Goh's Tsukame and Okizeme

Discussion in 'Goh' started by vfbum, Aug 28, 2003.

  1. vfbum

    vfbum Well-Known Member

    I hope this will be useful to someone. I went into training mode and set the practice dummy, call him Jacky for that is who I used, to in place high rising attacks, and looked for throws after which Jacky used his mid kick (which is sabaki-able by Goh)

    I found the following Tsukame throws which will accomplish this:
    f,f,P+G: the extra trip in the beginning causes the opponent to land with his head and hot his side towards Goh. The other reaping throws do not have this property
    u,b,P+G and d,b,P+G

    "Legsweep throws" the ones that end in u or d. The results here seem to depend on which direction you drag relative to Jacky's face. It seems that dragging twice towards Jacky's back (i.e. if Jacky's face is visible twice into the screen), once towards his face and once towards his back, and once in the joystick back
    and once in Jacky's face, result in a sabaki-able rising attack. More work is needed in this area.

    Also, the TR trip (u or d+K+G) and both face up, head towards ground throws result in sabaki-able attacks. The face down, head towards (after Goh's XPD) and face up, feet towards ground throws do not. I have not had a chance to look at his other four ground throws or his three hit throws yet.
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    thanks for the info.

    Some other basic okizeme info that I thought I'd put out - vs anyone, a hopkick is an effective way to kill rising sweeps. Goh's standing K has enough reach and speed to finish the small hopkick float in most situations. Total damage for MC hopkick + standing K = 56 points, you can get 58 with a shrm in place of the kick, and 66 if the float is high enough to add a jab. Hopkicks will sometimes also stuff high rising attacks with correct timing and are safe if blocked (-5 I believe). So this is a lot of reward for guessing correctly in a 50/50 situation... and the risk doesn't seem bad. You might eat a high rising attack + 1 more air hit. I recommend hopping straight up when you do the kick, it's better because:
    -if you get interrupted with a high rising kick, it's harder for the opponent to combo. Your standing K will generally reach them no matter what if you get the hopkick float.
    -you won't accidentally hop over them, goh has no good backturned attacks.
    -it seems easier to crush high rising attacks when you're spaced a little.
  3. vfbum

    vfbum Well-Known Member

    Some more work in this area:
    - the df+K+G hit throw is not oki-able in this manner
    - Ground punch seems to be guaranteed after all the tsukame throws ending in u,d, or f.

    For testing the ground punch, I set Jacky to rise quickly and in place
  4. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I think there is no damage for f,f tsukame option, because it's already quite damaging. I may be wrong.

    For tsukame throws like [8],[6] or [2],[6] or [6],[8] or [4],[8] .. throws where you are just tripped without a punch ... a ground throw is guaranteed.
    You must enter it fast and of course the opponent must escape incorrectly.

    That makes these throws decent damage if you are lucky... ~50 pts.
  5. playa

    playa Member

    I just got my Evolution so i got to try some of these moves with Goh's. Thanks man.
  6. Gohenna

    Gohenna New Member

    I just don't get one thing with Goh. Is there any chance that foe will no.....escape from my [P]+[K] [P]+[G] ???
    Evere time i do this move the joystick stick appear and the enemy almost always ecape form taht grab. I don't get it... I mean the computer player. My friends have completly no problem with escape /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif
    Is there any secret of using that move HELP!!
    SORRY FO ENGLISH!!! /versus/images/graemlins/blush.gif
  7. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    just try to drag the enemy somewhere they will not move their stick.

    A good one versus humans is to drag them [2], and then [2] again... Because people don't press [8] very much in this game.

    The computer escapes because it can cheat /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  8. Gohenna

    Gohenna New Member

    One more question : EMBLEMS what is it? and for what?
  9. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    When you get all the emblems it unlocks Homer Simpson as a secret character for VS and Arcade only.

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