Guaranteed Side Crumple on Side-Roll Recovery

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Apr 7, 2013.

By Myke on Apr 7, 2013 at 11:05 PM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Dora neko akira has produced a follow-up video to Virtua Wrecker 5 Final Showdown which showcases attacks against Oten-Ukemi (Side-Roll Recovery) that can lead into very damaging combos! In this new video, we see attacks that generate a Side Crumple on Normal Hit thrown into the mix. Check it out!



Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Apr 7, 2013.

    1. Tricky
      To clarify. . . does this mean that a 3K which crumples on side turn CH will lead to a crumple when used in these situations? Or does the side-roll recovery attack have to be a move that would crumple during ANY normal hit from side turn?

      Also to clarify. . . side-turn recovery means what exactly using our normal english terms. Does it mean a tech roll from a knockdown that leaves your opponent perpendicular to you when they hit the ground? What exactly does side-turn recovery mean in terms of the glossary we english speaking players use? I'm unclear if they're referring to their state on the ground, or just their state after they've gotten up from the ground.

      I want to understand this tech, but I need to know what state they're talking about in order to re-create it.
      cobratron likes this.
    2. Myke
      The latter. Did you see any 3K being used against side-roll recovery in the video? :)

      So this video is specifically using moves that cause a Side Crumple on Normal Hit, such as Lau's double palm, Shun's charging elbow, Pai's bodycheck, Lei's bodycheck, etc.

      Not every character has these moves, which explains why not entire cast isn't shown in the video.

      Not sure if that was a typo on your part, but it's "Side-Roll Recovery" and not "Side-Turn Recovery". The official term Side-Roll Recovery (see: is also known as a Tech Roll.

      Also keep in mind that in this video, it's showing a complete "set play" where the opponent eats everything due to bad choices. Similar to the previous video (Virtua Wrecker) which showed how a correctly timed 3K against a Side-Roll Recovery guarantees a standing punch (leading into huge combo, etc), this is showing how instead of the 3K, some characters can use their unique moves to get a Side Crumple.
      Chanchai and Koenraku like this.
    3. Tricky
      I see so it's a tech roll. I never hear anyone refer to it as SRR (too damn long). Also lame that not all the characters can use this tech. Salty tears are shed.
    4. Myke
      Well, "Side-Roll Recovery" is the official term that was used in game, so that's why it's used.

      Complaining that not everyone has a move that causes Side Crumple on NH is a non-issue. Not everyone has reversals, not everyone has a mid full circular, not everyone has a safe launcher, not everyone has ... etc.

      But everyone CAN do massive damage against a tech roller, provided they guess incorrectly, as was shown in the earlier "Virtua Wrecker" video. This is just an alternative, for some characters, to that video.
      Koenraku, Tricky and 00000000 like this.
    5. SUGATA
      What is the comparison between punishing of Side-Roll Recovery in VF4 - VF5 - VF5FS:
      VF4 & VF5:
      - in-place Ukemi: No crouch phase > Throw him
      - side-roll Ukemi: have crouch phase with vulnerable window > Mid strike him (for ex, K) to provoke back Stagger.

      - in-place Ukemi: No crouch phase > Throw him
      - side-roll Ukemi: i thought have NOT vulnerable window in crouch phase > no punish
      RESUME: in-place Ukemi - is must to be not used move, NO balance!

      Now, we see this news about side-crumple, but "not everyone has a move that causes Side Crumple on NH is a non-issue"... i dont think so, it (balance) was, now - not.
      Koenraku likes this.
    6. Krye
      Just so it's clear: you can guard the crumple moves. The only 'guaranteed' thing here is that they can not be evaded or reversed, they will either hit or be guarded.

      A second thing to note is (if my memory serves me right) that moves that sidecrumple on NH will deal 25+ damage. The second thing that occurs here is that if they're sideguarded, instead of gaining 2 or 3 frames on block, these moves' disadvantage on guard gets reduced by 6 (!) frames. So a lot of unsafe moves become safe and some moves give frame advantage instead of disadvantage. For example, Lau kokei p+k (Lau's doublepalm), which is normally -3 on guard, becomes +3 on sideguard.

      Very cool video, thanks for posting, Myke :)
      Cozby and Myke like this.
    7. Tricky
      well said. I just happen to really like this particular tool a lot and wish my character of choice had it.
    8. feii
      nice vid but so sad aoi dont have! :cry:
    9. Zekiel
      Neko akira is mad late, ik about this already but still good though. Tricky remember i was telling you about Jacky's oten ukemi? About SS ~K? Thats what i was talking about with jacky where i can deal over 100 dmg with a side crumple, but u ddnt seem to understand back then lol. But it seems its limited to certain characters. Jacky's may be easiest to use because of SS. Everyone else is harder. :/ IDK, i could be wrong because Neko keeps using it after combos ONLY. Just use a half or full circular then use the mid on a exact tech roll. lt hits + i rather use my combos 4 max dmg then tech roll set ups. Too bad eileen doesnt have a side crumple move on NH huh? lame
      Tricky likes this.
    10. Zekiel
      Who cares? Just guard the attack.
    11. Dipstick
      The one thing I can't figure out is how is he getting some of those side turn crumples either off of a failed evade or without any movement. I thought you were considered to be facing forward during a side tech roll unless the opponent OMed... but I guess not.

      The other thing is that a couple of these setups do not look very practical, as the combos are being cut short, whereas you could take more damage while still getting a meaty -- and if you're at the wall, that meaty hit can lead to tons of damage itself (the previous video was an example of this, with the side-turned 3K hits into guaranteed 2Ps, which then lead into a side-turn wall stun and a ton of damage).
    12. Cozby
      That's one way to look at it, but you also sacrifice really good oki opportunities. The idea is to mix it up so the opponent doesn't know what you're going to go for.

      Sure - in a perfect universe where everyone is the perfect player, people will know all of the combos/setups people are can do, and which ones the opponent will go for. I can certainly say I'm nowhere near close to having that knowledge.
      SDS_Overfiend1 likes this.
    13. Zekiel
      True but with jacky it doesnt matter lol. During certain combos i can use his 4pk as a ender making him backturned. Which gives me option from his back moves or SS. I can use mid attack during a exact tech roll too.
    14. Ytpme_Secaps
      Its said this works for moves that side crumple on NH. What is the difference (any examples?) of a move that causes crumple on NH and a move that causes "side" crumple on NH? Do certain moves when hitting the side turned oppnent crumple them, but if they were faced forward it would not crumple? I am used to the 3k side turned CH crumple but any examples would help. thnx
    15. SDS_Overfiend1
      Thank you Cozby.... Good players love having options.. i don't think he grasp that idea fully.

      Lame? She has plenty other stuff other characters don't have Thats the point in character diversity. Secondly Just cause you know this don't mean there aren't others looking to improve. Its nice to know but it is not a game breaker.
      Tricky likes this.
    16. cobratron
      Sadly this doesn't apply to our favorite ninja as well as some other characters.
    17. Myke
      There's no such thing as a move that causes a "side" crumple from a frontal hit (NH, CH or otherwise).

      Yes, this is precisely the property being used in the video above, and not all characters have these types of attacks.

      There are plenty of examples provided in the video. Those same attacks that result in a side crumple would otherwise knockdown the opponent if connected as a frontal hit.
    18. EvenPit
      Eileen's 3k can crumple on NH after a 3k wall stagger, just saying.
      Tricky likes this.
    19. SDS_Overfiend1
      All moves go into CH crumple versions on wall stagger... Come on Son.. Thats universal knowledge.
      pana, ShinobiFist, EvenPit and 3 others like this.

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