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Got that PS4 yet?

Discussion in 'General' started by masterpo, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    According to the news on the net millions of PS4s have been sold. I know lots and lots of playstation fanboys, but only 2 of them actually have the PS4. Many claim to be planning to buy it but haven't done so.

    I got another new PS3 for the holidays(seriously). I could have gotten a PS4 but I preferred PS3.

    For those of you that have made the PS4 plunge, what's all the hype about?

    I've asked the two ppl that I actually know who have the PS4 what the big deal is, but they can't seem to put it into words.

    Everytime I'm in a BestBuy , or Walmart, or Gamestop The PS4 is running a game commercial, I never get to see what the actual game play looks/feels like :confused:

    Can some of you that have the PS4 give those of us who are on the fence about buying it the real legitimate reasons why its a must have?

    Are all the games on it 1080p or better?
    Are there just simply better games available for the PS4 than the PS3?
    Does it have something better than HD sound?

    Or do I have to go out and buy it because Sony says its time to move on :eek:

    Why couldn't Sony have just added more memory and bigger hard drives to the PS3 wouldn't that have been good enough?

    Now that ppl actually have the PS4 what's the big FN deal?
  2. IcKY99

    IcKY99 Well-Known Member

    The ps3 is likely gonna be supported for another 4 years so, there is no rush to buy one, hell at the moment theres only 2 on disc exclusive games (killzone and knack) neither are must haves imo.
  3. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    I think many of us is holding off until there is a console-selling game,
    one that makes a person feel like, heck i want this.

    That is how it is for me at the very least.

    It has to be personally intriguing, and also not available on another platform (like say for PC)

    But what the big thing is, well, i liked close to everything i heard about the plans for PS4 on the press conferences, so i deem it to be a good console platform - as if i need a console for some games, that would be it.
    After all i got a PS3 for VF, for instance (though there are more grand titles for it, not on PC), i need the same to happen here first.
    IcKY99 likes this.
  4. Shinobi

    Shinobi Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    PS4 is two months old, it can't have better games than PS3. That would be very weird. And PS4 doesn't have a VF, yet. But, good games are coming, that's for sure. Alien Isolation, Witcher 3, Uncharted, Kingdom Hearts III, Final Fantasy XV, MGSV (even though is cross-gen).

    Anyway, the first wave of PS4s were sold out in Greece, so I have to wait until the second wave comes, in order to jump to the next-gen train (or is it current gen? :p). Witcher 3 is coming out this March and I need to be prepared. But I'm not going to abandon PS3. It has VF ;)

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    The ps4 is good but there is nothing really to play on it more then once in my opinion. Maybe killzone 4 but thats it. Yea killzone 4 is a good shooter and if you want to see the power of the ps4 at launch then check that game out because it is a beautiful shooter and in my opinion the best killzone game yet. But aside from that the system is new and like with all new systems it takes a few years for them to settle down and more stuff will start coming out. There are a couple of free games to play even online free like warframe which is also on the pc for free. So if your not into those games then I suggest you wait a bit and get the ps4 later same for xbox 1, but its your choice because they are good systems. Even now I am more on my ps3 then ps4. So you decide.
  6. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    I have the PS4 and it's great but right now there isn't much to play. Killzone looks amazing graphically and if you like shooters then it could be for you. I mainly play Warframe at the moment but my PS3 is still hooked up for VF of course and other games that I still play on there.

    I would say give the PS4 some time to mature before jumping in unless you need to own the latest kit or there is something specific you want to play.
  7. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    I'd want something like a middle-old Final fantasy game (FF 7 to 10 and 12),
    something like the disgaea-series, some gran turismo, a little bit of big planet,
    Jak and daxter, ratchet and clank, and of course, friggin VF!
  8. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I understand the PS4 is a good system, but I'm trying to find out why it is better than the PS3

    Why are the graphics better?
    Why is the sound better?
    Are the games all 1080p or higher?
    What are the advantages in single player or VS?
    If I'm not interested in online gameplay (except VF) what will PS4 get me?
    Is Framerate better than 60 per second?

    Couldn't Sony have just added more memory and bigger hard drives to the PS3 and accomplished the same performance as PS4?
  9. IcKY99

    IcKY99 Well-Known Member

    Um no...that's not how it works

    They can't just add more ram to the ps3. it's not smart at all to try and add power to the Ps3 7 years after it was released, it would cost too much to make and it would still not be powerful as ps4 or even a low end pc
  10. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Maybe not a smart move, but the PS3 is still more powerful than most low-end PCs, (if we're just comparing core processor power


    Remember the Cell has a multicore Power PC processor and 7-8 SPE processors that's kind-a equivalent to a 10-core PC. most low-end pc's these days have between 2-4 cores, high end
    start at 8 cores. Whereas it might be true to equivocate Xbox 360 less than a low end PC,
    The cell processor at 256 GFLOPS (Single precesion at 4GHZ) still out paces most low end
    PCs that tend to have 2 to 4 cores happening at < 3GHZ each.

    Now if you mean Sony wanted to leave the Cell architecture and move to something more generic, that would be understandable, because many of the developers never really learned how to get the most out of CELL processor, some figured it out, but most never really tapped the power of the CELL.

    Speaking of low end PCs, I just recently purchased a HP notebook from BestBuy its an 8-core 3GHZ machine. It was on sale for $399. From what I read the PS4 only has 8 cores that have a base speed starting at 1.6 Ghz maxing out at 2.75Ghz. So if we're talking low-end PCs o_O

    Of course GPU performance is another story, but I'm just sayin...
  11. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    It is also because making things run on multiple cores are hard as fudge,
    you cannot just put this and that task to them - there has to be syncing and other shenanigans too from what i have heard.

    For instance, there are some games using two cores today, even fewer still using four.
    And this is on x86 arch. But things progress, who knows what the other day brings.

    There is a reason the newer systems have less cores, and are x86 spec, i believe. :)
    masterpo likes this.
  12. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I don't have ps4 and I'm not getting it (or xbone), unless a good enough game appears on ps4 that doesn't appear on PC. Looks unlikely.
    masterpo likes this.
  13. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    Programming for multiple cores requires parallel programming, distributed programming, at the very least multi-threaded programming. In general this kind of programming is non trivial. And if the game producer took the time and effort to give the game software the kind of architecture that would take advantage of the Cell's 7 or 8 cores, that same game would have to be totally re-designed to work on the Xbox 360. Many (not necessarily all) developers try to come up with a software architecture that works on multiple platforms with the least amount of modification. So they might develop the whole game to use one or two cores and play it safe.

    Sony probably realized( too late) that multi-core programming can be notoriously difficult and that developers could not or would not take full advantage of the CELL's proprietary architecture, and perhaps thats why the PS4 has a more generic core set. With a more generic core set, software tools can do some of parallelzation for the developers, allowing them to escape the nitty gritty of synchronization, mutexes, communication, etc.

    But that goes to my main point. Sure the PS4 will be easier to work with for developers (which in the long run will allow them to produce better games) But to really get the power out of the PS4 so that the games are truly better than the games on the PS3, the game developers still have to find ways to effectively use all 8 cores, and that's a long way off.

    I've got a suspicious feeling that the PS4 was more about whats good for the developers, whats good for advertisers/marketers, whats good for software publishers, and what's good for Sony than it being a big advancement for gamers. I think gamers were the last consideration when the PS4 was on the drawing board.
    Ellis likes this.
  14. Optimus_Cack

    Optimus_Cack Well-Known Member

    considering that metal gear solid 5 will be on both, i have almost no desire to give sony money barring any unforeseen exclusives. the witcher 3 is being released for xbone iirc, so yeah...

    if it's anything like the third one, it has some of the worst map multiplayer design in a shooter ever. the only way to have any control over what games you can join, which team you're on, and who you play with is to join a clan. for those of you who don't know, clans in killzone are basically a setup for a bunch of bros to hijack a room, stack the teams, and cheese the living piss out of you. also ever single map is designed with spawn camping in mind and capturing certain points swings the game drastically.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    Did not try the online mode and not really interested in it but the main single player campaign is good.
  16. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    I'm going to get a PlayStation 4 eventually, but not now. It will probably be in a couple of years. Make sure that you install an SSD onto it as it won't void its warranty. Crucial's M500 drives look as though they're the best for now. Intel makes good drives too from what I've read. Hopefully, by the time I get a PlayStation 4 the cost of SSDs will go down for the high capacity ones.
  17. grap3fruitman

    grap3fruitman Active Member

    Is this your first time coming into a new console generation?
  18. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    Here in JP, I gotta wait until next month until I can even think about it (and say screw it, I'm staying with my trusty PS3, thanks).

    How did it end up being released in the States ahead of Japan anyway?
    masterpo likes this.
  19. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    A rhetorical answer for your rhetorical question

    I went from:

    PS1 to PS2 the game play benefits were significant & obvious
    PS2 to PS3 the game play benefits were significant & obvious
    PS3 to PS4 ? I still can't get a straight answer LOL :ninja:

    I'm starting to think , that gaming is not the 'real' primary function of the PS4, and that it is more about online TV services and digital content hucksterism , and that the gaming pretense simply provides a gateway for those who would grab the money and aggrandize the information gatheringo_O
  20. grap3fruitman

    grap3fruitman Active Member

    It's not that you can't get a straight answer, it's that you're remembering things wrong.

    What PS2 launch titles had significant gameplay benefits? Fantasia? Tekken Tag? It didn't play like Tekkens 1, 2 and 3?

    What about PS3? I'm pretty sure Ridge Racer 7 played just like 1-6.

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