Goh VF5FS Version A Change Log

Discussion in 'Goh' started by akai, Feb 8, 2012.

  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    [P][K] - Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    [P][K][P] - Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    [4][6][P][+][K][P] - Hardening difference was changed. Damage was changed:12 → 15. Hit effect was changed.

    [2][3][6][P][+][K]- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed. Hit effect was changed. Strike attack active frame was changed. G:stagger -> 12; H: stagger -> down; CH: stagger -> down

    [3][P][+][K]- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    [1][P][+][K]- Damage was changed:25 → 28. Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed. Strike attack execution frame was changed: 18 -> 19

    [9][P][+][K]- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed. Strike attack execution frame was changed.

    [6][6][K][+][G](guard or hit)[P][+][G] - Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    [3][K][+][G]- Damage was changed:20 → 24.

    [3][K][+][G](counterhit)[P][+][G] - Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed. Sober properties were changed:0 → 2.

    [9][K][+][G] - Hardening difference was changed. G:-1 -> +4

    [P][+][K][+][G](against throws) - Tsukami[P][+][G] early input is recognized.

    [2][P][+][K][+][G] - [1] or [3][P][+][K][+][G] input will not result in the execution of the move.

    (opponent down, face up, feet)[2]or[3][P][+][G] - Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    (opponent down, face up, head)[2]or[3][P][+][G] - Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    (opponent down, face up, right)[2]or[3][P][+][G] - Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    (opponent down, face up, left)[2]or[3][P][+][G] - Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    (opponent down, face down, head)[2]or[3][P][+][G]- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    [6][3][2][1][4][P][+][G] - Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    [4][P][+][G] - Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed (Also changes against Taka).

    [4][6][P][+][G] - Damage was changed:45 → 55.

    [4][1][2][3][6][P][+][G] - Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    (opponent back to wall)[6][4][P][+][G] - Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    (opponent right)[P][+][G] - Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    (oppnent left)[P][+][G] - Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    (opponent crouching, right)[2][P][+][G] - Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    (opponent crouching, left)[2][P][+][G] - Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    (tsukami)[6][P][+][G]- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    (tsukami)[8][P][+][G]- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.


    Above is the list of moves that were adjusted in Version A (From AM2's Website). The purpose of this thread is to keep a record of the changes to later update FS command lists (based on the Masters Guide). Note: "Hardening Difference" refers to actual frame change related to the attack being guarded (GD), hit opponent(H), or counter hit opponent (CH).

    Edit: Added additional information from Lettuce's Blog (mainly the actual frame changes to execution of a move and the "hardening differences."
  2. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    Is there anywhere I can look for the frames?
  3. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    VF5:FS Goh's Command List (Version A)

    The color coding in these sheets denotes guaranteed situations. The explanations are as follows:

    Red - Guaranteed Knee Situation

    Orange - Guaranteed Side Kick Situation

    Yellow - Guaranteed Elbow Situation

    Green - Guaranteed Jab Situation

    Blue - Guaranteed Throw Situation

    Furthermore, selecting the "SideData" tab gives figures for situations on a side guard, side hit, and side counter hit.
  4. Ironreaver

    Ironreaver Active Member

    how much...if any of the frame data for Goh changes from Final Showdown ver A and Ver C which is what we will be getting on XBL.
  5. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Either I'm way out of the loop, or there's no such thing as Final Showdown Version C. The console versions should be Version A. The frame data found in my spreadsheet is pretty up to date, but there's still room for improvements. It will be updated as time and available information permits me to update it.

    EDIT: Or perhaps you're referring to Virtua Fighter 5 Version C? Compare the command list on this web site to the command list that I posted for Final Showdown Version A.
  6. Ironreaver

    Ironreaver Active Member

    oh yea that was my mistake I figured the arcade version was release sometime ago that this one coming to consoles would be either ver B or C... I thought i read it somewhere...again my mistake.
  7. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Leonard_McCoy has since worked on Goh's command list extensively, so please disregard what I said in my quote. The color coding scheme is different, and the side data has been entered as comments on the same page as the standard data. Run your cursor over the cells to view this information.

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