Goh Questions

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by cheeseball, Jun 19, 2003.

  1. cheeseball

    cheeseball Member

    Is it true that during Goh's tsukami that you can only break the drags (ex. f, b, u, or d) and not the actual throws that come afterward? Also can you try multiple breaks for the same drag from tsukami like you can normal throws? Does the multiple throw break work for ground throws as well? That would make ground throws too easy to break just like when people only got 2 low throws. I would also like to point out that you can hit a d or u+K+G after a d or u+P+K. I can't remember which direction you have to do the K+G with but it will catch the opponent. Adds more use to it rather than just for sidesteppers and tech rollers! BTW does anyone know the execution frame data for the d or u+K+G? Hell, does anyone have a complete list of execution frame data for this guy?
  2. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Yes tsukami can be only broken by tapping in the opposite direction. The throw itself cannot be broken. Breaking the tsukami isnt as hard as throw escapes, because you can sort of catch the frames of animation, and most people mash direction inputs out of it anyways.

    about [8]+[K]+[G] and [2]+[K]+[G], you must do it in the direction the opponent is techrolling or sidestepping. So if they sidestep into the screen [8]+[K]+[G], away from the screen [2]+[K]+[G].

    Complete frame data hasnt been out for any character yet, and we have to wait for 1/60th or maybe a evo perfect guide to release that information. Hope that helps.
  3. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    Here's most of Goh's info from 1/60th:

    P |12 |+1 |+5 |+8
    P,P |12,16 |-5 |-1 |+3
    d+P |12 |-4 |+3 |+5
    f+P |15 |-6 |-4 |+3
    f+P,P |15,16 |-10 |-1 |+5
    f,f+P |16 |-6 |+1 |+4
    b+P |17 |-6 |+4 |+11
    b,f+P |13 |-5 |-2 |down(MC/mC)
    b,d/f+P |23 |-6 |-2 |+2
    d/f+P |14 |-4 |0 |+4
    K |16 |-6 |0 |+8
    d+K |15 |-14 |-4 |0
    f+K |17 |-10 |-1 |+24
    b,f+K |22 |-6 |+2 |down
    d/f+K |16 |-6 |down |down
    d/b+K |18 |-12 |-4 |+12
    d|u+P+K |26 |-15 |+3 |+6
    f+P+K |16 |-4 |+1 |+4
    f+P+K,P |16,15 |-14 |down |down
    D,f+P+K |16 |-10 |stagger |stagger
    f,f+P+K |16 |-3 |+4 |+4
    b+P+K |24 |-5 |down |down
    b,f+P+K |24 |-10 |down |down
    d/f+P+K |20 |-10 |+2 |+4
    K+G |26 |-5 |+1 |+5
    K+G,P |16 |-12 |down |down
    d|u+K+G |16 |-6 |down |down
    f,f+K+G |26 |-6 |-1 |+3
    d/f+K+G |24 |-16 |-4 |+2
    d/b+K+G |24 |-16 |-4 |down
    d|u+P+K+G |21 |-14 |+2 |+4(+6 on mC)
    P+K |1 |+11~+21 (on successful inashi)
    b,d/f+P+K |1 |+20~+33 (on succesful inashi)
  4. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    neat trick for the d+K+G/u+K+G.

    It executes in 16 frames, surprisingly quick and less risky than pai's variation. Frame data is here: http://www.dcn.ne.jp/~kazu68k/evo_b/goh_evb.html

    (you should just use the translation later in this thread though)

    One break attempt only for goh's tsukame. While it's true that you can't break the throw once he drags you, if the goh player mistimes his P+G and hits it too late, struggling/mashing might cause you to break his grip before he can press P+G to complete the throw.
  5. Kagamura

    Kagamura Well-Known Member

    thanks thats very helpful
  6. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Necralis said:

    thanks thats very helpful

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh, so you're a fucking moron? Why reply to a year-old thread with a meaningless one-liner? I suppose you're now preparing "discussion posts" with your second account, right?
  7. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    Just out of curiosity, do you have the name of his second account? Let's expose him >:)
  8. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Painty_J said:

    Just out of curiosity, do you have the name of his second account? Let's expose him >:)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Look here.
  9. 3of19

    3of19 Well-Known Member

    Also regarding [8][2][K]+[G], one of them has a guaranteed groundthrow after it. Don't remember which one atm (since it's stance dependant) but IIRC it's the one where Goh says "amai" on connect.

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