Good/great/best customization?

Discussion in 'Console' started by ViperExcess, Jan 20, 2008.

  1. ViperExcess

    ViperExcess Well-Known Member

    Which characters have good, great, or the best customization options and items, in your opinion?
  2. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    I don't know which characters have the best items but Jeffry's items seem to be the worst. He has bland and clashing colour schemes and ugly items. I don't even like his default version of outfits C & D (those ridiculous circus pants in outfit C are insane).

    I like all character's customisations outside of Jeffry's. The only other ugly looking outfit in my opinion is Lion's costume C - that thing just doesn't suit him.

    Some characters, like El Blaze, seem to have too many good things to buy than you can usually afford. Akira's shop items are also numerous (he's got loads of different colour variations for his outfits - especially outfit C)
  3. Low_Sweep

    Low_Sweep Well-Known Member

    My girl Vanessa.
  4. Black_Ant

    Black_Ant Well-Known Member

    Actually Vanessa is my girl, but I'll let you borrow her. She does have some good options though.

    I only have about 40% of Aois items, so I'm not too sure about her yet, but hers are looking promising as well. Those are the only two I play.
  5. ViperExcess

    ViperExcess Well-Known Member

    -I already got all of Sarah's items, and her stuff is good. Each costume is completely different and suits her well.
    -I'm missing only two tourney items for Vanessa, and frankly, the only good tourney item was her white bra. If those last two tourneys don't come up, I'ma be pissed. I wish she had handcuffs. Her items are good too. Costume C is just perfect for her eyepiece with face paint, ammo belt, and rifle (I used to dislike her C costume until now). She's kinda lacking in colors, but the fact that all 3 of her skin colors fit her well make up for this.
    -Aoi's actually the one I'm getting bored of getting items with. Costumes A and B are nearly the same, as are C and D, and the differences in all her skirts are negligible. Only real difference I see with the costumes is the different tops. Her color schemes are ok, but she's mostly looking the same with or without customizing.
    -Eileen's customs seem pretty cool so far. Just started on her, and the first character I've come across that actually gets the completely interchangeable costume parts.

    Keep it coming. Reasoning is also encouraged.

    PS: I'm pissed that we're missing a bunch of Arcade Ver. C stuff. We're really missing out on A LOT of good items.
  6. Konradinho

    Konradinho Well-Known Member

    I think Pai has got good customization. Her outfits are good, especially Cos B, C and D. I dont like A very much. She has got lot of options about changing shirt's colours etc. The only thing i dont like, is number of Pai's hairstyles in Xbox version.
  7. Cadger

    Cadger Member

    I definitely agree about Jeffery being the worst but as far as the best I really like Akria and Jackys options for there costumes.
  8. samtheseed

    samtheseed Well-Known Member

    Eileen... I'll load up the pictures from the outfits soon enough... GOoo monkey Powaaah!!!
  9. Attorney4Hire

    Attorney4Hire Well-Known Member

    Jeffry's long dreads flow better than any of the other character's hairstyles that I've seen.

    Jacky seems to have the fewest combinations, and Eileen is just a little dwarf chick so who the hell would want to pick her.
  10. Dovieandi

    Dovieandi Active Member

    Goh has numerous options to go for whatever sort of look you want. He has pretty nice color variation, and his other items are great. *coughclownmaskcough*
  11. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Actually his clown mask looks scary. There was some research done, that shows, that there are no kids that like clowns. They either don't like them and think they are not funny, or are simply affraid of them. Clown mask FTW!
  12. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    I think Vanessa's are pretty shoddy. There's only one costume that's not completely military themed. And we all know that military characters are there for when the character designers are scraping the barrel for new ideas. Bring back her Vale Tudo VF4 costume. NOW!
  13. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    Shun and Aoi's are pretty bad as well. All their costumes are incredibly samey. The only real difference between them are the colours and even these can be changed - so Shun's all white Costume C can look very similar to the all white costume A for example.
  14. tribaL

    tribaL Well-Known Member

    my shun costume c outfit is above and beyond the best combination of anything ever to have existed.
  15. Truesonic2k

    Truesonic2k Well-Known Member

    Jeffry has the worst customizations, sure his outfits can get colorful but he lacks those "Wow nice items" customizations. I've seen some nice Akira, Jacky, Pai and Eileen customizations though.
  16. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    The best and most unique customization I saw for goh was his "futuristic alien looking mask" that made him look like he was from another world like he didn't already without it. I have yet to see a unique looking item as good as that from any character so far.
  17. sterness

    sterness New Member

    i like some of goh's customizations but i like kage's more for some reson
  18. hiddenninja

    hiddenninja New Member

    I really like Aoi's customs for Costume B, since it could make her look better than she already does.

    Also, I'm a big fan of Kage's ninja outfits and their associated weapon items.
  19. Jaytech

    Jaytech Well-Known Member

    aoi has lots of nice things, too.
  20. Darkfrog

    Darkfrog Member

    I think Wolf and Jeff has the worst customizations, even though i have seen some cool costume D with Wolf
    I think Kage has some pretty awsome ones. I specially like his blue glowing shiruken thingy.

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