good jacky combo

Discussion in 'Jacky' started by No1_Jacky, Sep 8, 2002.

  1. No1_Jacky

    No1_Jacky New Member

    here's a combo that i use sometimes. with non heavyweights u can do a 6-hit combo. [6][K] then [P][P][6][K] then[2_][K][K]. it usually does 68 damage. there is also [6][K] and then [P]+[K] [K].
  2. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

  3. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Thread moved from Junky's.

    As GLC kindly points out, any character specific posts such as these belong in this board.

    The problem with the combo you posted is that the opponent can instant recover to avoid the [2_][K][K].

    Anyway, you'll find many more combos for Jacky (and other characters) in the Transcribed Combos FAQ available under the VF4 section.
  4. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Some tidbits I learned at NYG3 (special thanks to Hiro):

    All combos are after connecting [4]+[K]+[G] from a distance in open stance and you must hold [6_] for [P] to hit.

    *[P], [K], [K] (68pts) up to mids

    [P], [4]+[P]+[K], [P], [8]+[P] (like 62pts?) all

    [P], [4]+[P]+[K], [P], [6]+[K] (I believe 62-65pts) up to mids

    and a combo that isn't stance dependant:

    [P], [6]+[P]+[K], [3]+[K] (62pts) I believe all weight classes.

    *In this case you must hold [6_] the entire time.

    P.S Hey Blondie, Hiro was telling me about a list of combos he wrote for you. Do you still have them somewhere? If so, I was wondering if you could post them here on VFDC. Thanks.

    To Hiro or anyone else familiar with these combos: please correct me if I am wrong about any of the weight class requirements or if damage isn't accurate. I unfortunately don't have the chance to test in practice mode yet and I am basing this on what I can remember from Hiro telling me and actually performing [P], [K], [K]
  5. hiro

    hiro Well-Known Member

    Well, I am not sure if this will go through. (I know I will have to try more than a couple of times…) I met Jerky in NYG3 and he was very nice in person and his Jacky was better than I would expect to see in US. This post is for him as well as for people who want to know more. (I am not sure how long VF4 will last in US, though…)

    Jacky combo


    1,a)parallel stance
    f+PPK 73 – 88, up to Akira, all with counter. If opp fails to take TR, then d/f+K or u+P/

    f+PP – ff+K, 81-96, Aoi and Pai. With counter, up to Lau.

    f+PP – d/b+P+KKK – d/f+K(delayed to get more damage), 80-95, light weight. With counter, up to Lau.

    f+PP – PPf+K, 77, With counter, Light weight and Lei, Kage. Besides good damage, you have a chance to attack opp out of TR. Also, good distance to carry. Useful by the wall so that you can do u+P afterward.

    f+PP – f+P+K – d/f+K, 97, light weight with counter.

    P – b+P – f+PPd+K (or b+P – P – f+PPd+K), 95 or 97, light weight with counter.

    1,b)open stance
    b+P+KP – d/f+K+G, 68-83, up to Akira, all with counter. You can also use ff+K instead of d/f+K+G which does not depend on the stance. (It may take a little more sometimes.)

    b+P+KP – d/b+P+KKK – d/f+K, 72-87, same condition as above. It takes a little more than the one above, but I prefer the previous combo better since opp are forced to take TR. In this combo, you finish it with d/f+K and you can not attack the opp out of TR. Just personal preference.

    b+P+K – PPf+K, 69-84. Light weight. Up to Lau ( - Jacky with standing counter.) In closed stance as well with similar condition.

    KPd+K, 72 – 93. Light weight, up to Kage with counter (up to Akira with standing counter.)

    KPK, 93. light weight with counter. In closed stance as well.

    When you use d/f+K, you have to delay it a bit so that there will be no damage adjustment. Some combos may take less than others, but they have their virtues as well such as letting you attack the opp out of TR, etc. Note: in parallel stance, you can do f+PP and see if it is a counter-hit or not. In open stance, KP and see if it is a counter hit or not against light weight. And against mid weight, b+P+KP and see what you can do from there. Against heavies, do b+P+KPf+K.


    Everyone know the one with d+P. (i.e. d+P – b,f+K+G in closed, and d+P – df+KK in open up to Akira or Jacky depending on the stance.) The combo here start with P(holding f.) P will hit the opp after b+K+G if it hits him from far distance. (Against Lion, heavies, it does not matter.)

    2.a) parallel

    P – d+K+GK, 68-83. Aoi, Vanessa. Sarah as well if she fails to do just –timing TR.
    P – f+P+K – d/f+K, 65-80. Up to mid-weight. (Akira in open only.) In open stance, there is a better combo, so use this in closed stance or when you can not tell the stance.

    P – b+P+KPu+P (or f+K against Aoi and Pai), 61-78. Up to Akira. It lets you attack opp out of TR and also can be useful near the wall.

    P – b+P+Kd+K, 59-74. Use this against heavies. It takes more than mere u+P and it lets you attack opp out of TR.


    P – KK, 68-83. All. Against Lion, this can be used in closed stance as well. (Against heavies from a far distance only.)

    PPK, 52-67. Against heavies in open stance in a close distance. It takes less than u+P but it will force the opp to take TR. (if not, you can do df+K.)
  6. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Thanks Hiro.
  7. Hamme

    Hamme Well-Known Member

    Hiro, you are the best!

    I just hope I can incorporated these combo into my game. Also, thanks for giving me the good old NYG3 beatdown session. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif I'll try to talk to you more next time we meet. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  8. Slayer

    Slayer Well-Known Member

    Great stuff ! Thanks Hiro.

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