2P instead of P for 74 dmg. Second is a slight variation for less dmg and -1DP but this one cannot be done with 2P from the other stance, only jab.
    I'd suggest learning the third since it's quite doable with practice and knocks 2 drinks off. No need for 13f jabs or any of that stuff, just try hitting them early and doing 66P+K within buffer. Easier from open but definitely works from closed.

    oc 3K,P, 3P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 89
    oc 3K,P, 3P, P, 6K!P+G 89 -1DP
    Well, it seems the old man is the perfect weight to hit this thing with no delays at all. Nice!

    1P+K, 46P+K,P, P, 66P+K,4K+G 91 (CH 105) -2DP
    1P+K, 46P+K,P, P, 66P+K, 3P,P 90 -2DP
    CH 1P+K, 9P+K, 4P+K, 6K!P+G 106 -2DP
    CH 1P+K, 9P+K, 4P+K, 46P+K,P,P (3K) 103 (116) -2DP
    2 DP off from landing this + I tried seminasukes LW 4P+K combo and it works from 1P+K on Shun for best damage to boot. The NH ones give different oki options with mere 1 point difference. The CH only ones aren't really superior in damage and they have worse oki but I added them since, well, they did more damage. I forgot to do oc combo. Oh well.

    4P+K, P, 66P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 76 -1DP
    4P+K, P, 66P+K, 3P,P 69 -2DP
    CH 4P+K, 9P+K, 4P+K, 6K!P+G 94 -2DP
    oc 4P+K, 46P+K,P, 3P,P 69 -1DP
    Again, you can knock 2 DP off with landing this launch. The most damaging one only takes 1 DP though. I forgot to add CH damage to the normal max damage for comparison here, but in this case it's about 10 points so take the CH specific combo if you can.

    3P+K, 2P, 46P+K,P,6P 61
    3P+K, 2P, 6_P, 46P+K,P,6P 66 Closed
    3P+K, 2P, 6_P, 46P+K,P,P (3K) 63 (76) Closed -1DP
    3P+K, 2P, 46P+K,P,P (2_3P+K) 58 (74) -1DP

    4P+Kc, d2P, 46P+K,P,6P 76
    4P+Kc, d2P, 46P+K,P,P (2_3P+K) 73 (89) -1DP

    46Ks, d2P, 46P+K,P,6P 64
    46Ks, d2P, 46P+K,P,P (2_3P+K) 60 (76) -1DP
    The stance specific extra jab works from the other ones too but I was kinda lazy with it. I'm not totally sure if you couldn't land something better from 4P+Kc but I couldn't land anything more exotic after trying it for a while.

    9P+K, 2_3P+K 41 -1DP
    Well, at least it sobers Shun.

    6K+G, 9P+K, 4P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 86 -3DP
    6K+G, 9P+K, 4P+K, 6K!P+G 86 -4DP
    6K+G, 9P+K, 4P+K, 46P+K,P,P (3K) 83 (96) -4DP

    66P+G, P, 46P+K,P,6P 65
    66P+G, P, 46P+K,P,P (2_3P+K) 62 (78) -1DP

    BT P+G, 3P,P 54 -1DP
    CH 6K, 3K,P, 3P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 116
    CH 6K, 3K,P, 3P, P, 6K!P+G 116 -1DP
    CH 6K, 1P+K, P, 66P+K, 3P,P 102 -2DP
    The 3K,P combo of course works here and you can knock a drink off too. You'll lose quite a lot of damage if you decide to knock off 2...

    CH 66K, 2P, 6_P, 46P+K,P,6P 83
    CH 66K, 2P, 6_P, 46P+K,P,P (3K) 80 (93) -1DP
    Works both stances.

    CH P+K, 3P, P, 46P+K,P,6P 82
    CH P+K, 2P, 3P,P 62 -1DP
    CH P+K, 3P, P, 6K!P+G 82 -1DP
    That 6K one is hard. Reason in the beginning of this post.

    CH 66P+K, 46P+K,P, 3P,P 77 -2DP
    CH 66P+K, P, 46P+K,P,P (2_3P+K) 69 (85) -2DP

    CH side K, 9P+K, 4P+K, 46P+K,P,6P -1DP 100
    CH side K, 9P+K, 4P+K, 6K!P+G 100 -2DP
    CH side K, 9P+K, 4P+K, 46P+K,P,P (2_3P+K) 97 ( 110) -2DP
    p.s. This one could definitely use some better formatting with those damage values and DPs and whatnot. Hope it's readable.
  20. TheMeth90

    TheMeth90 Member

    It's essential to learn and remember all that stuff? Or there is a list of "BNBs" somewhere?

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