Discussion in 'Goh' started by Mackfactor, Jan 10, 2010.

  1. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    1)i like this one. Closed stance up to middleweights (still needs more testing ). i forgot the damage but better than what i see in blackbook.

    -CLOSED: 46 P, p, 4 P+K, 6 P+K. If they fail to tech, ground punch. if they tech u can om P, DM P+K, or 2 or 8 K+G, etc..

    2) WALL COMBO. This combo i cant do, but i see ppl do it. Ive seen gentlemanthief do it on AKIRA and Gauche5 do it on VANESSA. So if anyone knows the specifics on how to do this combo plz let me know. TY

    -Back K, f+PK, 66 P+K,P, 66 P+K, and leonard's favorite shoulder ram
  2. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    I havent tested on much characters other than lights but i it will work on lion, needs more testing on mid weights (perhaps LEI's BRADS that have higher hitbox on the LEG float..? ) really like this combo.
    1)33p, OM to BACK G cancel P, 4P+K ( level 2 charge to get a higher float for bigger dmg ) k or SHRM ( 47-59 i think depending on if you were to do the 4P+K float timing right ).

    the standard blackbook i think is either OM g CANCEL P 46P+K,P,P or ***4P+K 2p shrm ( 44P for OKI SETUP is great here too), but its kinda inconsistant in close ( connecting the 2p that is )vs certain mids unless u can get the float timing right ( goh, lion, ak, etc..)

    2) didnt realize this worked in OPEN vs JEFF!. 46 P P 6PP vs JEFF. Doesnt work on WOLF. OPEN. Also vs JEff i like to do, 33p p 2p, shrm. the BB one u have to get the refloat to work to land it ( p, p , pk, looks nice though ). But u dont have to delay or anything with this combo vs jEFF ( but its required on JA, WO ), plus the oki is great. 33p p, 2p, SHRM however does require a delay though with WOLF, so i just do p, 6pp if i want consistancy and oki. u could do 46P+K, P, P but u almost have to anticpate and visually see the LEG float enough to connect it ( its not that hard, but i like OM G cancel P 6pp better due to consistancy, kinda like doing om G cancel P 46P+K p p vs CERTAIN mids oki is better too i think 2 less dmg than the standard 4P+K 2p shrm. however if u do 33 instead of 66 to dash in with 33p COMBOS i feel its easier to refloat higher due to visually being able to time 4P+K easier, but thats just me )

    3) I thought i post something that was mentioned before but noone does this combo, which i think evry goh should be doing vs VANESSA. Gentlemanthief discovered this one.
    33P, 2p, p, 66P+K, shrm. No delay, very easy to apply/nice oki
  3. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    note to self.

    EI: 33p 66 (delay) 4P+K, P ( without holding 6 ), 66P+K, shrm. most efficient

    correction to PREVIOUS POST
    33P,(OM TO BACK) 2p, p, 66P+K, shrm. VANESSA. the BOUNCE COMBO will work as well for more dmg, but i havent found a consistant way to do it yet vs AOI/VA. AOI, so far level 2 4P+K seems to be best, but still inconsistant

    first posting (wall combo). needs to be on an angle, i know when i see it, but very hard to explain.

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